ZIDOO 8K Media player coming soon.

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by mirror, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. NOP1050

    NOP1050 Member

  2. Galactic

    Galactic Member

    DELUCAS If they respond in that regard, maybe expect in the next line of media players that they will remove Wi-Fi like they removed 3D support and trailer support and ask more money too.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sorry - I wasn't expecting replies to that - it was a flippant off hand remark because the first thing I do with these boxes is remove the aerials!

    Zidoo will never remove Wi-Fi!!!
    Cyclion, Visconti12 and DELUCAS like this.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    I think Apple started it with Floppy Disk drive then Dvd rom drive then …
    Trouble is we all have diff req / circumstances etc

    Wi fi is on nearly everything now days even washing machines now . ;)
    But just more to go wrong with or another monthy subscribtion charge ;)
    Galactic likes this.
  5. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    I love the simplicity of a wired connection and the other half gets irritated if anything AV falls over. With family members each having multiple devices all sharing access points and booting each other off when they connect, I don't think I'd survive Wifi combined with Wife-e.
    I'm nearing the ceiling of my gigabit network with UHD ISO rips. Am hoping the next iteration of media streaming devices have a SFP+ or at least a 5GbE port to cope with 8K, more than I'd want Wifi7.
    Hslansky likes this.
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Update on trailers - they will be fixed.
    xskip, JackMikkers, KJC and 10 others like this.
  7. Galactic

    Galactic Member

    Thanks! :)
  8. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    I very much doubt that you will reach the 1Gbit limit with your UHD media, but a higher LAN speed would work very well when saving data to an internal or USB drive, for example.

    I have a 10G fibre between the PC and the NAS (8x4TB Raid5) and copying is really fast, faster than an internal Sata SSD.
    To reach the full speed of the Raid NAS I have to use M.2 storage on the PC, because Sata SSD is a bottleneck here :)
  9. Robert17

    Robert17 New Member

    One person suggested removing it and 100 others dont want it and you order the feature to be removed.
    Who are you?
    Who do you think you are?
    It's best to remove any features you can't fix.
    It will be a dead and useless brick.
    Instead of trying to solve problems, you only make them worse.
    Each new box is getting worse and the same with support
    KJC likes this.
  10. Akhnaten

    Akhnaten Active Member

    FUTEKO Update 16-Jul : "All current pre-orders are for the first batch of stock, wich is ~70 to 80% sold (depending of the model).
    We await stock despatch news from Zidoo, and will post updates here."

    So previous information which announced the possible delivery of the first batch on July 22, has disappeared...
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
    KristianR likes this.
  11. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Since you do not have the actual player you can't infer its state, so please stop doing so....
    I had the Z9X, the Z9X PRO and now the Z9X 8K before launch and I can say without a doubt that the Z9X 8K is the most stable at that time in its life cycle.
    In fact I'm already using it as my daily driver, while the other players are sitting in a drawer.
    Metaman and xskip like this.
  12. Robert17

    Robert17 New Member

    I have z2600, z9x, z9s and x20

    it was the same with everyone. They fixed one and broke the other. none of them are fully developed
    DIKKE and NOP1050 like this.
  13. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Mmm until they aren't! I'll stop banging on about this now. Like them when they work but not too bothered if they don't. Just unprofessional when 50% of the time they don't work!
  14. JS_racer

    JS_racer Member

    so the z9x 8k would be a decent upgrade from a z9x ?? I passed on the z9x pro
  15. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Huh! Mark only said he would 'recommend' that this feature be removed - not order its removal. Lol. This feature has not worked almost as much as it has worked. Seems they use Youtube api and that keeps changing. Apparently it will be fixed - but only until the api changes again!
    Cyclion likes this.
  16. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Most definitely :)
  17. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Can't say for earlier generations but the Z9X got tons and tons of FW updates and is rock solid imho.
  18. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    I'm afraid you don't know the issue. I understood "to remove" is from 0.90 change log only as far it doesn't work!!
  19. Miki222

    Miki222 Member

    Hi @Markswift2003 I have a question about the Zidoo UHD 8000.

    1. Can it play video clips directly from Tidal ?
    2. Can it play Dolby Atmos songs from internal Tidal?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
  20. Scorpion66

    Scorpion66 New Member

    Hello @Markswift2003,

    can you please test the behavior with the external USB HDDs in case of the Zidoo player is switched off? Goes the HDD into Standby Modus or remains it continues running like Z9X Pro? This is the reason why I never switch my Z9X Pro off, so the HDD goes into Standby after 10min without activity.
    darkeyes909 likes this.

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