Tips and tricks. Unofficial guides and fixes. User edition.

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by HaoSs, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    Dont think you will find it here. Made this topic for already found solutions
  2. Fastyk

    Fastyk New Member

    Hello! can somebody help me?
    i need to add wlan0 (wifi) interface to miniDLNA
    it must be added over ssh in /etc/init.d/minidlna
    but i can't found instruction for this.
    can some one understand me how to do this?
  3. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    a more easy way is to setup FTP and navigate to /etc/init.d/minidlan and user a texteditor ( like notepad++) to edit/save. Then reboot box.

    setup samba(ignore in your case) + FTP :
  4. Fastyk

    Fastyk New Member

    ok. but what and where i should add to minidlna?
    #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
    # Copyright (C) 2010




    minidlna_cfg_append() {
    echo "$1" >> "$MINIDLNA_CONFIG_FILE"

    minidlna_cfg_addbool() {
    local cfg="$1"
    local key="$2"
    local def="$3"
    local val

    config_get_bool val "$cfg" "$key" "$def"
    [ "$val" -gt 0 ] && val="yes" || val="no"
    minidlna_cfg_append "$key=$val"

    minidlna_cfg_addstr() {
    local cfg="$1"
    local key="$2"
    local def="$3"
    local val

    config_get val "$cfg" "$key" "$def"
    [ -n "$val" ] && minidlna_cfg_append "$key=$val"

    minidlna_cfg_add_media_dir() {
    local val=$1

    minidlna_cfg_append "media_dir=$val"

    minidlna_create_config() {
    local cfg=$1
    local port
    local interface

    config_get port $cfg port
    config_get interface $cfg interface

    [ -z "$interface" -o -t "$port" ] && return 1

    echo "# this file is generated automatically, don't edit" > "$MINIDLNA_CONFIG_FILE"

    minidlna_cfg_append "port=$port"
    minidlna_cfg_append "network_interface=$interface"

    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg friendly_name
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg db_dir
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg log_dir
    minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg inotify '1'
    minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg enable_tivo '0'
    minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg strict_dlna '0'
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg album_art_names
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg presentation_url
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg notify_interval '900'
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg serial '12345678'
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg model_number '1'
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg minissdpsocket
    minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg root_container '.'
    config_list_foreach "$cfg" "media_dir" minidlna_cfg_add_media_dir

    return 0

    start() {
    local enabled
    local db_dir
    local log_dir

    config_load 'minidlna'
    config_get_bool enabled config 'enabled' '0'

    [ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] || return 1

    minidlna_create_config config || return 1

    config_get db_dir config 'db_dir' '/var/run/minidlna'
    config_get log_dir config 'log_dir' '/var/log'

    mkdir -m 0755 -p $db_dir
    mkdir -m 0755 -p $log_dir
    service_start /usr/bin/minidlna -f "$MINIDLNA_CONFIG_FILE"

    stop() {
    service_stop /usr/bin/minidlna
  5. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    not sure you have the right info, in etc/init.d/ its the start script, not the config file, you probably need to search in /etc/ or in /etc/config/ , for the config file and edit that.
  6. spawn_lmg

    spawn_lmg Active Member Beta test group

  7. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  8. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    sure thing
  9. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Hello, can I use aria2 with some premium account like wickedcloud? I'm looking ro try a guide who explains how configure an rapishare account, i tought it's the same, but i can't know the commands shell in openwrt. I don't understand why i have insert "sleep 60" like the first page of this guide. My purpose should be to modify /var/etc/aria2/aria2.conf or make a copy. Can someone hwlp me?
  10. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    the sleep 60 is there to force aria to start later ( after HDD initialization )
    you edit/make a copy like you do in a normal linux environment using the console, google it.
  11. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Ok, thanks, i'll try it. When I use ubuntu distro and i have to edit a file .conf by the shell usually i use "nano file.conf" but in this case i can't...i'll looking for a solution...
  12. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    Because nano is not installed. Use "vi" comand
  13. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    @HaoSs i put my problem about X10 on X6 becase i could not access to anyone forum pages apart that. Now there isn't this problem. I dont know about it depended.
    About Aria2 i tried to "add a task" i added http:wickedcloud.file but it download just a web page, and I can't recognised where directory is. Sda1. I can see it on putty but i can't know what is in zidoo dashboard i don't find that file in no way. So i removed from Putty. From I can see an usb hd external, but if i want download on internal disk what is the correct directory?
  14. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    why dont you use the web interface ? just access the openwrt , turn aria2 on, refresh, should have a new button that lets you open the aria2 interface
  15. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Yes, I did it. In the new tab 127...../yaaw i click on add--> open window where i can put http,ftp,...links: here i paste (for example) aria2 download web page and not the file wich webpage points. To be clearer: in jdown you can insert link container and it download every file to every link pointed to. Maibe it is not possible with aria. The great problem is that i'm looking for a wiki or guide (complete and clear) about this program but i cant find nothing (apart official wiki that explains line command options)
  16. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    jdown is not the same as aria2. i think link should be like : ,for aria2 to download it
  17. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    oook thanks, i had need two days to understand that this program can't me help
  18. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

  19. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Yeah i'm sure it will function, but it's not im looking for (like functions program)
  20. Davicom

    Davicom Member

    Hi again :oops: I'm trying to configure samba following tips &tricks guide video. But as soon i have stopped me. In the video he can access to open wrt by computer inserting 192.168.1.x, i can't. I can having access just on zidoo from settings openwrt-->advanced settings and ip page is Then, if i go to Mount Point, i can see just Usb Storage attached to zidoo (that are yet shares, i can see them on ubuntu) but i can see sda1(internal memory). Can anyone help me, explaining to me what setting is wrong in my actual configuration? For example: when i try to download with aria2 i had the same problem in the shell: i cannot see internal memory so i downloaded forced on usb attached
    Ps sorry sincerely for my english

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