Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619BPD Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Thought I'd start a recommended settings thread for the new players.

    This thread will no doubt grow with time.

    Essentially things are the same as before, but there are a couple of settings that have changed, for example there is no "HDMI Range" control now as this is taken care of automatically.

    Also the VS10 options have changed at the behest of Dolby.


    Playback/Automatic frame rate/Frame rate mode: Match frame rate and resolution *

    Display/Resolution: 3840x2160p 23Hz **

    Display/Color Settings/4K 50~60Hz: Priority YUV420 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/4K 23~30Hz: Priority YUV444 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/Non-4K: Priority YUV444 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/HDMI color range: 16-235 ***
    Display/Color Settings/Deep Colour compatibility mode: Turn Off
    Display/Color Settings/HDMI Signal format: Enhanced format

    Display/HDR: Auto ****

    Audio/HDMI Audio: Auto *****
    Audio/Downmix HD Audio output: OFF

    * Personal preference. You can use "Match frame rate only" to allow the Zidoo to scale and reduce HDMI resyncs

    ** Personal Preference - setting to 23Hz will reduce resyncs because the majority of content is 23.976fps

    *** Auto should work just fine but I prefer a belt and braces approach.

    **** Can be set to VS10 engine, but I don't recommend "Mapping HDR10" or "Highest SDR Rec.709"

    ***** There are issues with "Auto" only playing LPCM for some audio codecs in FW prior to v1.0.70. If using earlier firmware, set this to "RAW"


    VS10 options have changed from input dependency to output dependency:

    Dolby Vision VS10 Engine (Output DV)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as TV Led Dolby Vision (as long as EDID allows).

    Dolby Vision VS10 Engine (Output HDR)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as HDR10 (as long as EDID allows).

    Dolby Vision VS10 Engine (Output SDR)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as SDR.

    Dolby Vision Low Latency (LLDV, YUV422/444/RGB, 10/12-bit)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as LLDV (as long as EDID allows).
    Available colour sub-sampling levels and bit depth options for LLDV are dependent on EDID.


    Choosing a "Custom directory" local to the device is the best option, and unless you have a good reason to change, just tick the bottom option "Custom directory" and leave it in Storage://

    This means the .hometheatre hidden folder is local, only one is used, and it is therefore easier for the Zidoo to access.

    The .hometheatre folder stores local copies of online posters, fanart and Clear Logos.

    If you choose to save to "Device" that confusingly means save to the "source" folders used by HT4, not the Zidoo device. In that case the .hometheatre folder is saved to the root of the "source" device, whether that's USB, NAS or PC. If you have more than one "source" then a .hometheatre folder is created in each source which gets messy. Add more Zidoo devices and it gets very very messy!

    It should be noted that when a backup is made, this just makes a backup of the SQL Lite database and settings and does not include the artwork.

    The best way to mitigate this is to use the "Export" function in Settings/Library which exports a copy of the poster (movieName-poster.jpg, collectionName-poster.jpg) and fanart (movieName-fanart.jpg, collectionName-fanart.jpg) images plus an NFO file (movieName.nfo) for each movie in the movie's folder.

    Note that the .hometheatre directory is not used for local images.

    If you run into trouble, you can then clear the database and rescan from scratch using local images.

    Be aware that if you use NFO parsing using NFOs produced by the box, these do not carry trailer info unless previously accessed and cast info does not work through the database so you loose some functionality there.

    There is a switch to allow local trailers only which means if you want to include a movieName.trailer.ext file for your movies you can mitigate the loss of trailer functionality when using NFO files.

    This means that the only thing missing when using NFOs to rebuild the database is full cast info and relational links to other movies. If you're not worried about that this gives scanning complete autonomy from the vagaries of online scraping!


    Local trailers should be placed in the movie folder and named like MovieName.trailer.ext or MovieName-trailer.ext

    I also switch on "Use Local Trailer Only" in HT4 Preferences.

    For example:

    No Time To Die.mkv (or a BDMV/ISO folder called No Time To Die) should have a trailer called:

    No Time To Die.trailer.mp4


    No Time To Die-trailer.mp4

    (trailers tend to be mp4, but any supported video file will work just fine, eg .mkv)

    There are a multitude of sources for trailers around the internet, not least of which is YouTube.

