Beta version v6.3.2 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000 released

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, May 7, 2021.

  1. Movie78

    Movie78 Member Beta test group

    I just tried another TV Hisense U8G and the same issue.
    Yes this just started happening
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That's really odd - and especially so since it happens on another display entirely. - this is an instance where it would be incredibly helpful to have an "export settings" function say in XML so it would be easy to see all settings in one place and even import to test... Might suggest that...

    I think I know what you'll say, but have you tried what @Polypenko advised and make sure the TV is fully switched on before turning the Zidoo on?

    Other than that (don't think that's the issue since it's hitting the correct HDMI mode, so the EDID is being read correctly) then all I can suggest is a factory reset to see if anything went awry with the upgrade (again unlikely, but it's a process of elimination). Of course if you do that make sure to back up your HT4 database.

    I assume you're going straight from the Zidoo to the TV by one HDMI cable?
  3. ulna68

    ulna68 Active Member

    as for HDR 10+, it also does not play this standard for me, and when I start this movie on the player with tv tcl 65x10 it is, but I really do not know if it is the fault of zidoo z9x or tv and its hdmi 2.0b inputs
  4. darkeyes909

    darkeyes909 Active Member

    My last dune was able to over the air upgrade FW or back up to previous ones. Is that no longer possible and why doesn't Zidoo do it?
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I think there have been other posts where TCL TVs struggle with HDR10+ from the Zidoo - certainly the Zidoo does send the HDR10+ flags and metadata correctly so I think the best we can say is that there's a compatibility issue there.
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I believe it's to do with each firmware from Zidoo being based on an updated Realtek SDK which Dune don't do, but I'm not 100% on that.
  7. ulna68

    ulna68 Active Member

    yes, I suspect that it is from tCL, but the worst thing is that it is difficult to expect that they will do something about it, the TV itself is great, but their support compared to zidoo is laughter in the room
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    When you play an HDR10+ title, does the HDR10+ logo generated by the Zidoo pop up in the top left corner?
  9. ulna68

    ulna68 Active Member

    I think so, but I'm not sure because at the same time the HDR10 logo generated by the TV is displayed
  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Worth checking because if it doesn't show it means the TV EDID isn't advertising HDR10+

    Also - if a file is playing, press "Info" on the Zidoo Remote and that will tell you what mode it's in (bottom right of info screen).
  11. ulna68

    ulna68 Active Member

    I can check it only at the weekend, because every day the zidoo is connected to the receiver, which does not support hdr10 +, I have to disconnect everything and connect the zidoo directly to the TV, but 99% I'm sure there is a string from zidoo about hdr10 +
  12. Movie78

    Movie78 Member Beta test group

    I do export the system settings?
    Getting a little annoying with this little issues with this player.

    Where is @mirror ?
  13. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    I also have a TCL and HDR10+ does not work. I get HDR10 Logo instead.
    NikosR6 likes this.
  14. Movie78

    Movie78 Member Beta test group

    HDR10+ doesn't work on the on the Hisense U8G, I install Kodi on the TV and HDR10+ works perfect.
    NikosR6 likes this.
  15. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    HDR10+ HLG DV all work well on Panasonic Z1000

    just resested Alita in both DV and HDR10+ mode ..only difference as always is DV seems darker

    added old phone grabs of screen ,showing info screen for both Z9X and Z1000 ,since nothings changed my end

    As always to get HDR10+ showing on something like Alita/BTTF whith both DV and HDR10+ go to quick settings/display/HDR/ forced hdr10

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    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I've asked for an XML export to be added - this could be really handy to diagnose these sorts of issues.
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    So if you get the HDR10 logo and not the HDR10+ logo (from the Zidoo, not the TV) that means the Zidoo doesn't know that the TV supports HDR10+ which can only mean two things:

    1. The file isn't HDR10+
    2. The TV EDID does not advertise HDR10+
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Again, could be an EDID problem if you only get the HDR10 logo from the Zidoo.

    If you and @Nicholas Hewitt export your EDID I can easily tell (Settings/Display/EDID/Export and change from .bin to .txt to post here)
  19. Armin Moesslacher

    Armin Moesslacher Active Member

    I am really happy I still only have a Pioneer Kuro ;-)
  20. Whitfield

    Whitfield Active Member

    I also had one. Hands down the best plasma ever made, especially when it comes to blacks.
    DELUCAS likes this.

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