New firmware v1.2.10 for DMP-A6 release

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by mirror, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. HiFiguy62

    HiFiguy62 New Member

    How would you characterize the sound difference between the DMP analog output and the Z8 DAC ?
  2. HiFiguy62

    HiFiguy62 New Member

    I prefer the new VU meter behavior Vs old.
    They were kind of sluggish before so with music (not test tones) they are more like an old analog VU meter !
    Don't change them....
  3. Stuj

    Stuj Active Member

    The VUs are good here also…... Re the TDK, ill miss the TDK MA tapes i once had , they are now the in thing amongst the retro hipsters
    Peter Wallop, Webkemmi and Gil Fuhrer like this.
  4. Jammer

    Jammer Member

    hi guys, is it possible to revert to previous 1.1.80 version?
    there's some official/supported version to do that?

  5. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, there is no recovery image available yet. You can't downgrade.
  6. Krzysztof S.

    Krzysztof S. New Member

    Hello everyone, I would like to thank Eki for his availability and professionalism. It helped me solve some problems.
    Eric777 and Peter Wallop like this.
  7. Nikolay Gramchev

    Nikolay Gramchev New Member

    Sorry that this is not the main topic but I need a fast reply.
    Any chance anyone to help here?
    I have sent the inquiry to the eversolo dmp-a6 support team thru the website but already more than couple of days no response. So I am checking here for advice.
    I got the dmp-a6 two weeks ago and I am amazed - it surpassed all my expectations in every positive way: 1/cool design and build; 2/extremely easy and fast set-up; 3/ OTA updates working and coming just a couple of days after release; 4/amazing functionality and great cast mode to the phone; 5/ hitting high up, above the price. like a streamer and a dac - far better than Zen Stream and even better than iFi Neo (in streaming and dac).

    SO - my question:
    1/ I use the dmp-a6, mainly, in a chain with my Klipsch the Fives speakers; but I want to introduce a room correction device;
    2/ can I use the dmp-a6 like a streamer and loop back from the room correction device to it and use it like a dac?
    - I want to use the optical out to send the streamed signal from the dmp-a6 to a room correction device;
    - but I do not want to use the room correction device's dac - I want to use its optical out and go back to the optical in of the dmp-a6 and use the dmp-a6 like a dac.
    So, would that work? is the dmp-a6 capable of that loop back? or I have to use a third device for a dac?
    Would be very grateful if someone knowledgeable replies.
  8. Peter Wallop

    Peter Wallop Active Member

    Hi. Please see my post #3 in the A6 Masters edition compared to Z8 sonic differences? In the DAC - Z6/Z8 thread.

    In a nutshell (and without a/b testing), I really couldn’t detect much difference in SQ between the A6ME and the standard A6/Z8 combination, though I believe that the soundstage was wider and instrumental separation is slightly ’cleaner’ with the combo. When I now unhook the Z8 from my system and rely on the standard A6’s internal DAC, then yes, there is a difference, but it’s small and some may even prefer the sound of the A6 DAC. I’m conscious that acoustics make a huge difference (I have a glass roof and minimal soft furnishings), so my experience will be very different to someone with thick carpeting and oversize sofas (Bonzo’s inspired me to buy a rug!). If you live in perfect sonic conditions (I certainly don’t), you’ll probably hear slightly more detail and (I hate this word so much:mad:) ‘transparency’ with the Z8. However, some unfortunately situated heavy curtains really could change things. Long story short, the margins are really fine and you should trial at home if you’re making a A6/Z8 choice. That’s the short answer - only read-on if you have a few minutes to kill:).

    Is the Z8 worth it? Well, yes - to me, but I was fortunate enough to have the money already budgeted and I plan for the A6/Z8 to be my end-game. I still suffer from ‘upgraditus’, but even I have to admit that my ears are reaching their limit:( (who am I kidding, I’m working on a 5-year plan for Kef Blades!). In very crude terms, I doubt if a <£5k system would benefit from the A6/Z8 combo (the A6 internal DAC stands in it’s own right with RCA output), but I’m sure that a >£8k system would benefit from a Z8 etc. (I’m really trying not to use the word ‘resolving’!).

