Beta version v1.0.85 for Z9X Pro release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Earthkeeper

    Earthkeeper Member

    If it used to work but now doesn't, a reset may help!
  2. Evangelos

    Evangelos New Member

    I don't question at all that you suffer from the bugs that you mentioned, but i will go on to say that they are "fringe", not that it makes them any more annoying if you are in that fringe position. But you also shouldn't extrapolate and think that "everyone is sufferring from these bugs". The other guy that i replied to has been mumbling on for the last 6 months that he is selling his zidoo's and buying Dune. He is obviously a shill.
    Here is my setup for your reference:

    4 x 20TB Western digital Element external drives---->Anker 4 port powerless USB Hub connected to the one port at the back of--->Zidoo --->Devon AVR 7.1---->Philips 65' OLED 2023 model
    I have around 60Tbytes of the above filled with MKVs Bluray remuxes. ATmos, DTS-HD, Dolby True. 4k DV, 4K HDR10, 1080 sdr
    Everything playing flawlessly.
    I also have lots of TV series, some of which are lower format. xvid, mp4. All playing flawlessly as well.

    No problem with embeded subtitles in MKV, didn't need to download any external subs except one time which worked but of course thats not a sample size. So the subttitle bug that you mentioned does not affect me and also does not affect the users that get quality rips with embeded subtitles anyway.

    I don't need to "test all my movies every time there is a new release". I have had the zidoo since 0.52 and have been using it all the time. I have gone through annoying bugs all this time:
    1) i was affected by the UI displayed in the top left of my TV (solved)
    2) Stuttering during playback (releived it by doing some samba configuration in my network but ultimately solved for me by attaching the external hard drives directly to the zidoo box)
    3) Posterwall being slow (solved in this update)
    4) Locked resolution not being locked (solved)
    5) Sometimes Edid loss (annoying as i had to go to TV settings and change the HDMI port settings back and forth to induce a resync)---I haven't seen this since the new update hopefully its gone forever.

    So in my case, the box is in a perfect state as it perfectly fullfils the role i bought it for: To play bluray rips from my collection, maximizing the use of my expensive equipment. I couldn't get these with Nvidia shield and Amazon Firecube that i tried before.
    The only thing that remains in "my use case" is the occasional frametime drop that is solved with pause/unpause"

    So, some users have reached a perfect state with this update, and obviously the developers are fixing/ironing down more annoyances to get to all the fringe cases. Hopefully the bugs that annoy you will also be fixed in due time.
    royibo and geebolt like this.
  3. Duke Sweden

    Duke Sweden Member

    I second your comment. And I don't even get frame dropping. I've noticed sometimes I'll click on a movie and the page loads but with no graphics, and it takes a few seconds before the movie loads, but what I do now is, I'll click the home button, go to, what's it called, the one below Quick Settings, and clean cache, then go back to Poster wall and everything works smoothly. Heck it even stopped that one bug where my subs and L/R mains were losing signal. It did that on its own, before the .85 update.
  4. Paul10mmring

    Paul10mmring Member

    Of course I have done numerous rests !! For some people these boxes just don't work and for the fast majority there is some kind of issue for them. support has been pretty rubbish and you wait months for an update that then breaks something else ,while I admire your faith in a flawed product it's has no place as a media player for me anymore and I'm a years tine you will still be having the odd issues with it
  5. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    I didn't say everyone is suffering and for me personally the playback is OK from the start. but as said, scraping and lib management is still a catastrophe. coming a perfect emby set up its hard to enjoy. one example is upgrading an episode gives me with 100% a splitted show some episodes in recently added some I have to go via text search and in both views I cannot jump to the show itself or combine them from within.

