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My Zidoo Z1000 PRO.... on Long Term

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by OlivierQC, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello Jake,

    Thank you for your kindness :)
  2. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member


    3 solutions to have access to your Zidoo from your PC with the option ''SAMBA SERVER'' of your Zidoo device

    First part

    Here is my way to have the ZD_SAMBA available on my Network page.

    It's not recommended because of the lack of security as we use SMB1, but on my private network I don't think it's a problem, plus the performance would be better using SMB2...

    But so far all my video files and my test files like jellyfish are running without any problem.

    Open ''Windows features''

    Go to ''SMB1.0/CIFS files sharing support'' and activate this function

    Reboot the computer

    Go to the ''Network'' page and do a refresh if needed

    ZD_SAMBA will appear and you will have access to your Zidoo and your storage units connected to it

    Obviously do not forget to activate the ''SAMBA SERVER'' in the options of Zidoo


    That's it & that's all

    2nd part

    Here is another way to do it, it is proposed by Zidoo and by other members of the forum including McBluna who made a tutorial on his blog if I am not mistaken.



    Here is my way to do this second solution.

    But I have to admit that I don't know this solution very well and there may be a better way to do it.

    Enter the IP address of your Zidoo device in the Network page of Win10 like this...



    Press ''Enter'' and the share folder appears.



    Then you can make a ''Map network drive'' as you want



    3rd part

    Alternative solution

    Go to "File Explorer" and right click on "This PC"

    Click on ''Map network drive''


    Enter the line : \ZD_SAMBA\Share\

    Click on "Browse"

    Select "ZD_SAMBA\SHARE


    Click on "Enter".


    The Zidoo is available


    That's it & That's all

    See you soon

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  3. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Why choose a Zidoo RTD1619DR?


    Zidoo's previous generation of devices have proven their quality and the new generation is no exception, retaining all the qualities of their predecessors while adding new features.

    Currently, the Zidoo system is one of the best choices, there is no major issues and the main characteristic of Zidoo products is to focus on local video playback, and they do it very well.

    Zidoo is looking to the future to provide you with a multimedia system that will allow you to enjoy the new video formats available, but Zidoo is not forgetting those with older TVs (depending on your TV's capabilities) that do not support the new formats.

    Whether it's for advanced users who own a previous generation Zidoo box or for people who are new to the Zidoo ecosystem, this is currently one of the best choices.


    Choosing this generation of Zidoo multimedia box, it is also to perpetuate your purchase when you will replace your old TV by a new model... Why ?

    The excellent ''VS10 engine'' allows older generation TVs that are not compatible with all the new formats (Dolby Vision for example) to improve the image depending on the capabilities of your TV to give you a show that will make you realize that your old TV still has potential.

    You already have a recent TV or you plan to change it in the next months... The support of the latest video formats like Dolby Vision will allow you to enjoy your new TV in the best possible condition.


    Movie poster management system


    Let's not forget their ''Movie poster management system'' that Zidoo improves with each new FW, Posterwall has customization options that will allow you to have your own exclusive HT4.0.

    You can consult this thread dedicated to Posterwall which will give you an overview of its different features


    Some features are not working properly...there are some irritants...you think, They have to be kidding...


    The teams in charge are working hard and it's sure that it will not be done by snapping fingers, but the motivation of the zidoo team mobilized is able to respond and a word of encouragement from time to time lets them know that we support them, that's my point of view.

    But I also understand that some people think that when you buy a device you should be able to enjoy it without having to do what I say above, but is there a perfect Android OS/TV multimedia device? ....well honestly I don't think so but some companies are doing better than others and Zidoo is one of them.

    This forum is like a community...a group that takes pleasure in participating and it's also very active, there are exchanges every day and dedicated people like Markswift2003 among others who answer a multitude of questions...(poor Mark I wonder how he manages to do all that) but he's not the only one, there are plenty of other members who do the same thing.


    If you decide to buy a Zidoo device and join us on this forum, there is a very good chance that you will not regret it.

    xskip likes this.
  4. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    I am still waiting for that Zidoo Neo X. ;)
  5. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Yes me too, it would be in the second half of the year...
  6. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member


    Do you know the proper procedure to remove an external hard drive from your Zidoo ?

