Beta version v6.4.65 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000, v6.7.85 for NEO S/NEO X/NEO Alpha release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    Is there any news about a new firmware coming soon?
  2. Edworld

    Edworld Member

    Never been closer
  3. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    This is the forgotten section!! :mad:
  4. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Yeah, not inspiring is it...
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  5. Ozzyoz

    Ozzyoz Member

    I switched to AM6B+ and Coreelec.. read all, DV fel mel , iso blueray .... another planet...
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  6. DMD

    DMD Member

    Ugoos I've heard good things about it too; I haven't found an adequate forum for explanation of the settings.
  7. Ozzyoz

    Ozzyoz Member

    i send to you a conversation private
  8. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    I was asking about the new firmware just out of curiosity. I have no problems whatsoever with the UHD3000. Everything works without problems and I play any format, both video and audio
  9. LucasRey

    LucasRey New Member

    Is it possible to ask for new features?
    when looking at 3d pictures from the Xandao 3d camera, the picture app cannot stretch the full-SBS pics. It's really a simple feature that is already included in the video player.. no reason to not have it on the picture player..
    as an alternative maybe an app to view pics that has this feature could also work. anyone has any suggestions?

  10. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    I love this media player. But I'm starting to have weird playback issues with slow downs and movies will just stop playing. It might be my rips but it's happening a little too often now. Plus this section is dead with little or no support so I'm out and trying something else. If I saw this platform still being supported I wouldn't be upgrading now but when I did, it could have been another Zidoo. But without this support I might as well upgrade now to get AV1 encoding and other features that are important to me.

    BTW @Markswift2003 I've seen your comments on other platforms about other players which are useful to know. They worry me a little about my new purchase but if I don't like it I will send it back and stick with the Zidoo and try to sort the playback issue, so we'll see.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  11. Phil181

    Phil181 Active Member

    This sounds more like a network or hard drive issue, rather than the media player itself.
    Without knowing all your connected hardware or any changes made to installed apps or network, it is difficult to suggest areas to look at first.
    Rebooting the router (fixing IP's if not already done) and checking all hard drives would be a start...

    My own Z1000 Pro has been used daily, with a large variety of material and has been rock solid on current firmware (and using ZDMC for the large library content).
    Oldpainless and Enet like this.
  12. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    Unlikely but it could be. Hopefully I will know more when the new box arrives.
  13. DMD

    DMD Member

    After a few years, I discovered another bug, which I never had a chance to experience before.
    The channel sequence in PCM turns out to be reversed, tried the same file on an obsolete Himedia Q5 player resituates the correct order perfectly.

    In AC3 (correct sequence):
    1- Left
    2- Right
    3- Center
    4- LFE
    5- Left rear
    6- Right rear

    In PCM (wrong sequence):
    1- Left
    2- Right
    3- Center
    4- Left rear
    5- Rear right
    6- LFE

    To get the correct sequence, I had to modify the custom channel mapping with Audacity.
    Honestly I find this a very annoying bug.

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2024
    Pete B likes this.
  14. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    Does anyone else have an issue with TV series getting all borked up as far as watched/unwatched? This issue started maybe 6 months ago. If I watch a series for the first time, then exit it for the night, the next day click the continue watching thumbnail and all of the episodes are messed up. Let's say I watched ep 1 & 2. The next day it will show random episodes greyed out and some show like they've never been seen. But the cursor/highlighted episode might be on like episodes 8! In other words, most show played before I ever get to them. What's worse is following seasons are screwed up before I ever get get a chance to watch any of them. Sure, I can spam mark all as watched and then mark them as unwatched. But as soon as I exit the HT4 app, all is borked once again and in a seemingly random fashion. It's killed two series on me already as I was binging some episodes and then realized the Zidoo skipped several episodes. One time it even somehow warped me to an entirely different season. Pretty much the only way to watch a series now is I have to pay attention to which episode I'm on and then manually click the next one. The continue watching icon is completely useless as it will shoot you somewhere randomly.
  15. Yohmi

    Yohmi Member

    I don't have the issue you're talking about. Could this be an issue with Trakt integration ?

    In addition to your problem, I'll share mine. I have Trakt enabled (from Zidoo to Trakt), and I face three issues with the "watched" status.
    First issue, if a video is partially watched, even for 1 sec., it disappears from the "unwatched" status but doesn't get the "watched" status either.
    Second issue, I suppose it happened when I tried the "from Trakt to Zidoo" option, many videos got a 1 sec. watched status, making them neither unwatched nor watched (and no easy way to hunt them, so I regularly discover content with a 1 sec. watch when I browse my full collection, and I need set as watched then set as unwatched then remove from Trakt watchlist, this is really annoying).
    Third issue, it's very common for me to leave a video from a particular series and to not be able to watch from where I left. No matter if I exit by pressing stop, or return return, it will randomly remember the timeline, and most of the time not.
  16. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Just me but I don't like the idea or a 3rd party keeping track of what I've watch or didn't. So no Trakt for me!
    Phil181 and Oldpainless like this.
  17. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    That was actually a great guess. But in my case, I don't use Trakt. Here is what a typical series looks like. This one is 100% "unwatched". Guess I'm forced to go back to my Shield Pro and Plex.

    Attached Files:

    Tarantula likes this.
  18. thivame

    thivame Active Member

    Why have these beautiful machines been forgotten?
    If they were kept up to date, they would outperform many of today's products...
    I have a more recent box and the zidoo is better in image and CEC management, but the "less buggy" features on the other box are making me abandon the zidoo more and more.
    Because of zidoo's lack of follow-up, many are or will be tempted to go elsewhere.
  19. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Absolutely right and such behaviour will report losses to Zidoo!!
  20. enry184

    enry184 Active Member

    They do this on purpose to no longer update slightly older products. In their heads by doing this, they think they are encouraging people to buy their latest ones but they are very wrong. All products with 1619DR RTD chip are still great and current and look great. I have the UHD3000 and am very excited about it, it's also a fantastic network audio streamer without needing to buy the Eversolo. We have to thank goodness if a latest firmware for the 1619DR RTD chips will be released in the future.

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