Hello Zidoo Team, if you read this message ---------------- Here is a problem that is still present with their HT Poster Wall and the BDmenu support, Nice Monkey can correct me if needed. Recently i rip my Avatar Bluray and I use the ISO on my Zidoo, when i select ''PLAY'' I have the choice to select 3 version of the movie I select one but the movie does not start. instead the menu disappears and the background video repeats indefinitely, I have to use the stop button... And select the PLAY icon without knowing which version will be playing... I don't remember if it is possible for the Zidoo Team to solve this problem or if it is impossible for them. This message is to inform potential buyers and avoid disappointment This message will be updated if it should have an improvement with a future FW See you
After installing this version, it does not load information from NFO files. I have set to NFO precedence but it gets from TMDB. You can check it.
OK thanks. Yes, I thought the NFO import doesn't work. I am going back to the previous version. Editing through the Zidoo web interface is pointless in my case (I have about 7,000 movies that I can't get rid of I have all the correct information in the NFO, so I'm waiting until someday in the future I will be able to correctly import it into Zidoo HT.
How are you generating your NFOs? I use HT4 itself to generate NFOs and coverart and it will reimport from those fine. There was an issue prior to this release where there was no trailer URL in the NFO so trailers wouldn't work, but that's been fixed now, along with ClearLogo URLs.
@Markswift2003 or @OliverQC could you possibly post a copy of an nfo for 1) TV show and 2) movie generated by HT4 so that I can see the differences between Kodi/Media Companion generated nfo's and those generated by HT4. Thanks in advance
I use Tiny Media Manager. In order to generate NFO over HT I would have to import correctly or manually correct it first. In my language - Polish, there are many films on TMDB with no translation. Moreover, if I have set - "automatically scan Sources" - and import from NFO - it does not scan NFO files but downloads from TMDB.
I tried with Tiny Media Manager a while ago and gave up - I haven't compared the NFOs produced by that and HT4 but I couldn't get them to import - that was a few months ago though. Don't want to cast aspersions on Tiny Media Manager by the way - it's a great little program - it's just that the NFO's didn't seem to work with Zidoo. It'd be great to have a third party scraper that could export the HT4 database from a PC similar to the way yaDIS was for the Dunes.
Thanks @Markswift2003 Everyone has or should have Jaws Did a compare with my nfo and cannot see how I can get Media Companion to output a HT4 compatible nfo file. I assume that HT4 nfo is not compatible with Kodi either. Has anyone tried that import? As Eric Morcambe said to Andre Preview! " I play all the notes but not necessarily in the right order Yes I agree A third party PC based Scraper to generate exportable info would be brilliant especially if it could also have a plugin for Dunes as the yaDIS TV scraper is soon to be EOL
Hello Unless I'm mistaken, but why in the Export option there is written '' ...in the form of NFO (base on kodi) files'' , When we see this it seems to me that may mean that Ht4.0 would be able to use the NFO generated by ZDMC if they are available in the movie folder ? And the majority of users who have an Android box use Kodi ... it would be positive for Zidoo if HT4.0 supports Kodi/ZDMC NFOs. See you
Actually just a thought If you could run HT4 as a standalone application in say an Android environment on a PC such as Bluestacks. This may be a quick and dirty solution Then generate your Sources list via the network or import the sources list which probably exists on the zidoo as an xml file. Generate the HT4 database then reload/import back to the Zidoo or in the case of a database stored externally such as on a NAS then simply store/overwrite there. In the nfo supplied by Markswift2003 lines 20-22 define where the media file is stored and where the nfo is stored currently the same location; <path>/data/system/smb/</path> <filenameandpath>/data/system/smb/</filenameandpath> <basepath>/data/system/smb/</basepath> Surely it should be possible to have the nfo file path as defined by <filenameandpath> point to an alternative location and then stored/read in from there?