    Maybe there is another way to do it, but here is mine


    See you soon
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  7. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Hi @OlivierQC , really good work! (as always). I had difficulty with the above recently with my Z1000 Pro. The left key simply did not work (at first). After a lot of messing around, I found that by going into Apps and then re-opening (opening again) the Media Centre, allowed me to use the left button (but not in the way described) to bring up the "Unmount" dialogue box. It is necessary though to keep the left button pressed in order to bring up the dialogue box - a single press will just bring up the left hand column menu. Hope this helps anyone.
  8. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello Rozel,

    You're right, I forgot this detail, I modified my GIF.

    Thank you
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  9. detroit1

    detroit1 New Member

    I just got the UHD3000 a couple days ago but wanted to ask the Z1000 owners if they also have Audio problems on mkv files that have LPCM 5.1, DTSHD Master, etc

    I also played a folder of files that are mp4, mkv that have aac type audio and it plays some with audio, then suddenly no audio as it causes the HDMI handshake to screw up

    when I played 4K 60 mkv files with LPCM 5.1 , it stutters and the sound cuts in and out, unplayable

    I would like to know if the other Zidoo players are doing this
  10. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    As mentioned via PM my conclusion this is due to the following;
    - Looked at the specs of "Anthem MRX 300" AMP but it says it is a HDMI 1.4a receiver not HDMI 2.0a as you need for some HD Audio formats and 4KP60 video.
    - Test files received by me from you played MCH sound without any problems or restrictions on my setup.

    For sure it is not a generic Zidoo problem.
    The video color setting mode heavily influences bandwidth utilization. Maybe that is different?
  11. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone and welcome to new users of Zidoo devices.

    Don't forget that Zidoo devices support BDmenu (under certain conditions) and we can hope for an improvement of their support with the future FW...


    See you soon
    Last edited: May 18, 2021
  12. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello to everyone and especially to those who come to visit us to learn more about Zidoo devices.

    You are interested in buying a Zidoo multimedia device but you want to know more before making a decision.


    First thing to know that I think is important :

    They are listening to the feedback of the users through this forum and also through social networks.

    They are efficient and try to solve the different problems in the best way possible and as fast as possible

    Zidoo has a roadmap to fix different problems already known and strictly follow it which is good.



    If you've read my Z9X and Z1000 PRO threads, you'll see that I have an excellent opinion about Zidoo devices and that an excellent device for what it is designed.

    The format of the video files I use and the way I use the Zidoo boxes means I enjoy my video library in excellent conditions.

    My opinion is based on the way I use it, so if you have the same habits as I do you should not have any major problems.

    But you already know if you read my thread...



    However, it will not protect you from having irritants like any other multimedia box that is currently on sale depending on the video files you use and your audio/video equipment and you may be disappointed to have purchased a Zidoo device.

    I'm giving you an opinion of a simple user because that's what I am, a person who has the same type of video file as the majority of people who have this kind of device, who don't necessarily know about movie encoding and who expect to be able to enjoy it in the easiest way possible.

    Obviously, this is my personal experience and it might differ from other people, due to a multiplicity of variables coming into play.


    The first thing I noticed with this FW 6.3.2 compared to the previous FW 6.2.5 is about the stability which seems to me perfectible with this new FW.

    My box shuts down by itself while I'm navigating in HT4.0 or there is flickering when I stop playing a movie and come out to the home screen...my TV usually just quietly switch modes.... These problems have become common with the current 6.3.2 in my case.


    I have the misfortune to have some video files in MP4 DV (dvhe.05.06) format and unfortunately it doesn't work properly with the Zidoo, there are audio/video sync problems, image freeze, both at the same time sometimes but it only happens if you use the pause, fast forward and rewind buttons...

    The problem is that we have a lot of files of this type on the web and many people use it because it seems to work on other multimedia boxes if I don't make a mistake, so if you have this kind of file refrain from using the pause, fast forward and rewind buttons while playing your movie.


    If you are interested in the BDmenu support feature, know that Zidoo is improving it very slowly and that it is far from perfect, we know that many people do not use this feature but if Zidoo offers it as much as it is 100% functional but it doesn't seem to be at the top of the to-do list for Zidoo.

    So don't be disappointed if you can't take advantage of this feature with some of your ISOs currently.

    One last point about BDmenu, BDmenu support with DV movies is not working at the moment.



    Apart from all this, I am satisfied with my Zidoo box.

    In general, Zidoo devices do the job for which they are designed, it is not for nothing that they have been so successful for the last 4 years.

