Sideloading (streaming Music and other) APP's: Aggregated list!

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Nice Monkey, Jul 10, 2023.

  1. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    The MP always had some performance problems (big delays) with big folders and worse large number of tracks within a folder (=playlists).
    Nothing to do with the library size. I wonder if MP8 really handles those 2000 well. Eversolo has more of a 500 limit in practice.
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    I never had any big problems with it even when it said 12000+ tracks. Only ‘problem’ was the 5 second wait before it started playing.

    But I never counted how many tracks were actually in the play queue… :)
  3. GeNeRiKz

    GeNeRiKz Member

    As a sequel to the DVD ISO images playing fine with VLC app (in post #157), I also tried BD Audio ISO images.

    Although the menus are quite rusty and take time to display, DMP-A6+VLC will happily play the DTS core in 192kHz stereo from the DTS HD Master Audio audio stream.

    A bit pointless since the whole point of these releases are the multi-channel audio, but still nice to know it works.



    Alan Rutlidge likes this.
  4. Rv_graphik

    Rv_graphik New Member

    Anybody tried Shazam mod?
  5. pssturges

    pssturges New Member

    Nugs ( works. Can be added to this list.

    Also should probably update the Apple music listing as that issue has been resolved
    Nice Monkey likes this.
  6. Johnny Dean

    Johnny Dean New Member

    Musicolet works which is an android music player.
    Nice Monkey likes this.

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