Currently I own a X9S which is connected to a LG OLED C8 which on its turn is connected to a Sonos Arc. My TV supports DTS (-HD) pass through but, as known, Sonos unfortunately does not support DTS (-HD). I very well would like to buy a Z9X is it would support native transcoding DTS to Dolby Digital 5.1 (AC3) Is the any chance this can be achieved with the Z9X? I know it can be done with ZDMC but on my X9S I do not have the full capability to mount all BluRay (UHD) rips, only just about 10% of them. DVD iso's with DTS can be transcoded through ZDMC but gives me a jerky play back. A native way of transcoding DTS to Dolby Digital 5.1 will not only make me happy but also many more Sonos users.
If you like you can transcode dts, even DTS-HD to AC3 yourself, but it is some work. Safes you buying a Z9X. Don't know anything about Sonos, but should it accept multichannel WAV or FLAC then you can convert without qualityloss. Again, it takes some work...
About Zidoo Control application and Media Labels Sorry if this suggestion may have already been posted on the forum ----------- Hello Zidoo Team, if you read this message To see media labels appear we have to create extended movie titles, it works but it's not user-friendly Example : The Lords of the Rings.4k.hdr.dolbytruehd.7.1.mkv... ----------- Would it be possible to add or remove Media Labels (Audio Track, Movie Format, Movie Size,etc...). By using Zidoo control like the example shown below. BEFORE AFTER See you
For some unknown reason trailers just stopped playing with this firmware. In fact that happened also with the firmware V6.0.80, but I downgraded it to the V6.0.66 again (due to some bugs with the 80). Still no trailers in several films and I get the message "The current trailer failed to play". Has someone got this issue also and solved it? Thanks a lot
Hello Miguel, I don't have this problem with 0.80....and nobody talks about this problem on the Zidoo forum.
Thanks a lot for your answer. I'll reinstall the 80 to check it again. Might have been a coincidence with a server issue. I had problems in the past with my "old" X10 and Z10 and problems were solved installing firmware more than one once.
Output Direct Function About this problem, the zidoo team indicates that they have identified the problem and that it will be resolved Got it. will solve it My post will be updated when this problem will be fixed in the next FW ------------------ You have just received your Zidoo box and discover for the first time the options available by clicking on the ''Settings'' tile. Zidoo boxes offer a large choice of settings and it can be confusing...many of you have left messages on the forums (Homecinema-fr) for advice on how to apply the correct settings with your equipment. Fortunately, Markswift2003 has created a thread for this and will allow you to quickly enjoy your new media player. Click on Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD1619 Players ------------------ And for those who would like to know if there is a Direct Output Mode with the Zidoo mediaplayer...the answer is Yes. Choose ''Frame-Rate and Resolution'' And your TV will do the job of scaling ------------------ If you need to force the resolution for any reason, select the following options Choose ''Only Frame-Rate'' instead ''Frame-Rate and Resolution'' and Select the Resolution you want instead HDMI Mode ''AUTO'' ------------------ Blinky and Markwifts2003 pointed out to me a problem that has existed for some period of time. http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/zidoo-z9x.80006/page-27#post-132065 http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/zidoo-z9x.80006/page-28#post-132114 With ISO Full HD the Output Direct Function does not work properly, because if you use the BD menu for open a movie, zidoo player play at the native GUI resolution and not 1080p. You cannot enjoy your BDmenu and the Output Direct Function at the same time with your Full HD ISOs It's frustrating for all of us who would like to enjoy our Full HD ISO BD menu, but it's not the end of the world either, I guess zidoo will solve this problem. --------------------- December 28, 2020 update By default the GUI resolution is 2160p on my TV Here is the movie ''The Longest Day'' in ISO format, it's a movie in 1080p. You can see at the bottom of the screen the signal that the Zidoo sends to the TV (hdmi 1). With the Zidoo's Output Direct Function, it's my TV that does the scaling and not the Zidoo device. ----------- When using the play icon, the zidoo's Output Direct function device works and the TV does the scaling (the 2160p switches to 1080p when the film starts which is in 1080p, it's ok) if I use the BD movie menu to play the movie, the zidoo's Output Direct function does not work (the 2160p does not switch to 1080p while the movie is at 1080p, it is not ok) ----------- See you