New beta version v1.0.95 for Z9X PRO/Z20 PRO/Z2000 PRO/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by mirror, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

    Do you mind asking them for us since they only talk to you and no longer reply to our support mail request? Zidoo has the worst customer support I ever experienced in my live.
    Funkyone80 and Tryner like this.
  2. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    Indeed, however, when you buy a product, do you think it’s the customer’s responsibility to handle the after-sales service? Do they have no engineers? No control over the software before distribution? The state of the vanilla version was absolutely disastrous!
  3. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    IMO there is so many combos of equipment and settings that make it difficult to replicate another's problem. On some occasions my UHD5000 looked like it started dropping a frame every so often. Takes a pause or stop to fix it. Here is the real problem, I would say 99.5% of viewers would never detect and see this happen. I have played 25 Hz content at 23.976 or 24 Hz and to me it looks like stop action animation with certain movement while other viewers never see it even when I pointed out what to watch for with a laser pointer.

    Previously I had a Zappiti Neo, it would at random stop playing or drop the audio. Others never experienced those problems. Also when paused it would create a hideous noise in the right channel, that problem was experienced by other owners. I created a remote macro that would mute the audio then pause the Neo.

    Keep in mind there is no governing body with standards for media players. Look at how many years it took Apple to fix/add original frame rate to the ATV4K. AKAIK, Nvidia still has not fixed original frame rate on the Shield.
  4. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    I totally agree. I am following this market since Popcorn Hour C-200 times (so since the last 15 years) and the market was already broken the same way like today (exactly the same business model with non-employed community admins and lack of official support). And it's also us who are to blame... It's us who are buying those devices as soon as the new models arrive... Also it's not a big market. Not too many customers, so manufacturers are cutting costs, since if not, the devices with better software support would cost 3 times more. Add to this quite weak legal enforcement of consumer rights... and many false advertisement of some features that are later on (post purchase) removed from the list of features. And nobody is doing anything about this practice... So at the end the manufacturers are practically rewarded, not punished.
    Funkyone80 likes this.
  5. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    I agree with you but is not the same price
  6. Sergii

    Sergii New Member

    Hi. I have a couple questions.
    1. I have a NAS and every time I need to enter via smb zidoo asking me for login and pass. Is it possible to remember it and not type it every time? Do I have to look in zidoo settings or Synology settings?
    2. When I download new movie or TV show zidoo automatically scan it so I can see it entering to default category shortcuts (movie, TV show, children etc.), but it doesn't appear automatically in shortcuts that I created. For example, I have a shortcut for a new movies which scans only folder on NAS with the new movies and when I add new file default shortcut "movie" detects it automatically, but entering to my created shortcut "new movie" I can't see this new file, so I have to assign again --> select a folder on NAS "new movie" --> add to category "new movie" and only after that it appears. How to make it scan and add a new file for my created category as it does with default zidoo categories.
    3. Is it possible to assign specific folder to scan for default categories (movies, TV shows, children) as I assigned it for my created categories and do not scan all source. For example, TV shows only have to scan a folder on NAS with the name TV show, movie scans only movie folder.
    Thank you for any help in advance.
  7. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Just reporting that the bug of resizing/shrinking the entire user interface into the small area/box displayed in the left top corner of the screen is still existing. It happened already 3 times for me - using 1.0.95. The only fix once it happens is to restart the device. So looks like it was never fully fixed but just reduced the probability of recurrence.
    RDS - Z9X Pro and Badger like this.
  8. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

    dr4go and Simon Belmont like this.
  9. Powodol

    Powodol New Member

    I also find it quite strange that there haven't been any updates for almost six months. Yes, the new 8K models were released, and they had to focus on fixing issues there, but completely abandoning older models - especially when so many bugs remain and basic features still don’t work - is unacceptable.
    Selling in the EU also means they are required to support their devices for a far longer period than they have with the previous Pro models. I really hope Zidoo releases more updates this year to at least address essential features and fix critical bugs. Otherwise, I might consider requesting a refund, as there has been virtually no support after just a few months.

    There are laws in the EU that protect consumers from companies that constantly release "new models" every few months or year and immediately abandoning older models without providing further bug fixes or support.
    So, dear Zidoo team, I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to stop supporting your older models this fast.
  10. Vappali

    Vappali New Member

    I liked Zidoo because they were concerned with updating, with fixing. Now it's like dozens of other Chinese brands. They don't care about the customer. They release a new product.
    alex6583 and devilsown like this.
  11. alex6583

    alex6583 New Member

    Dune on Realtek gets updates and all the new features that 8K does, but with a slight delay.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No they don't.

    The AML SOC has a completely different featureset to the Realtek SOCs so it's impossible for Realtek to get "all the new features" of the 8K boxes (HDR modes as just one example).

    The Dune Realtek boxes were last updated in June 2024. Zidoo Realtek boxes (DR and BPD) were last updated at the end of July 2024.

    The DR boxes are now nearly 5 years old and although I'm not trying to justify the lack of firmware updates for the BPD boxes (which Dune never released), please don't try to imply that Dune are better at updates than Zidoo (or even Zappitilution) as they simply are not.

    Dune's history of firmware updates has been abysmal recently although they seem to have picked the ball up since the new year.
    xskip likes this.
  13. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    Ok is true but the bugs of the uhd 5000 is normaly ! Nice job of the non-employed
  14. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    I also experienced that bug several times recently without having had it occur much prior to this year.
  15. Silverider

    Silverider New Member

    I have have this bug as well on my Z2000 Pro, and as reported the only fix for it is to restart the device. It doesn't happen often but it is a pain when it does. Lets hope Zidoo will sort it out soon.
  16. Kris168

    Kris168 New Member

    The small box in the top left bug happens to me as well. Last time it was just from stopping the current movie I was watching.

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