    For context, my circumstances were that I had budgeted about £3.5k-£4k to upgrade my Node2 (internal DAC). After an obsessively high number of hours researching (including retrofitting the Node2 with an LPS and running with a Chord Qutest 2), I’m delighted with the A6/Z8 combo. From a HiFi purist perspective, there may be better SQ available for £3.5-£4k (though I’m not actually sure that there really is - IMO, this Eversolo kit is a real disruptor!). Linn & Naim had better hope that Eversolo doesn't decide to dip its toes into the HiFi Amp market!

    Also, the not inconsiderable factor that I don’t possess a ‘man-cave’ - wife is very confident and proactive in exercising her aesthetic veto:rolleyes: (that’s a hard ‘No’ to the Chord Qutest!:mad:). The A6/Z8 combo received the requisite wife-certification (you think Amazon is tough, you’ve no idea!:confused:). I also make use of the headphone output (again, very good) of the Z8.

    Either the A6 or Z8 are great choices and the decision just depends on your individual circumstances.

    That took longer than I planned!

    Alan Rutlidge and Webkemmi like this.
  9. Peter Wallop

    Peter Wallop Active Member

    This isn’t an area that I’m familiar with, but I recall reading a post on another Forum from a contributor who was using his/her A6 with a miniDSP device (from memory, I think that it was the ‘HD’ model). The feedback was extremely positive and this may be worth exploring. If you do install EQ, please update this thread - I’m interested, but know nothing about it (although setting up DIRAC on an Arcam A/V Receiver was surprisingly straightforward).
  10. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    The main answer here is that is not possible to output a digital signal from the A6 to an external box and then come back in from that box via digital to exploit the DAC in the A6. It either acts as a pure digital streamer with digital out or as a combined streamer and DAC but these two modes cannot occur at the same time or be mixed.

    Like you, I use a room correction box, a miniDSP Studio all digital box equipped with Dirac Live. I go digital out from the A6 into this box and come then via a DDC into an external DAC, a Denafrips Pontus II 12th ed. I cannot come back into the A6 to use its DAC, the current software/hardware wiring does not cater for this unfortunately. There are room correction boxes which take analog inputs so these could correct after the A6 does both streaming and DAC functions, but you will then have another ADC and DAC in the chain. However, for me the room correction step is worthwhile and I never turn it off! Hope this helps, I agree the A6 is indeed a remarkable device.
  11. Jammer

    Jammer Member

    @members: Next time you put a firmware please use clear [BETA] or [ALPHA] version in title please!
    Thanks for your effort
    Inti likes this.
  12. glc650

    glc650 Member

    As Jjb067 already mentioned there is no way to loop back to the A6's DAC but if you are a Roon user you can implement room correction in Roon and send that room corrected signal to the A6 and use the A6's DAC for output to the rest of your chain. You might be able to use something like Camilla on a Raspberry Pi before the A6 but then you would be giving up the A6's streaming function and using CDSP as the source but you would be able to use the A6's DAC. You will have to decide which features of the A6 are most important and make a concession somewhere to get room correction into your chain. How is the A6 currently connected to your Klipsch speakers?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
  13. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

    [ALPHA] firmware is not supposed to be leaked anyway. ;)
    OffRoad and Inti like this.
  14. As far as I know, the one from this thread is not a beta one, it’s an official release.
  15. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    upgrade to 1.2.12. pushed
    Spizz, OffRoad, kc001 and 1 other person like this.
  16. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

  17. Carlos Lima

    Carlos Lima New Member

    thanks Mirror, good news.
    When will it be available?
  18. kc001

    kc001 Active Member

    it already is
  19. DanneS

    DanneS New Member

    Ty Sir!
    Now my DSD/DSF is working again.
    Spizz and lemongrass like this.
  20. Carlos Lima

    Carlos Lima New Member

    ok, but where can I download it

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