    If you want to use more than one trailer then number them like:

    No Time To Die.trailer.1.mp4
    No Time To Die.trailer.2.mp4


    USB Recovery Images for RTD1619BPD Players

    Below are recovery images for Zidoo RTD1619BPD players.

    Please be aware that use of these images should be a last resort - if you don't do it 100% correctly you could brick your player.

    Follow the instructions to the letter.

    Z9X PRO[ld]3ulg==/guide_faq/raXr0bxKWKM=.html

    Z20 PRO[ld]3ulg==/guide_faq/raXr0bxKWKM=.html

    Z2000 PRO[ld]3ulg==/guide_faq/raXr0bxKWKM=.html


    Last edited: Jan 4, 2024
    gymnos, Andalex, Frostb!te and 7 others like this.
  2. fsuguy92

    fsuguy92 New Member

    Any recommendations for the VS10 settings? I am using an LG C2 OLED and am new to Zidoo and am struggling to understand the different VS10 settings. Thanks!
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    With that TV I'd just stick to Auto, then you get everything native.
  4. rola

    rola Member

    I have a z2000 pro on the way, and wonder if there is a new control 4 driver or if it works with the driver for z1000 pro?
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I assume it'll work the same - I don't think the IP protocol has changed.
  6. rola

    rola Member

    Thanks, good to hear.
  7. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    Really stupid question on this new chipset/system… can it still use a custom EDID locally for LLDV, and more importantly, can/does it send an HDR infoframe to trigger HDR? I only ask because the options changed so wondering if this can negate the use of an HDFury device in the chain for a non-DV display.
  8. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    Zidoo really really need to add QMS to their next players so no need to think about the framerate for those of us with newer TVs like C3/G3 OLED.
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The EDID options are still the same and unfortunately still no ability to send an HDR message.
  10. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    Thanks for confirmation. Me and the HDFury VRROOM did not get on well. Had to send it back. Might try the Vertex2 at some point since it seems more stable at this point.

    Anyway… thanks sir.
    Kenny#66 likes this.
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The vertex 2 is 100% stable, although I've every reason to believe that the Vrroom is too despite its stupid name.
  12. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    I kept having issues with audio not syncing up and having to switch to another port on my Denon and back to get it working or power cycle the thing. It was sporadic at first and then every time I started my system up. Went back and forth with support on Discord and unfortunately went nowhere. I even bought their cables so they would stop telling me it was the cable(s). This was a year ago so when the Vrroom was on very early firmware. At least I got a refund on the unit. :)
  13. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    So with the new player, it seems a downgrade for VS10? No outputting SDR, HDR, 10+ as "DV" anymore like so w/old player?

    Or, a HDFury is required for Z9X Pro to "see" a DV player and apply it for all formats?
  14. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    Nm, I saw your post in the other section:
    Looks like I'll need to wait for the native DV update to my AWOL 3500 projector to apply "VS10 to output all content as Dolby Vision".
  15. electrobento

    electrobento New Member

    Outputting all content as DV (VS10 for all non-DV content) works. I'm currently doing so on my Z9X Pro.
    hdmkv likes this.
  16. DonnieYen

    DonnieYen Member

    It's a step back from z9x if your display device doesn't support DV. I am currently using VS10 ( HDR output) on vivitek hk2288. hope zidoo brings VS10 for all content back soon
    hdmkv likes this.
  17. electrobento

    electrobento New Member

    The option is still there.

    Attached Files:

  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    …and now you don’t need a custom EDID if you want a non EDID supported VS10 output.
    hdmkv likes this.
  19. When I use VS10 output for all contents, it seems like it Zidoo Z9X Pro has a glitch (the movie pauses) with DVDs converting to Dolby Vision (I have no 4K contents, all I have are blu ray and DVD).
    Does anybody else have this issue with playing DVDs using VS10?
    Is there any way to force Z9X pro to convert DVDs to DV and output them correctly?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2023
  20. DonnieYen

    DonnieYen Member

    z9x pro won't show VS10 output DV option on devices that don't support DV

    Attached Files:

    vddan likes this.

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