Native support does not require consideration of compatibility with third-party devices, and we can directly with hardware based and decoding layers, so native integration is lossless. And we will directly develop based on LMS protocols We have made some progress and I believe there will be a beta version soon
Mirror regarding Amazon Music app , can now search which is good but it still wont play files thats been purchased in my my Music in the app
I'm ridiculously excited - I'm a Crestron programmer and I helped in development of a Crestron module I still use to this day to control LMS and have a huge interest in integrating the A6 with LMS - My whole house (and garden!) is LMS integrated. If you know what LMS is and use it, you know how exciting this is. If you don't use it, it's probably a big "meh" but yeah, this is awesome news
I would also like to know if EQ or tone control is coming? I was planning on purchasing an A6 last week but held off because I found out there are currently no options for EQ.
OT- Don't know where to ask this but was this website that the forum is hosted on hacked? Couldn't access the site and it kept redirecting to a spam site. Also it says in my browser now that the forum is back up that the connection is Not secure.
Just upgraded the forum application and server PHP version, this should be a low version PHP vulnerability
Thank you very much for the work done, apparently it is improving every time, but I have given up on this topic, I consider it lost... When you play randomly on both Qobuz and Tidal, the playlist does not order it based on that mix, it leaves it as the original, so you don't know what song will play next.
I guess, you are thinking about ‘Shuffle’ play on an official playlist on Qobuz / Tidal? You want the ‘Play Queue’ in the Eversolo app to reflect the new order of play after starting that official playlist by pressing Shuffle, right? Like in the official Qobuz app? (Last tracks, current track and next tracks) +1 for that function but maybe the API doesn’t allow for that implementation (or maybe it is exactly what @mirror mentioned, when talking about coming functions…). Update: The Eversolo IOS app seems to re-order the official Qobuz playlist into its own new ‘play queue’ everytime you click ‘Shuffle’ and then it plays that play queue in the order it sorted it (so, somewhat similar to the official Qobuz app just not showing ‘last tracks, current track and next tracks’ like in the official Qobuz app). But the Eversolo IOS app does not start with the first track that is in its new play queue. It jumps to a random track and starts to play from there… Which makes it look and function a bit weird.
If it is possible in the Qobuz app, then the API allows for it; unless, of course, the PL is reshuffled locally... which seems to me what is happening now: the PL is there, and then a random index is taken, and the track at that index played... although this is shuffling, it is not what a user may expect... ;-) Correctly shuffling a PL is not trivial, but not hard anyway, so I think the issue can be easily fixed with a software update.
Great, finally someone understands my request/problem. After 5 updates looking at the improvements that talked about this issue and seeing that it continues to work "badly", I have given it up as lost. Indeed, that is exactly the problem, the Tidal api and the Qobuz api do it perfectly, ordering the playback queue after doing the shuffle, the EVERSOLO does not work correctly It's not something important and I know, a little annoying perhaps and I think it's easy to solve.
The squeezelite support will make the A6 a renderer for a LMS server, right? Is it possible to do the other way? To send audio from other apps in A6 to the LMS server?
Bonjour à tous, C'est l'image que j'obtiens maintenant sur mes Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 et 5 avec l'application Emby. C'est en plein écran maintenant (seulement 1/3 avant), donc génial ! Il serait peut-être possible d'avoir le même affichage sur le DMP-A6. Pour ma part, je n'aime pas la représentation de la pochette ronde tournante. On ne peut pas faire mieux qu'une pochette carrée fixe en terme d'informations. Par contre, j'ai installé le serveur Emby dans la DMP-A6 afin de pouvoir utiliser le disque de 4 To que j'ai installé dans la DMP mais pour le moment je n'arrive pas à créer le chemin dans le serveur Emby. Il y a peut-être quelque chose qui me manque ou ce n'est pas possible pour le moment. Pourquoi je recherche une alternative au logiciel DMP ? Parce que j'écoute beaucoup au hasard et comme avec Emby je souhaite voir le titre écouté sous forme de cover à gauche avec les informations en dessous et à droite les titres à venir pour pouvoir les sauter en fonction de l'humeur du moment. Pour le moment j'utilise le serveur Emby qui se trouve dans un NAS mais je souhaite ne pas utiliser le réseau et utiliser mon disque interne de 4 To. Merci à Mirror pour tout son travail. Esprit Breizh
M Hello Mirror would it be possible with a firmware update to send DSD 5.1 to the USB output to connect a multichannel dac like topping DM7? Thanks
BTW, sorting the "Last message" column doesn't seem to work properly. Though, the column header says descending the times shown don't seem to follow a concrete order.