ZIDOO 8K Media player coming soon.

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by mirror, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That'd be great - you're much better at that than I am ;)
    enry184 and Sledgehamma like this.

    HSTECH New Member

    I have the Oppo UDP-203.
    I am interested in the Ziddo media players.
    Z9xPro UHD5000
    Z9xPro 8K
    UHD8000 8K
    Are all Ziddo media players in picture and sound quality even better than Oppo UDP203 Bluray player and other Bluray players in comparison.
    I value the highest possible playback quality for picture quality and sound quality.
    I don't have a media player yet, is it best to get the latest model?
    Are the new Ziddo media players 2024 models even better than their predecessors?
    I value all Ziddo media players, including gapless playback of all music formats.
    That there is also an infrared remote control.
    Overall very fast and stable.
    Do all Ziddo media player models have 100% equal picture quality, sound quality and are all functionally the same.
    Are the Z9XPro models 100% as high quality as the more expensive Ziddo UHD5000 UHD8000 models?
    I have already connected the Oppo Bluray Player UDP-203 with HDMI, I will also connect the Ziddo media player with HDMI, which is the best way to get the best quality when connected with HDMI.
    Hopefully all Ziddo media players as well as the new Ziddo 2024 8k media player models will have even better picture and sound quality than any Bluray player and Oppo UDP-203?
  3. steveoat87

    steveoat87 Member

    I too am very interested in this. One of the problems with the tidal app for the current players (android tv) is that it has none of the functionality of the music app regarding playlists and queues. Hoping this is solved in the current players.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sorry, don't have Tidal.

    Sorry, I only use network storage.
  5. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    It might make sense to create an extra thread for AI, such questions will always come up.
    NOP1050, Metaman and vddan like this.
  6. woodymogs

    woodymogs Member

    Thanks to @Markswift2003 @Sledgehamma and others that have commented about the AI sharpening. It looks like the ability to turn it off does mean it's off; Mark said even if there still is something going on, it's not noticeable in real world content and Sledge said it's pixel perfect when off :) Greatly appreciate the input and testing/photos.

    All I have to do now is decide whether to order a Z9X or the 3000...
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  7. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

  8. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    The 8K players are not out yet (only in the hands of a few end user testers) so no one can comment. Even then you will have to rely on someone that has an Oppo UDP203 to respond!

    All I can say is that the Zidoo make excellent media players - but they are not without issues - same as all media players. Keep you eyes on this forum as the 8K versions will be in the wild by the end of July and you should see some reviews
    Oldpainless likes this.
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    xskip, blenky and altcoinfanatic like this.
  10. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Is this because of the new SoC? Does it play nicely on a Dune 8k box?
  11. theory

    theory Active Member

    What kind of garbage quality content are people watching where they expect there to be noticeable differences between an OPPO and Zidoo? You don't want them to be doing a bunch of video processing, what about creator's intent? Upscaling okay, but most of us probably have higher-end televisions that do this better.

    If you're playing a UHD rip or disc on an OPPO and compare that to the same rip/iso on one of these new Zidoo players, the picture is going to be 99.7% the same. Maybe there is some dynamic tone mapping on or whatever, but they are basically going to be a match.

    When we are comparing streaming devices today the biggest differences between devices is going to be the software, it's capabilities, and it's interface. I do not expect noticeable video improvements.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, new SOC, new SDK, new player - all completely different to Realtek.

    The Dune plays it fine too as I'd expect.
    blenky likes this.
  13. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    Mark, the specs state the UHD8000 does in fact support Bluray 3D, MVC, Is it the lone wolf, and if so what was the reasoning for doing so. Don't they have the same SOC down the line in the new line up?
  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Tricky when the SOC doesn't support it - where does it say that?
  15. mister_no

    mister_no New Member

    Does ZDMC work on the new devices?
    And can ZDMC delete video files (write permissions)? Unfortunately, this is not possible on 1619BPD.
  16. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    Well I read all the specs at Futeko , which i assumed were direct from Zidoo, and the UHD 8000 is the only one that references BD3D, but it doesnt say MVC , it refers the menu support. Interesting that its the only one that has this line in the specs page.



    It does appear to be something that should have been removed , all the other models do not have that line. That was why I was thinking that the UHD8000 was going to provide something more or perhaps a daughter chip to handle 3D. Sad , I knew this was coming when they parted with Realtek. Writing was on the wall. I still have a z9x, z1000 pro, oppo 203 and chine oppo clone, but this does hurt!
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Oops - typo - I'll tell Simon...
  18. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    Depressing evolution with Zidoo , I am sure I am in the minority. But zidoo made its mark for me being a great 3d/MVC affordable solution way back in 2015! I am not sure what I can really benefit from these new lines , when my Z1000 pro works just fine. I was hoping for NVME support , must faster OS etc. but i see they are still using eMMC storage. and on custom Android OS vs Android TV. I will keep reading to see what cacn directly benefit my experiences.
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Unfortunately it is what it is I'm afraid - 3D is a dead format and if SOC manufacturers pull support there's nothing anyone can do - TV manufacturers did it years ago so I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

    Given the history since the 50s it'll probably come around again in 2040.
    darkeyes909 and Oldpainless like this.
  20. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    I anticipate JVC / Sony to follow suit in the next line up for sure. Epson already made those calls on their higher end projectors. Sad but as you said , it is indeed what it is.

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