Beta version v1.0.85 for Z9X Pro release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Change log:

    1.Optimize the loading speed of posters on the poster wall.
    2.Optimize the parsing of NFO files for the poster wall.
    3.Optimize the occasional crash issue of the poster wall.
    4.Optimize the occasional inability to set resolution in quick settings.
    5.Fix the issue where modifying subtitle color in the built-in text subtitles of the player does not take effect.
    6.Add HDMI color space setting function to quick settings.
    7.Optimize the issue of some hard drives not being recognized.
    8.Optimize the occasional crash issue of one-key cleaning.
    9.Fix the issue of some movies displaying cropped edges.
    10.Fix the occasional black screen issue when playing some movies.
    11.Fix the issue of occasional system interface displaying in the upper left corner.
    12.Fix the issue of some movies displaying incorrect colors.
    13.Add some default EDIDs.
    14.Optimize the issue of some hard drives not recognizing files.
    15.Fix the issue of lock resolution not taking effect.
    16.Optimize system stability.

    Z9X PRO
    MD5: FC1452ADF1863277BC2C038CA13D726F

    MD5: 7D2A9A6A52EDF0FA8E28ADCBE4E749DF

    Other boxes to follow.
  2. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    sweet thanks
    whats the changes from 83 cant see any differences in the changelogs

    and 83 seems to have sorted the EDID loss issues but still didnt fix MCH dsd files being 2 ch only
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's the same log - there were some glitches in HT introduced in .83 that have been fixed.
  4. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    cheers for reply Mark :) any news on the mch sacd still being stereo

    i was looking in to maybe making an edid to try get around it ,and found one discussion where they were saying theres an android issue with hdmi audio, where if its set in edid as 5.1 instead of 7.1 ,it will only output the 5.1 as stereo only
    only if its set to 7.1 ,will 5.1 or 7.1 actually work correctly
    dont know if its of any help info wise :)
    xskip likes this.
  5. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    yes, what's up with this? works fine on z9x and still not on pro, even with this update. :)
  6. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    6.Add HDMI color space setting function to quick settings.

    is it best to leave on Auto or we go to recommended setting from z9x:
    Display/Color Settings/HDMI Range: 16-235
  7. cbnbmore

    cbnbmore Member

    I noticed other versions to follow. Are there really differences in the firmware between different models using the same chipset? Seems like there would be little to no difference between a Z9X Pro and a z2000.
  8. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Thanks for the new firmware. Now I'm waiting to receive the one for Z9X asap. :)
    vddan likes this.
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It was always previously set to Auto in the background, so Auto works fine, but I prefer the belt and braces approach and set to 16-235.
    xskip likes this.
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No intrinsic differences other than DAC and internal hard disc handling stuff used in the premium models.
    cbnbmore likes this.
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    This isn't something I've paid any attention to - I just tried an SACD ISO in MP7 and not only would it only play in Stereo, I couldn't get native DSD and the PCM stereo playback was broken up. So utterly unusable.

    Tried changing 5.1 to 7.1 in the EDID and that made no difference.

    I don't think MP7 is on the radar at the moment, particularly since Eversolo.
    xskip likes this.
  12. ElvisC

    ElvisC Member


    I wonder about ZDMC not being updated....
  13. Evangelos

    Evangelos New Member

    Posterwall is now caching everything and the caching survives between reboots! Nice nice :) It is instantaneus now
  14. prisonerofheaven

    prisonerofheaven New Member

    Anyone using HT4 noticed the trailers don't play now?
  15. Tom899

    Tom899 Member

    Nice update on my end. Thank you, Appreciated!
  16. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

    Experiencing several subtitle issues:
    1. {\an8} SRT subtitle tag is not supported. Currently the player does not support {\an8} srt sub tag. This tag means to show the line at the top of screen instead of bottom as it may get in the way of something on screen. Currently it shows the tag in the subtitle instead of interpreting it. Currently no workaround available.
    2. Dutch internal subtitles are not selected automatically (external srt works fine). Setting Nederlands results in no standard sub being selected. The English track is being chosen because it's flagged as default and forced. I tested with german and french and those work fine. Seems like a sub labeling issue. Workaround for now is manually selecting dutch subtitle when starting the movie.
    3. External dutch subtitles (srt) sometimes overlay like showing internal and external subtitle through each toher. Workaround for now is changing the subtitles position to show the subtitle on the video itself and not on the black bar.
    JackMikkers and Papi like this.
  17. RoyV67

    RoyV67 New Member

    Waiting for UHD5000 update on firmware
    Mark Boddy likes this.
  18. Blue Stinger

    Blue Stinger Member

    Yes. The trailers are apparently broke at the moment...
  19. rola

    rola Member

    How long do you wait for the trailer to start?
    I am on .75 and my trailers take about 20 sec to start, despiteI have settings at 5 sec.
  20. Blue Stinger

    Blue Stinger Member

    About 2 minutes...

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