Beta version v1.0.85 for Z9X Pro release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Trailer function has been coming and going almost every 1-2 new release. Something left in the pipeline.
  2. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Maybe they are deliberately disabling it to speed some things/debugging of the main functionalities? And they constantly forget to re-enable it?
  3. salora

    salora Member

    Hi not sure it is only an mp7/software issue. 3rd party apps like kodi/zdmc can’t output mch music either wether it is sacd iso, mch dsf or mch flac. Maybe more an hardware/ firmware issue
  4. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Where can we download some multichannel SACD iso samples?
    jettthasan likes this.
  5. Polypenko

    Polypenko Active Member

    Can we expect fw release for all the remaining models still today?

  6. PBEB21

    PBEB21 New Member

    New firmware version
  7. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    I don't listen to music through my z9x so this would be irrelevant to me, right?
  8. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    .86 -> Trailers re-enabled?
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yep, totally.
  10. supermood

    supermood Active Member


    any idea for me? emby jellyfin kodi all are recognizing the TV show library without one single mistake and with ht4 I get a complete mess
  11. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    Hey I installed the firmware update, for some reason it changed my SAMBA name from ZD_SAMBA to OS_SAMBA so my pc can't locate it. How do I change it back to ZD, or change it in my PC to OS? There's no option to rename it anyware on the PC.

    EDIT: I tried changing the name on the Z9x but it doesn't apply the underscore _ wtf!?!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  12. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    When this is released for other boxes, will there be links in post #1 of this thread for those downloads (ie z2000 pro), and/or will it go on the zidoo web site and/or get pushed OTA?
    It would be nice if zidoo put the latest firmware releases on the web site under "downloads". Makes no sense to me why the official downloads page is still 1.0.52, and the only way to get updates is from a community forum. It's odd.

    Thanks Mark, anxiously awaiting the update for z2000!
  13. theory

    theory Active Member

    I agree that checking for firmware is less than ideal with Zidoo. Personally, I bookmark this site and check every now and then.
  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I'm in Italy for the weekend so unable to test anything, but I can't tell you anything from "...with ht4 I get a complete mess"
  15. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    Yeah, I mean I see that all the time and it just shows the problem…who in the world runs that site? We shouldn’t have to be downloading fw from some dodgy website. It’s bizarre, and arguably dangerous
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not sure - depends what the final release version is - usually I'd make a whole new thread and unstick you this one.
  17. theory

    theory Active Member

    It's ran by a popular Zidoo enthusiast on this forum - McBluna
    joey_corleone likes this.
  18. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    have fun with the wine and pizza!

    mess = as described for about 5% of the TV shows I have at least 2 sometimes 3 or 4 Poster. not one. the additional ones sometimes have only 2 or 3 episodes sometimes only 1.
  19. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Sometimes HT4 decides to put part of TV series under one poster and then additional episodes under another. However this ONLY happens if I change the scraping method part way through a TV season e.g. I switch from using TVDB to TMDB (or TVMAZE). If I start and continue using the same scraper it works just fine. Currently I have mine set as

    Source for scraping (TV): Priority TVDB
    NFO parse default option: Priority
  20. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    No offense to McBluna - I applaud the enthusiasm and effort, and can appreciate it! But, yeah…we should be getting official downloads from the company that makes the product. It is quite strange

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