New version v6.7.66 for NEO S/NEO Alpha/NEO X release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, May 16, 2023.

  1. aleksklo

    aleksklo New Member

    Yes, it's a sad prospect... How can an updated software product be tested if it involves such risks? The ability to safely roll back to a previous version of the software is that so difficult? Dune, in my experience, has never had any problems with this. P.S. Everything is fine with Google.) Thank you for the answer.
  2. Knight_Rider

    Knight_Rider Member

    All dun believe me when I say is obsolete but now isn't what I had said so.....
  3. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    Unfortunately, Zidoo has now moved on to other products.
    New flagship - has been forgotten, moved to the background :)
    I will not wait for the translation of the menu to be corrected, and the firmware may come out in the next six months

    the King is dead, long live the new King ( New models Zidoo)
  4. pavlin67

    pavlin67 Active Member

    How to flash NEO α(Alpha)v6.7.66 recovery image[ld]3ulg==/guide_faq/raXr0bxKWKM=.html
  5. pavlin67

    pavlin67 Active Member

    Вот и тебе подарок к 1 сентября! Держали у себя с 16 мая 2023
    aleksklo likes this.
  6. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member


    Thank you
    It is a pity that they do not provide checksums of this file on the website
  7. Antipi4

    Antipi4 New Member

    У Меня вопрос к разработчикам.Почему они сделали образ восстановления из Бета прошивки,а не из стабильной 42ой.
  8. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    В бета-версии Zidoo это просто слово :)
    Может, забыли убрать это слово - но версия точно стабильнее v6.7.66

    In Zidoo beta it's just a word :)
    Maybe they forgot to remove that word - but the version is definitely more stable v6.7.66
  9. Antipi4

    Antipi4 New Member

    Тогда почему в этой стабильной версии столько ошибок?
  10. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    Ты должен спросить об этом Zidoo.
    You have to ask Zidoo about that.
  11. Jimibxl

    Jimibxl New Member

    I have enough of the built-in audio player (always crashes when browsing quickly) so i decide to connect my pc by usb. I am so happy now cause I connected a 15,4 inch touchscreen (only 100 euro) i can browse now all my music and play them with the pc. It is also great to play flac web radio

    What's cool also is the hdmi port still send the video and stereo signal so i can watch also my iptv on my oled tv
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
  12. Jimibxl

    Jimibxl New Member

    I am so disappointed about the software and the lack of support for neo s that was a high end product so you can be sure i will never buy a zidoo product anymore. Now i am saving money to buy a hifi rose rs520. It looks like they are more serious with the support of their products.
    rockmeloman likes this.
  13. Jimibxl

    Jimibxl New Member

    Now the audio player shows only songs lyrics in chinese, impossible to download other languages (english or french songs)
  14. 1GTRBG

    1GTRBG Member

    +1 on UHD3000
  15. Jimibxl

    Jimibxl New Member

    For those who want to use the front screen of the neo s (probably will work with neo x as it's based on same firmware) as a normal monitor (what u see on your tv will be shown also on the 5 inch screen} go to android parameters then system, then hdmi/dp display config, untick hdmi/dp different source, reboot.
    Its very useful if you just listen to music but of course you can watch movies and do everything as touchscreen is working.

    To revert and come back to normal interface just tick back that option and reboot.
    andrewrona likes this.
  16. ChrisMu

    ChrisMu Member

    No more firmware for Neo S ? ... in 2022 there were almost a dozen, and in 2023 just ... one ?
  17. Knight_Rider

    Knight_Rider Member

    Where Markswift2003 and the others who like their post? The time can realise that I am right.
  18. ChrisMu

    ChrisMu Member

    Already six months have passed and no new firmware for Neo S ... to solve that problem that the music player doesn't play from the very beginning of the song file, and that annoying fade in and fade out at skipping, pause and then play ... that is so sad ! Fortunately they did solved the problem for Eversolo A6 somehow at the hottest requests written on the forum, and so, I immediately bought one and it plays normally.
  19. Jimibxl

    Jimibxl New Member

    My neo s doesn't stop to reboot or to freeze (i have to power off then on) also the remote control is given me lot of problems (lot of ghost clicks) . Fortunately i bought it at Amazon so i will ask for the warranty and a refund. I will never buy again a zidoo product. This forum is dead like the upgrade of our expensive media player.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
  20. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    I do like those new Eversolo streamers but most of that innovation could easily run also on Neo players. A big update synchronizing most of it would be highly appreciated by all customers I think.

    Above all Neo Alpha owners must feel left in the cold by now.

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