Beta version v6.3.75 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000 release.

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Jan 22, 2022.

  1. cVVGLabs

    cVVGLabs Active Member

    Let's not discuss political news here, but exclusively on business.
  2. timmyp53

    timmyp53 Member

    Not really much going on here that's political... I honestly just didn't even catch that China was experiencing Covid Lockdown issues that directly effect tech businesses software/hardware timelines at the moment.
  3. nhtdm

    nhtdm Member

    Ziddo UHD3000 firmware Version 6.3.75 has trouble playing full menu with The Godfather Trilogy 4K ISO
    It "Plays" from the menu then return to the menu again, can't start the movie. Dune Ultra 4K Vision plays all without problems.
  4. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Number one on my list and in red.
  5. Mentor27

    Mentor27 Member

    I am a UHD3000 user and I think that in devices with built-in DACs I need to add a quick access function to the DAC - I mean turning the DAC on and off on the main screen - menu. Some time ago, the icon that indicates audio work (lower right corner), when clicked, reacted to switching to the DAC or HDMI sound output setting. It doesn't work now. @mirror - please take a look at it.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky New Member

    Just updated my Z10 Pro with the 92 software but if I select home theatre it keeps reverting to the home screen but will stop this behaviour if a quickly play a film??
  7. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    And why do you post this in the 6.3.75 thread, while there is a 6.3.92 thread
  8. Tricky

    Tricky New Member

    Because I hadn't seen the 6.3.92 thread, got the update file elsewhere.
  9. iieeann

    iieeann New Member

    I am now with 6.3.75. I remembered i downloaded the G version of .75 firmware and installed, but nowhere i can find google play app. I read somewhere people said need older firmware to register first, then only upgrade to later firmware for google play to work. Can someone confirm this? Do I need to downgrade to get google play; or I can just upgrade to .92 with G directly.
  10. Roney

    Roney New Member

    I have problems with connection between my W10 laptop (wireless) and my UHD3000 (wired) when I'm starting them. I often have to turn off/on Samba server in Settings on my Zidoo and then I get connection.

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