ZIDOO 8K Media player coming soon.

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by mirror, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    Just created a case with PayPal, it's so frustrating that I can't just plug in a usb drive, that I have to slowly insert it, if too far in it won't detect and too far out it won't either, so I have to find the middle spot where it connects :mad: hopefully I can get a replacement..
  2. davvvvvvv

    davvvvvvv New Member

    Why didn’t you just raise an RMA with the retailer?
    FrostByte likes this.
  3. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    it was easy to do on PayPal. But how can I? Just send them an email?
  4. davvvvvvv

    davvvvvvv New Member

    Common courtesy mate - it’s manners
    altcoinfanatic and Oldpainless like this.
  5. FrostByte

    FrostByte Member

    If you bought from Futeko there is a link at the bottom of their web page for warranty and returns.
    KristianR likes this.
  6. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    I did and I didn't see that, thanks.
    FrostByte likes this.
  7. Choufleuri

    Choufleuri Member

    Yes Awesome and practipal way to change Audio ports.

    Concerning TIDAL I'm not an old user, but it's so easy to connect TIDAL from your phone to the Zidoo via TIDAL CONNECT, it's really easy.
    At the beginnig you have to link the Zidoo by a code, once done all is intuitive.

    The sound is very good.
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Is it the same for USB 3.0 on the left and USB 2.0 on the right?
  9. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    All of the USB 3.0 ports and the usb 2.0 closest to the front. The usb 2.0 port at the back is fine

    You can see how far out it has te be to connect

    Attached Files:

  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That's interesting.

    The USB ports on the side are recessed but the one at the back isn't.

    For USB 3.0 to work in USB 3.0 the plug must be pushed in all the way because there are an additional 5 contacts on a USB plug that are at the back of the plug (front of the socket).

    So pushing the plug in half way would only ever get you USB 2.0 because the 5 contacts at the back don't connect.

    I'm wondering if your USB cable just can't make that contact properly because of its shroud.
  11. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    I did try 3 different cables and 3 different devices :(
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Are all the cables the same design?

    Have you tried a USB stick plugged straight in?
  13. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    Now I tried with a different USB flash drive, on the 3.0 port on the back and plgguing it in all way does not work.. It has to be half way in.

    2 pictures show when it's plugged in fully and not fully plugged in.

    Attached Files:

  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    So if that happens with all USB 3.0 ports with USB 3.0 devices ONLY, that suggests a faulty USB 3.0 controller.

    Do you have a USB 2.0 (or lower) flash drive to try?

    It makes no sense at all that this happens on a USB 2.0 port, but I'm ignoring that for the moment.
    geebolt and KristianR like this.
  15. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    Ahh yes good idea! I
    You were right! Faulty USB 3.0 controller.

    I have now tried with 4 old USB 2.0 flash drives and there are detected and connected instantly! Now I will need to have a replacement.
    geebolt likes this.
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Email Futeko - they're incredibly helpful.

    (and delete your Paypal case - that will slow things down considerably if you don't)
    Oldpainless and KristianR like this.
  17. erizock

    erizock New Member

    Yes. The audio drops out every 15-20 seconds or so on the BDMV or ISO version, but not on the MKV versions. Weird, right?
  18. KristianR

    KristianR Member

    I will! Thank you for helping me solve this mystery :) seems like no one else but me has a faulty USB 3.0 controller, yet.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  19. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Does that happen right from the start and throughout? I'm playing it now - started from main bluray menu - BDMV. Played whole of the first track - Psycho Killer - no drop outs.
  20. Draconix

    Draconix Member

    I have two 5TB USB 3.0 portable drives connected to my Z9X 8K and I send new movies to them from my computer (via Gigabit Ethernet cable) using the Samba server. When I first got the Zidoo, the transfer speed was around 90-100 MB/s which is what I was getting on my Nvidia Shield. However the next few days my transfer speeds have been capped at around 30 MB/s, yet I didn't change anything. Does anyone know what's going on?

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