About TV shows scraping, please provide your directory tree[29 July updated]

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    next version will support 1x01.
    There's no need to complain. You raise a problem and we solve it. That’s the all.
    BearOS, pcristi, dr4go and 2 others like this.
  2. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    Any thoughts on my collection or previous post? I shared my file structure for TV shows and commented about the structure for identification but no feedback as of yet.

    Is there really no way to tell HT4 what content exists in a folder so that movies and TV don't get mixed up?

    If you just have content with no NFO's or other data, how does the software know which site to reference for identification purposes, and which are used by default? I believe I read elsewhere you can change which sites are used, say if you want to use TMDB for TV instead of TVDB you can?
  3. Sorry I'm late getting you this. I was out all night after seeing Spiderman :) I eventually was able to get the TV library to scrape fully using my NFO files, but I had to "update" the scan several times to get HT to cover the entire library. Basically, HT would crash during the scan and I would have to re-open the program, forcibly stop the scan, and then update the scan to get it going again. I had to do this maybe 3 times and then it scanned in the whole library. Unfortunately, I havent gotten past this step yet as HT just crashes back to the homescreen of the device after I have all my libraries loaded. It seems like something is crashing it when it tries the load the dashboards, maybe its artwork or something, I don't know right now.

    By any chance, is there a log I can look at to see whats going on? My boyfriend is a software dev and he wants to try and help me figure out whats going on with the program to make it crash repeatedly like this.

      <plot>Ninety-seven years ago, nuclear Armageddon decimated planet Earth, destroying civilization. The only survivors were the 400 inhabitants of 12 international space stations that were in orbit at the time. Three generations have been born in space, the survivors now number 4,000, and resources are running out on their dying "Ark." Among the 100 young exiles are Clarke, the bright teenage daughter of the ArkΓÇÖs chief medical officer; the daredevil Finn; the brother/sister duo of Bellamy and Octavia, whose illegal sibling status has always led them to flaunt the rules, the lighthearted Jasper and the resourceful Monty. Technologically blind to whatΓÇÖs happening on the planet below them, the ArkΓÇÖs leaders ΓÇö ClarkeΓÇÖs widowed mother, Abby; Chancellor Jaha; and his shadowy second in command, Kane ΓÇö are faced with difficult decisions about life, death and the continued existence of the human race.</plot>
      <uniqueid type="sonarr" default="true">18468</uniqueid>
            <codec>DTS-HD MA</codec>
            <language>English / French / Spanish / Spanish / Portuguese / Danish / Finnish / Norwegian / Swedish</language>
  4. Steve S

    Steve S New Member

    I have frequently found that the scraper gets confused if TV episode names are in the filenames. There are two issues:
    2) Show matched as a MOVIE

    Here is an example:

    Language: English

    Directory on internal hard drive: \TV Shows\The Sopranos {tvdb-75299}\Season 06
    Directories constructed with filebot, including NFO file in "The Sopranos {tvdb-75299}" directory.

    The Sopranos - S06E01 - Members Only.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E02 - Join the Club.mkv <----- MATCHED AS A MOVIE
    The Sopranos - S06E03 - Mayham.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E04 - The Fleshy Part of the Thigh.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E05 - Mr. and Mrs. Sacramoni Request.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E06 - Live Free or Die.mkv <----- UNMATCHED
    The Sopranos - S06E07 - Luxury Lounge.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E08 - Johnny Cakes.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E09 - The Ride.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E10 - Moe n' Joe.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E11 - Cold Stones.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E12 - Kaisha.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E13 - Soprano Home Movies.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E14 - Stage 5.mkv <---- UNMATCHED
    The Sopranos - S06E15 - Remember When.mkv <---- MATCH AS MOVIE
    The Sopranos - S06E16 - Chasing It.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E17 - Walk Like a Man.mkv <---- MATCHED AS MOVIE
    The Sopranos - S06E18 - Kennedy and Heidi.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E19 - The Second Coming.mkv <---- UNMATCHED
    The Sopranos - S06E20 - The Blue Comet.mkv
    The Sopranos - S06E21 - Made in America.mkv <---- UNMATCHED

    For S06E02, the movie it matched to is "Join the Club", 2016
    For S06E15, the movie it matched to is "Remember When", 2014
    For S06E17, the movie it matched to is "Walk Like a Man", 1987

    Hopefully the scraper can be improved to make use of the helper information given, such as the TVDB ID or NFO file.
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem sometime ago. I bit the bullet and did a mass rename eliminating everything past the ep number. Solved the problem. A lot of my TV ep names were coincidentally also the name of movies.
  6. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Firmware version? v6.3.60 should not happen this.
  7. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    I don't understand how TV can be identified as Movies. So when you setup your source, you don't identify it as one or the other so that the system doesn't make this mistake?

    @mirror any feedback on my previous questions? I have purchased a Z9X but it's on hold pending learning more about HT4. UI is everything to me, hardware isn't even a consideration at this point.
  8. Steve S

    Steve S New Member

    It shows v6.3.12. It is a UHD3000, and says the firmware is up-to-date when checked through the menu.
  9. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    You need to enable beta versions for OTA updates if available otherwise simply download v6.3.60 from McBluna.net (The G version has Google store already in it)
  10. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    Why are firmware sources such a mess, and why is a 3rd party site where you need to download some? Shouldn't there be one source?
  11. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    If you search the website, you will find the relevant firmware "source" on Page 1 of the relevant thread regarding the firmwares. Referring you to another site such as Mcbluna's is because he's a highly regarded member who holds all the firmwares alongside the relevant models - just saves time wading through various threads to find the one you want
    McBluna likes this.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not sure it's a mess - latest public betas are always posted as a sticky at the top of this forum so when available they always appear in the same place.

    As @rozel says, @McBluna very kindly also keeps an archive on his site.
    DELUCAS and McBluna like this.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    or at least we have frequent firmware updates :)
  14. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    I use forums a lot and I wouldn't think to check a forum to find a FW update. I would expect to find them at https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/downloads.html at all times, for rollback or latest release.

    It just seems like an incredibly strange way of handling it. As rozel also pointed out, wading through threads to find a release isn't very efficient.
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The support page is for Release versions - the betas are restricted to the forum and as I say, the latest is always stickied (he says as he stickies the latest release..... :) )
    Sledgehamma likes this.
  16. Steve S

    Steve S New Member

    I installed the latest beta, v6.3.60. I can confirm that the scraper has improved... all shows in the Sopranos Season 6 example that I was testing are now correctly identified, even with the episode titles included in the filenames. The other improvement I noticed is that the media labels (e.g., 4k, HEVC H.265, 23.976Hz etc.) are now identified, even though they are not in the filenames. Nice!
  17. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! Not sure what the fuzz is about. If you don’t want to use beta release (they are beta after all) just use the official website or the OTA function of the device.
    It’s was also the same for Popcorn Hour devices, so no strange at all.

    And also keep in mind that Zidoo are the only ones offering an official forum.
  18. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    Any feedback on this one? While there's an official forum, it's not very good when so many questions remain unanswered.
  19. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    You do not specify a source as TV Shows or Movies.
    Six66Mike likes this.
  20. This is so weird to me, as every other major platform I'm familiar with (kodi, plex) takes the opposite approach. I certainly like the playback capabilities of my Z9X but I'll be picking up an Nvidia Shield successor whenever that releases, the scraping quality of TV shows on the Z9X is just not where I'd like it to be.
    Mr Hyde and Six66Mike like this.

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