Zidoo 8K Media Players FAQ

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by Eki Shaw, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The video is 700x480 so SAR (Storage Aspect Ratio) 1:1.46 which is approx 4:2.74

    PAL and NTSC are stupidly complicated because they're not encoded at their native aspect ratio

    NTSC video is encoded at 720x480, SAR = 1.5:1 which is not 4:3. So to correct that you have PAR (pixel Aspect Ratio) which is essentially the aspect ratio of the pixels themselves. Then you have DAR which is Display Aspect Ratio. On CRT displays it wasn't a problem because they had rectangular pixels. In the digital world it's a pain in the arse.

    Then you have anamorphic presentations, expanding out to 16:9.

    Still not sure exactly what's going on with your content, but I could see issues with all of this if SAR, PAR and DAR are not defined correctly, particularly if the video is cropped.

    These days it's easy - we don't need anamorphic encoding (not to be confused with filming anamorphically) and we don't need to worry about SAR, PAR or DAR because content is encoded in its native aspect ratio whether cropped or not.
    xskip likes this.
  2. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    @Markswift2003 have you tested any 4:3 DVD rips? Like I've said, it is very peculiar that the ShieldTV can display the video perfectly (DAR and refresh rate) but the Zidoo can not. The video file is being excessively processed by the Zidoo. I will look through my DVD storage and see if I have another 4:3 encoded disc, and then rip it to see what happens.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, I have very few and most are PAL - With the exception of one they are all MKVs (I hate menus) and have DAR set to 4:3 and they work ok.

    The exception is interesting though - it's an ISO of a Metallica DVD - it's in 4:3 and NTSC and that plays perfectly and in 4:3.
  4. TK423

    TK423 Member

    Can anyone steelman the case for making the jump from a Z1000 Pro to a Z30 Pro? Trying to determine if it's a worthwhile upgrade.
  5. Yes, of course it's worth it. I went from Z 1000pro to Z 3000pro and overall I'm happy with the upgrade. The only downside is that there's no HDMI in on the new model. But otherwise there are quite a few good new features in the software, except that it's not stable yet and it's probably a better option to leave it with the software it came with after purchasing and update it after you're sure there are no bugs in the new one. Otherwise, you can see the comparisons between the hardware and software for yourself on the site.
  6. misichavichus

    misichavichus Active Member

    Never used the HDMI input on previous models. What was it for?
  7. Recording from other sources. The record is max to 1080p.
    misichavichus likes this.
  8. TK423

    TK423 Member

    Can custom launchers be utilized on the new 8K/AML S928X players? I currently utilize Wolf Launcher/ATV Launcher on my Z1000 Pro and would like to continue to do so.
  9. Hakuna

    Hakuna New Member

    Is there anyway to bulk update movies? For example, the device catagorizes "Music" for concert movies and any movie with significant music content. I want to be able to browse concert movies only. So I made a Category called "Concerts". Unless I can bulk update somehow, I am left with opening each one individually and add it to the category. That's rather tedious for over 200 movies. And this isn't the only one I want to do.

    Please tell me there is an easier way!! TIA
    Юрий Гандев likes this.
  10. Solitaire555

    Solitaire555 New Member

    Are the players (AML) QMS (Quick Media Switching) compatible?
  11. xton

    xton New Member

    Hello, I would like to know how to get (if it can be done) play a 3D movie in ISO format. Thank you so much
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
  12. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Z9X 8K is not capable to reproduce 3D content.

    (This is an English forum. Please use English language for your posts)
    xton likes this.
  13. xton

    xton New Member

    but at least the 3000 pro does do it (side by side) because I was able to do it yesterday, but it was a mkv, not an iso
  14. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    This is the information provided by @Markswift2003:
    3D Playback
    Frame Packed MVC 3D is not supported in the AMLogic S928X so MVC 3D will fall back to a standard 2D video signal.
    It seems that SOC manufacturers are finally following TV manufacturers and dropping 3D support.
    SBS (Side by Side) and OU/TAB (Over Under, Top and Bottom) 3D will still work because this is just a standard video signal and the player has no role to play in 3D "decoding".
    The TV just recognises that the video has two images either side by side or on top of each other (Actually, it recognises the disparity in video image on the join rather than the images themselves).
    xton likes this.
  15. xton

    xton New Member

    thanks for your response @Visconti12 ...
    a real shame in this case because 3D is a format that I really love and from what it indicates, it seems that in this case there is no possible solution
  16. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Yes, the only solution is to get any of previous RTD boxes.
    xton likes this.
  17. Phox

    Phox New Member

    How to use hdd if Android 11 didn't allow to write data on "external" (hdd bay) disk? 1.2.01_G haven't necessarily write permissions from Google.

    How Zidoo will resolve this issues? When the SAF (Android Storage Access Framework) will be implemented in Zidoo firmware?

    For what scenarios the hdd support was created if users can't write anything from the mediaplayer?

    Browsers, downloaders, file managers, torrent clients can't choose other folder or disk, but the internal 64Gb storage Download folder.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2025
    rockmeloman likes this.
  18. XiziX88

    XiziX88 Member

    I ordered the new Zidoo Z30Pro and one of the things I really hope they add someday is a filmography like Plex.

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