    It is far from perfect but the truth is that it is one of the best device in its category



    But this is not the case for everyone on this forum, so I invite you to take a look at the different threads of the forum to get your opinion on Zidoo devices.

    For those who are interested in the UHD3000 for the Audiophile part I invite you to read the Nice Monkey reviews available on this forum.

    For those who are wondering if the Zidoo have enough options in the ‘’Settings’’ tab to find the one that suits you, you have MarkSwift2003's Thread which explains everything in detail.


    Hoping this will help you make the right choice

    See you soon

    Last edited: May 12, 2021
    rozel likes this.
  13. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello to everyone and especially to those who come to visit us to learn more about Zidoo devices.


    I usually use the Hub MAX to listen to music on Spotify, but today I used my Z1000 PRO with my iphon and also the Apple Watch.



    No problems to report, but I did not use it for several hours but everything seems to work fine.


    A previous test using the application directly on the Z1000 PRO.


    Zidoo informed me that ideally Spotify should be used on their device via a cell phone or tablet and not directly from the box.


    See you soon
    Last edited: May 15, 2021
  14. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member


    Don't forget that the ZD Link is activated by default


    See you soon
  15. Trond H. Bergli

    Trond H. Bergli New Member

    What program du you use to rip 4K Dolby Vision films? First I tried dvdfab but it didn't work very well (MP4 with no subtitles and no HD sound). I have now tried makeMKV and I get DV but have some issues with one film suddenly stops sometimes and I get a green screen for one second on the other film.
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I use MakeMKV and so far it's been flawless - might be worth a question on the MakeMKV forums:

  17. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Bonjour a tous,

    Pour les personnes et particulierement les Francophones désireuse de passer commande d'un Zidoo et d'avoir un service apres vente de qualité en Francais, voici les coordonnées du conseiller Zidoo chez Futureland.fr


    Contact : thomas@futureland.fr

    Thomas sera en mesure de répondre a vos differentes questions concernant les appareils Zidoo.

    J'ai échangé quelques messages avec lui pour le projet ''Facebook LIVE'' de futureland.fr et il est tres sympa, n'hésiter pas a lui écrire.

    A bientot

    J'ajouterai que j'ai lu de bon commentaires de la part de clients sur le forum Homecinema-fr concernant leur achat chez futureland.fr, c'est aussi pourquoi je parle de futureland.fr comme point de vente Zidoo.


    Morning everyone,

    For people who want to order a Zidoo and have a quality after sales service in French, here is the contact information of the Zidoo advisor at Futureland.fr


    Contact : thomas@futureland.fr

    Thomas will be able to answer your different questions about Zidoo devices.

    I exchanged a few messages with him for the ''Facebook LIVE'' project of futureland.fr and he is very nice, do not hesitate to write to him.

    See you soon

    I will add that I have read good comments from customers on the forum Homecinema-fr about their purchase at futureland.fr, that's also why I talk about futureland.fr as a point of sale Zidoo.

    A bientot
  18. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Last edited: May 26, 2021
  19. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member



    Change your speech, it's always the same trying to pass for the victim

    I agree with you, that's not the problem

    We hope that you will see them and take it as a wake up call

    PS : your message also indicates that you don't seem to take into account our feedback and it's worrying for the future


    There is nothing mean in our messages, you are the first to want user feedback but when it doesn't suit you you try to look like victims.

    Personally I have always supported Zidoo (and I don't think anyone will say otherwise) and with my use I don't have any major problems even if I find the last 2 FWs to be messed up.

    You voluntarily ignore feedback on problems that have existed for a long time and only talk about your new features as if you were trying to put meat around a bone because you have nothing else to offer.

    Irritants are grouped in the excellent Nice Monkey thread and some that are major for many users don't seem to be in your "to do" list or you are too proud to say that it's beyond your competence...in this case be honest with your users and we will move on.

    I've said it many times before and I remember Nice Monkey making the point several months ago in one of his posts with this generation or the previous one, could you please take a step back and go back to the basics of what made you successful....

    Of course the audiophile side is trendy nowadays but what made your success at one time is the video part and you are abandoning it (except for the DV).

    It took you a long time to get known and partly thanks to different people who talked about your devices but you are not safe from deterioration and loss of confidence among users and especially on eventual buyers and I think it would be sad.

    This is my opinion and I'm sorry if my English is approximate.

    From a Zidoofan

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
    rozel likes this.
  20. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Very well said @OlivierQC, I can not agree more!

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