Sounds good, can you provide me the download link of the v. 1.3.0? Many Thanks P.S Sorry for my English. you can use 1.2.6 if you update to 1.4.6 anyways. fallow the tutorial carefully, this is a reflash not a update trough update app, you will wipe the box clean and reinstall android
@freeroc and @zidoo Team What is your intension for such an update nonsense. One day its run and other day no comes over OTA with the new Firmware 1.4.8. Is this firmware so bad or what should this bullshit. Sorry for this Word, but many Users in my Forum complain about it. Why you don`t release a firmware for a OT over local stick. Why you don`t release a fullimage Firmware. I don`t understand your policy. Or has Zidoo boredom. Please provide a plausible answer for this approach. Thanks Lony
Mirror has his reasons for that. As users, why not just upgrade by OTA. Actually he already released v1.4.6 on forum, and there are few differences between 146 and 148. Some good fixes are coming soon. New version than 148 is coming soon. Zidoo update firmware quite frequently. It's unnecessary to blame the way we release. The more important thing is that we have the updates.
Thanks, you have the updates, but not the people who need them. I myself have also only the 1.4.6 and get no update, other users have exactly the same firmware installation and get the update. Unbelievable and there should be a difference. Thank you so that I may inform my users.
You are lucky that you didn't have the update notice. If you did, you would probable end up with cripple machine. About OTA update, Huawei mobile also releases the update in chunk. Some gets update days after the others, sometimes weeks. If there is new update, they would probable release as a file.
I'm done with this mediaplayer... Really good materials and construction, but very poor firmware. Returned to amazon... Good look!
Updates are always welcome at least were getting them not like some other boxes ........ Buy another box look at there forums and they will have issues ongoing as well Im on 1.4.8 and it does what i want it to do which is to play my movies etc Yes a few niggles but i can live with it till a new update arrives which is soon and hopefully a few more additional things thrown in ....... And guess what yes they may or may not work joys of having an all round box that does most things . Lets hope this next update sorts many issues .
OTA is OK, but in v1.4.6 there is a serious bug with the unsupported audio (True HD bug). Every movie that only contains 1 audio track with True-HD is unplayable. In that case, a local update would be nice. Also everyone has acces to the same firmware and nobody is complaining about it But i don't care, just my idea... I have no problems with v1.4.8. I only use the external player and that works perfect except intern srt subtitle tags (as shown on Page 1, no big thing) Looking forward to the next update
All the people who did NOT get the update should consider themselves lucky ! I tried to avoid installing it but this update screen kept popping up... eventually I installed it by mistake as there was no way to block update message.
Great, @mirror, well done! One of my feature requests is already fulfilled . But please indicate the RGB range for each option, you know: 16-235 / 0-255. Thanks