Beta version v6.3.2 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000 released

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, May 7, 2021.

  1. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    Zidoo should rather deal with more important problems, such as E.g. reso sync problems, as formats war against Dune. In my opinion ...
    Last edited: May 7, 2021
    DIKKE likes this.
  2. Polypenko

    Polypenko Active Member

    Just tried to update z1000pro receive the beta version ticked yes, when i thick online update i get the software is actual? Already did a reboot but still no online update?
  3. ThomasN

    ThomasN Member

    Same for me, no update for the UHD3000 even if the "Receive the beta version" is checked.
  4. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

  5. Polypenko

    Polypenko Active Member

    It just had all models listed, now changed again!

    First listing had the z9x listed only, 2nd listing had all models, last listing only the 9 and
  6. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I just think it's hilarious that Dune seem so desperate to prove how high up the wall they can p**s.

    It'll be funny if they nick Zidoo's idea and put an EDID option in...
    Mabon likes this.
  8. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello Mark,

    I'm not sure it would be funny...for Zidoo.
    Osmar and ThomasN like this.
  9. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    It won't happen quickly, they still have to catch up on Home Theater. But Zidoo would probably not have made ISO support possible without Dune.
    Competition helps both companies advance, which I think is good.
    Cyclion and Osmar like this.
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    They're bound to do it! And I know they monitor these forums ;)


    DV ISO support isn't there yet but I don't think it'll be long - there was a private beta with it working but it made the menus too unstable so was pulled out before a public release.

    The last couple of DV jobs now that Dual Track MP4 is supported is to fix the MP4 sync and fix DV ISO playback.
    Cyclion likes this.
  11. Polypenko

    Polypenko Active Member

    OTA now working for z1000pro, Thanks.
    Cyclion and rozel like this.
  12. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Thanks @mirror for the revised firmware, much appreciated.

    Gotta say that it bothers me slightly that we are focusing quite a lot on what Dune are doing. With great products, and I will say my Z1000 Pro is a great product (despite it's classification as I have said countless times), there is no need to keep comparing with others.
    Mabon likes this.
  13. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    that's for sure :)
  14. leonkoum

    leonkoum Active Member Beta test group

    So, we must wait for a while…
  15. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    That wasn't my point. Great products speak for themselves, so why are WE bothered about what they are doing? Of course let them look, rant and rave but WE should not follow, which only can harm us and potentially sales. Let them monitor. Really not sure I liked the post showing the comparison, just drags us down IMHO
  16. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I had 6.3.0 which I had no issues with - albeit I did see a very minor green flash when jumping forward on DV.

    Now I have 6.3.2 - what has changed? The issues that people reported with 6.3.0 are still there?
  17. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Zidoo and Dune seem to be the main players in this game at the moment so of course they are watching each other - its called competition. If you were looking for such a player and examined what each offers Dune apparently supports more DV configurations and offers DV support for full BD menus. It's all about perception.

    I'm sure Zidoo will catch up but needs to focus on fixing problems as well. The Dune is let down by an awful movie wall experience - even though I know that's not important to some.
    Mabon likes this.
  18. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    The chapter skip green flash with DV content is not new, I noticed it since a few firmwares but it doesn’t bother me because I don’t skip chapters while watching a movie.

    Firmware v6.3.2 is essentially v6.3.0, but with playback stability fix that was caused by v6.3.0.
    blenky and Cyclion like this.

    UTAVATU Active Member

    Dear @ammar11

    I have checked, if it's only related with Chapters, but even a movie (only DV) without Chapters has got Green Flash Screen, when using builtin % Seek Jump clicking on the remote buttons 1-0 (0-0%, 1-10%, 2-20% ... 9-90%), so it's not related with Chapters coded in .mkv.

  20. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Hey up! No I say again this is not my point. I agree with what you have said but it doesn't need the more senior and very technically knowledgable members publicy comparing does it? If Zidoo members want to see what Dune are doing, they can have a gleg on their forums can't they? I for one can't be bothered what Dune are up to so I'm bound to think it's for back-slapping purposes for these senior members. They can do that privately! I used to have a Dune and would say the support was useless and the PQ was really not as good as my Egreat A11, nevermind my Zidoo.
    Mabon likes this.

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