New beta version v1.0.95 for Z9X PRO/Z20 PRO/Z2000 PRO/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by mirror, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Anyone can confirm if the firmware 1.0.95 finally fixed the problem to download Portuguese subtitles?
  2. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    Any idea when we will get 1.0.95 for the other models using this same chipset, i.e. z2000 pro, etc?
    Simon Belmont likes this.
  3. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    Zidoo is still testing
    Simon Belmont and joey_corleone like this.
  4. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    And for the RTD1619DR, do you know anything?
  5. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    I'm also curious how things are going when it comes to RTD1619DR
  6. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Nice to that not only is the tag {\an8} handled in external subtitles (and internal) but now places them correctly at the top of the screen. Hurrah!
    dr4go likes this.
  7. Mario Luiz

    Mario Luiz New Member

    Still the same, download of subtitles in Portuguese still not working.
    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  8. Thomas H

    Thomas H Member

    Just installed this and tried my 2 troublesome scenarios.

    Unfortunately I have to conclude that this is yet another new fw version that does not address the long-since-reported issues with the Music Player not displaying Artist, Album and Track names correctly (or at all) for certain use cases (not repeating all details here).

    Nor does it resolve the issue with file transfer speed that was introduced in the previous fw (86), with speed dropping from just over 100 MB/s with fw before 86, to around 60 MB/s, when transferring files over the network to the HD in the player (Z2000 Pro).

    Sigh. But hopefully it does resolve a lot of issues that others are having, even though my 2 main issues are not addressed.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2024
    Mikis likes this.
  9. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    Have they introduced HT5 in this new firmware?
  10. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Yes, it was included since fw.90
    enry184 likes this.
  11. misichavichus

    misichavichus Active Member

    How can I install icons like in previous firmware?
    Normal and informative

    Attached Files:

    • NEW.jpg
      File size:
      30.9 KB
    • OLD.jpg
      File size:
      55.3 KB
    Laledan likes this.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's exactly the same process as before but the icon size has changed (can give the spec when I get home if you can't figure it out).

    Also you can also use transparent PNGs now because the default active icon is transparent.
    misichavichus likes this.
  13. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Yes please provide the spec - thanks. I was using some transparent icons I've had for ages and they looked crap in HT5. Using some others but one or two are clipped
  14. rola

    rola Member

    Well, online trailers is not working, at least not for me…
  15. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Although there are many thing fixed with this firmware and its great for my use - there still appears to be a number of sticking points I see repeatedly reported

    1) MCH Sacd audio playing in stereo
    2) slow file transfer speed
    3) download Portuguese subtitles not working
    4) choppy playback on VC-1 after pause and restart

    Will any of these be fixed and will they be an issue on the new 8K range?
  16. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Working for me on Z9X Pro
  17. rola

    rola Member

    ok, but not on my z2000
  18. Simon Belmont

    Simon Belmont Member

    Just updated and everything seems good except the transfer speeds still a little slow. Hope that gets fixed shortly?
    Scorpion66 likes this.
  19. ThisIsWhoWeAre

    ThisIsWhoWeAre Active Member

    Is it necessary to perform a factory reset after updating?
  20. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    No, but I would fully power down for a few minutes after update. Either by unplugging or the on\off switch at the back of the device.

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