Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619BPD Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Two things.

    1. The Z10 Pro is the last generation of Zidoo box (Realtek 1619DR SOC), not the current one. This forum is for the current generation (Realtek 1619BPD)

    2. Your box is not a Z10 Pro.

    It looks like its a really old X10 from c. 2016/2017, 3 generations back.

    So it's no wonder you have questions and you don't get DV!! That box doesn't do DV.

    Can you confirm by sending a screenshot of the "About" page.

    (as @Netmask said, assign the red button to screenshots so we get less feet and more screen...)


    xskip and NewGuyWithQuestions like this.
  2. Omg very dissatisfied, it looks like you are right. So it's probably the reason it's not as nice 4k as I want... Very dissapointing, I got it off ebay it was listed as Z10pro....

    OK what is the best current zidoo player that takes internal HDD and plays all 4k content and dv and everything?
    What a joke... 20240618_074424.jpg
  3. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Complain to eBay. You will get your money back as it was misold.
    NewGuyWithQuestions likes this.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yep - very old device. As @blenky says, start a Return it to eBay with "Doesn't match description or photos" or "Received wrong item" and you'll get a refund.

    The current equivalent model is the Z20 Pro:

    All models within the same generation have exactly the same ability and quality for 4K and DV playback, the differences are to do with internal storage, form factor and to a certain extent, audio handling for music.

    As far as video is concerned they are all exactly the same.
    NewGuyWithQuestions likes this.
  5. OK so the Z20pro is the only one that accepts 3.5HDD? That's the main feature I need, is there another model that's new that accepts Hdd?
  6. Also know anywhere I can get a cheaper unit? Like used? Ebay doesn't have anything right now for that model. Or is there another brand out there that does what i need?
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Z2000 Pro has a 3.5" disc bay and the UHD5000 has two. The Z20 Pro is the cheapest.

    No, sorry. Ebay is the obvious choice for used but I'd always buy from Futeko - impeccable customer service and worldwide shipping.
    NewGuyWithQuestions likes this.
  8. Z2000pro is superior to Z20pro?
    I wish there was a way to easily compare the models, I found a (used) z2000pro for about the same price as Z1

    I appreciate your help
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I prefer the form factor of the Z2000 Pro, but they're the same inside and performance is the same. The Z2000 has an internal power supply rather than a brick and looks nicer - that's kind of it.
    NewGuyWithQuestions likes this.
  10. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

  11. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

    Oh and that pic? My only comment is "for free??" IYKYK. ;)

    Cheers and good luck!
    xskip likes this.
  12. Thanks for the link.

    I don't know what you mean for that Pic, can you explain plz
  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    IYDKYDK ;)
  14. I want to know tho... Help me out.
  15. Ah! I know hahaha
    You guys laugh at my soubdbar!

    I got a bose 900 for warranty work I'm waiting to get back.

    I had to get something in the interim to at least hear dialogs, hahah
  16. misichavichus

    misichavichus Active Member

    IDDQD IDKFA IDCLIP I know, but I don’t know what IYDKYDK is)
    dr4go likes this.
  17. dr4go

    dr4go Member

    I believe it should mean: if you (don't) know, you (don't) know.
  18. I've bought the one you gave me a link to!

    Now I need to sell this z10 somewhere, what should I price it for?
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No idea I'm afraid - can't you go back to eBay since it was mis-sold?
    NewGuyWithQuestions likes this.
  20. I did and got the refund. Just want to offload it as I have the z20pro coming. I'm excited. I hope there's a visual difference between the old z10 vs the z20pro

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