The new 1.4.8 update for X9S

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Ahmad Haghshenas, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Gwadalolo

    Gwadalolo New Member

    That's understandable, you could also say that popularity of Kodi partly came from the fact that it could play everything, on many hardwares... Answer I ultimately got from Kodi is that they develop Kodi for themselves and don't want to bother with realtek not following android standard (I may have pissed them off to be honest). They could also just integrate the code and not support it after all (seems more complex than that though, if there are side effects...).

    For realtek it's probably great for what I know, but it's probably far easier in terms of maintenance when you use the same chipset as all (most) other boxes, like the thousands of amlogic

    Something else, I had some annoying issue with samba/SSH slow as hell after some hours of uptime, and it seems it's gone with 1.4.8. Thanks Zidoo
  2. Igor!

    Igor! New Member

    Probably, you do not hear me.
    The developers have already achieved success on/off through the CEC but later broke "on/wakeup" function for several TV models.
    mariustma likes this.
  3. DolbyVision

    DolbyVision New Member

    With this update I got Colours broken.
    On my LG Oled colors became darker, I don't see now shades of dark it's all dark. It's present with any content HD or HDR.
    I tried different settings of YbrCbr and auto. Tried a hard reset.
    It looks as if the signal is going in full RGB 4.4.4 no matter what settings are set.
    It can be fixed if I change brightness setting on Zidoo but that's not a right way out.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
  4. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    DolbyVision, I can onfirm, similar situation at me, LG OLED and darker images, less dark using RGB 4.4.4 forced.
  5. Kyprianos A.

    Kyprianos A. New Member

    Hello all,

    I would like to report a problem with subtitles encoding with f/w 1.4.8.
    It has to do with the encoding setting for the greek subtitles. When you want to change the encoding to Windows 1253 on the fly it does not work and the subtitles display as garbage.
    With the previous fw 1.4.6. the subtitles where parsed on the fly and converted to Windows 1253 with no problem. Can you please investigate, thanks!
  6. boblo

    boblo Member

    I think you should make a new thread for your bug. If not, it may be ignored by technicians.
  7. Kyprianos A.

    Kyprianos A. New Member

    I will do it, thanks mr. boblo.
  8. SQtephdela

    SQtephdela New Member

    When we will have a compatible firmware with DRM like Widewine ?
    boblo likes this.
  9. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    i'd say never (my personal opinion )
  10. SQtephdela

    SQtephdela New Member

    I'm afraid you're right...
  11. laola

    laola Member

    This is for be a dealbraker in the meantime (don't use the X9S anymore - the ZDMC implementaion is very poor from Zidoo (crashed almost every time when after playing a 720p video, sucks with live TV (and just stereo for audio).
    When Zidoo (or its supplier) would be fully compliant to the Android API standards as Kodi is using them I might would revert my opinion.
  12. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    crash are not related to android API, only passtrough is, your crashes are related to something else, i'm using the box every day and i never have crashes,
  13. tin537

    tin537 New Member

    hello guys! where is the link to download the update?
  14. ras96

    ras96 New Member

    Update online v.1.4.8. firmware X9S.

    Subtittles repair.
    Finaly... :)
  15. In Brazil you do not have this update How can I get this update?
  16. Theeraphon

    Theeraphon Member

    Don't worry about 1.4.8 update. Just wait a little while longer, the new firmware is on its way.
  17. n_p

    n_p Active Member

    Gotta love that quality of "being Homer Simpson" on all levels...

    1. I told them about three times, that looking up a TVs EDID and then deciding which signal (full or limited) to send, was a bad idea. They didnt listen. The result is this.

    2. I told them about three times, that defaulting to YCbCr FULL is a bad idea, because NO ONE uses it in practice, even though it might be possible according to the standard, starting from a certain HDMI version/revision. They didnt listen.

    3. Because you can count on NO millenial to ever read a manual these days (the LGs dont even come with one anymore... - because cost), and reddit culture being famous for making the stupidest answer the most prevelant, people now are now sharing tips again, that make things worse instead of solving issues.

    As the user: Dont touch brightness. Your TV (LG OLED but also other) has a setting called "black level". Switch that and hope, that it solves your issue. Switching to limited instead of auto is a possibility as well, that does the same "switch" on the X9S side instead of the TV side.

    As Zidoo: Default to YCbCr 4:2:2 limited, ALWAYS. If the Zidoo is set to Auto and the TV supports full signal range, default to YCbCr 4:2:2 limited as well. No one expects YCbCr to deliver a full range signal. TVs dont autoswitch, and you are making the image worse for many of your customers, just by pushing out a YCbCr 0-255 signal as a default.

    ALSO - make sure that you dont clip any of the 16-235 color levels in ZDMC and in the GUI, when YCbCr limited is put out - because currently you might do (wesk05 has provided you with a table of output color levels in different signal modes already). This is a bug, fix it.

    ALSO - look into the black level missmatches in your own player (in ZDMC), the kodi player (in ZDMC), and MATCH them with the blacklevel of the GUI. Its not normal, that a player outputs three different blacklevels, depending on the app you are using, and the videomode that the auto setting set.

    ALSO - do it. Again, this is something that will make me not recommend Zidoo Players to anyone, because I know, that people wont try to fix this, by finding "the correct setting".
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  18. boblo

    boblo Member

  19. n_p

    n_p Active Member

    @boblo: I was under the impression, that this already was in the 1.4.8 update. Thats why I've written above, that the user could either switch his/her TVs black level, or switch it in the X9S.

    It partly resolves the issue.

    First - it is still an issue, and maybe I should have voiced it louder, that Zidoo has decided to go with YCbCr FULL (0-255) as an automatic setting, if the TV says in its EDID (think of it as a text file), that it supports it. Because support doesnt mean auto switch to the correct mode. EVERYTHING in the tv/video world expects a limited signal range (16-235) by default. Every TV is set up to reproduce a limited color range by default (some have auto modes that try to adjust depending on the input signal).

    But Zidoo has now decided, that it would be a good idea to output YCbCr full by default (if the EDID says, its ok), which no one ever uses - and now that default results in people getting the wrong black level on their TVs. Its not a huge issue, becaue they can change it in the TV settings (or the X9S settings in future (?) firmwares), but according to the argument of "90% of facebook users never heard of the settings page", its a bad idea to make them do anything.

    Give them what all TVs expect as a default, and thats a YCbCr limited signal, regardless of how "capable" the TV says it is displaying something else.

    Thats one part of the issue. The other part is, the black level mismatch between different video renderers (Zidoos own player in ZDMC, the Kodi player in ZDMC, and the GUI), thats not normal either.

    (Its understandable, because video takes a different path through the "gpu" than the GUI, and HW accelerated video might take a different part as well, and Kodi might clip levels - depending on a certain setting, and I dont exactly know how each of their now SIX different video signal modes (3 x2 for limited and full) now interacts with that... but its still an issue. The black level (and according to wesk05s tables even the signal range (levels)) SHOULD NOT change, depending on the app you use. Its another bug they have to fix.)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
    DELUCAS and boblo like this.
  20. freeroc

    freeroc Active Member

    Thanks for your comments.
    It's nice to hear such frank words from our users.

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