    I don't like embedded to much hi and bad formating. I'm getting perfect t subs via external solution. the download functionality from within the player is not usable. you have to search via text from maybe 60 entries and no info about the file itself

    going in dolby vision view and selecting only one source (shows or movies or documentations or concerts or whatever you have brings you all content of that category, not only dv

    watching an episodes is also splitting the libriray entry of the show like recently added. and I always get directly an additional entry with the show in continue

    pause sign with an oled is a no go for 6 month now

    with TVDB (the only one that works for shows) you don't get all meta data like director

    of you start a movie via collection view you get the collection Pic in watching, but not all movies and again you cannot jump to the collection like with TV shows

    I have a constant scanning source in the background with screen refresh making it impossible to scroll in the lib. turning off auto scan cannot be the solution

    sometimes I have the complete same entry 2 times in watching just beside each other

    in the ht4 home view I was asking for smaller poster 6 month now. what's the point of having only 3 entries in watching and 5 poster I recently added with 65 oled 3m in front of me

    in the player fast forward or back is had joke? if you need 2 3 or 4 minutes you can be happy to get it with the 3rd attempt

    i have 20 other things but reporting here doesn't make any sense

    of course, there are also many things really good. no question. sub settings and appearance are the best I know. some lib views are really pretty and most info's are there and also nice.

    but then again in the player you only have the episode name not the number so if you skip in the end of an episode to the next you cannot be sure have to right one (and that happened a lot to me because of the splitting described above)

    some light some shadow... but for me def not 99%..
  6. robsainz

    robsainz Member

    I wish they'll fix the subtitle {\an8} tag. For my needs, that's the greatest flaw the zidoo z9x pro has so far, and then the delay on subtitle load/show at the beginning of a video.

    Any news on the 1.0.86 firmware?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  7. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    isnt the back usb a usb 2 port so a lot slower and not suitable for bandwidth required for 4k DV DA ,better off using a side usb3 port
  8. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I'm not trying to be rude but it seems that English is not your first language. The result is that I don't really understand most of your issues so hard to comment.

    One issue I think I understand is TV episodes within the same season being split up. This only happens for me if I change the scraping method part way through an ongoing season.

    Also TVDB is NOT the only scraper that works for TV shows, TMDB and TVMaze also work. Although I agree often there is missing meta data.
  9. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Back is 3.0, side ones are 2.0. Z9X Pro has just single 3.0 usb port.
  10. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    lol just did same as with older z9x

    ohh well at least the usb2 s both have no issue with playing full 4k dv da movies , since ive been using those for my movie /sacd drives and got my topping dac in the back usb3 one
  11. cerellean

    cerellean New Member

    iptv pro 、tivimate app cannot import local m3u live source files
  12. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    Likely due to filesystem permissions, these boxes aren't really meant to run apps like that.

    You might be able to get it working by moving the files to internal storage with the systems file manager.
  13. Paul10mmring

    Paul10mmring Member

    So you only have a small collection then lol I run 3 NAS units with all my media players a Zappiti that's now an R_Video my Zidoo and my Dune two of them work fine the Zappiti is slow but does most things well the Dune just works for me might not for some and the Zidoo has not worked properly since it came out of the box last year I paid £340 for it.its still a work in progress Why?? I am not here to be a beta tester.I simply want features to work and subtitles are a must for me so I use my R_Video to get them , I should not have to do this and I am lucky that I can. There is to much if your lucky or if you try this?? The darn range is flawed and I think Zidoo are aware.Zidoo if you care prove me wrong and sort it out!!!!
  14. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Hello All,
    I've been facing this weird sound stutter issue since really long time for many of the titles. Finally got time to check on it. Here I'm sharing the sample-1 file. Confirm if you are facing the same thing. The same files just play fine with ZDMC.

    Also there are few titles/tracks that shows playing but with no audio(video plays fine but with no audio) that is also I'm sharing s Sample-2.

    @Markswift2003 Hope you intervene and help me to figure this issue out.
  15. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    D/l both files. Both played without issue on my Z9X Pro.
  16. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Any Idea why I am facing such issue?
    Is there any sound/Audio setting I need to perform on my Z9X pro?
  17. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    4 languages on my side but yes en is not native. but could also be the result of endless spending time to write and the annoying feeling with it.

    you can send me parts you don't understand anytime. I don't think it's very difficult to follow.

    and of course they are working but they are not scrapping properly, at least not my 100tb emby library. with emby server, tvmaze works much better. and prio nfo because everything is already scrapped is in my case also not really helping, as far as I understand my issues.
  18. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Check your other settings including HDMI cables. In my case most of stuttering issues gone with new 4K HDMI cables, with both boxes Z9X and Z9XPro.
  19. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    No. I have pretty standard settings in audio for example.

    HDMI audio: Auto
    Volume direct mode: On
  20. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    How come all the audio formats including atmos play fine and some standard AC3 or E-AC3 stutter?

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