[SOLVED] Zidoo still don't have an XMOS licensed driver

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by atomic garden, Jul 3, 2023.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    To be fair, I don't work for Zidoo and passing on the information is the limit of my interest in this issue. I'm more on the video side.

    As for the staff, there is a lot going on at the moment with expansion so they are rarely in attendance on the forum at present but don't misinterpret that to mean that nothing is happening. Far from it.
  2. atomic garden

    atomic garden Member

    Glerup71 likes this.
  3. atomic garden

    atomic garden Member

    Great and unexpected news!

    That's good to know. We see that communication with customers could get better. Expansion is a good reason for absence on the forum, but we see that are active Zidoo members on the forum that completely ignores this thread. If there is a team working with drivers in the background, they could at least show up here and tell us this issue is already being addressed. Thank you for your help anyways.
    Werther44210, Topdude and Glerup71 like this.
  4. Glerup71

    Glerup71 Active Member

    Thank you for taking the time to respond :)
  5. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Should be release the driver soon.
  6. Topdude

    Topdude Active Member

    Great! Good news.

    Let’s hope very soon!
    Glerup71 and atomic garden like this.
  7. atomic garden

    atomic garden Member

    The post of the year to some folks :D
    Thank you
    Topdude and Glerup71 like this.
  8. Glerup71

    Glerup71 Active Member

    That's what I call good news, I'm really looking forward to it...:)
    Thank you
    Topdude and atomic garden like this.
  9. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

  10. Glerup71

    Glerup71 Active Member

    Topdude, atomic garden and enisio like this.
  11. atomic garden

    atomic garden Member

    Topdude and Glerup71 like this.
  12. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    Glad that eversolo finally got around to giving you guys the driver that we needed for this product to work as advertised. Unfortunately, it took too long for me, so I returned both eversolo products I had bought, and gave the reason for return as drivers not supplied with product to work as it should in Windows, with no eta of when functionality would be provided. I in turn bought a device that came with everything that was needed to work as it was intended in Windows. Any way good luck to all! Seeya
    atomic garden likes this.
  13. atomic garden

    atomic garden Member

    It's a pity to hear that. I understand the feeling. I almost did the same. In fact, I loaned my Z8 to a friend that was testing it to decide if he would buy it from me, even knowing about the driver issue.

    I'm now waiting from him to return the DAC to me, so I didn't even test the new driver :(. But I'm pretty sure it will work. So much so that I just bought a DMP-A6 to take the place of my Wiim Pro.

    Zidoo will certainly learn from it. You don't do the right thing, you lose money. You do the right thing, revenue grows. Despite of the time it took to solve this matter, I'm satisfied that the company recognized the flaw and took action. Kudos!
    Topdude likes this.
  14. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    Yes hopefully they learn from this, and I am glad that they did the right thing eventually, so kudos to them for that. The moral of the story is we do not have to settle for what any company decides that is all we need, even when they advertise something else. There are to many companies available that can get you what you want for a price that you will be willing to pay, we are not at they're mercy. And the sooner any company learns this the better they will be. But I will like to thank everyone on here that has provided valuable info and help, appreciate you!
    atomic garden and Nutul like this.
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not sure what’s to learn - within a week of this thread starting the R&D team were seeking a quote for licensing - it’s not as simple as popping down to the corner shop for a paper.
    dr4go, Topdude, Nutul and 2 others like this.
  16. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    Then nothing will be learned. I thought you were just someone that passes messages. But anyway to respond to your question. The driver in question is not optional software for some of us as you could tell, and most other windows users, but was essential to the purpose for which we bought this product. What I hoped that will be learned is not to release a product before you have the basic essentials in place and expect customers to wait on you to do it in your time. If you are going to advertise and sell a product with a xmos chip in it, you should provide the driver(asio) for it with the product like every other manufacturer that they are competing with do as standard operating procedure, supply necessary software so that their product will work as intended and advertised. If you keep releasing products that are good hardware without the necessary components or advertising features that did not work(The Roon Ready fiasco where the rep came on here and flat foot said they better hurry up and straighten out their claims about their product), you will lose customers and get returns. I had no problem with their hardware, it was good. It's the other intangibles that bring the products down for simply launching products before their ready. If all the software is not in place, then it is not ready. Yes you are exactly right, its not as simple as popping down to the corner shop for a paper, but it is as simple as knowing what software and accessories you will need for you product to perform as advertise, so you go to the driver vendor that it seems that every other manufacturer(Even eversolo) goes to an you say I launching a new product I need this driver. Just like theydid for the other products within the company that uses the same driver made by the same company. It would be a little different, but not much, if we could say this is they're first go round with Dacs Media players,etc., so they did not know this was needed. But it is not, and they did know. They had the outdated driver that they knew would not work posted on their website, from the same said company, as it was only a trial version. Anyway, that really is all I have to say on the subject. My opinion as a customer.
    atomic garden likes this.
  17. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    @Markswift2003 I almost forgot, I purchased both products thru Amazon, and I got a customer feedback request from eversolo asking about why I returned their products. So I responded with basically what I wrote above. So they are aware, if not you can pass on this message. Thanks
  18. Glerup71

    Glerup71 Active Member

    What I think has been most strange in this process is that there have been people who have said that there was almost no need for this driver with native DSD support, because there was almost no one who used windows as an operating system..WHAT ?!!
  19. g4sho

    g4sho Member

    Based on some of the feedback from some, It seemed that windows was supposed to supply the driver for eversolo's product, because linux has open source drivers built in and the device is based on android/linux. Ok, but most of the world uses windows, especially when dealing with graphics and sound. But like I said they will either change they're practices or they won't. But if they don't they will never compete with the likes of topping,dune,smsl,etc. Either way I bought a different dac that was cheaper, has the 9038pro with the same balanced outputs,etc. and most importantly, they provided the asio driver for windows, without having to go to a forum and beg for it.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2023
  20. Topdude

    Topdude Active Member

    I installed the new driver, but I am still not able to play DSD512.
    A format which I could play on my DAC-Z6 streaming content from my Zidoo Z1000 Pro.
    So I know for sure the Eversolo is capable of it and that the file works just fine.

    Now the Z6 moved up one floor to sit next to my PC. The exact same file now doesn't play anymore.
    I'm puzzled as to why not.
    I use Foobar with all the extras (ASIO etc.) installed.

    Also, with my Marantz HD-DAC1 I got to 32bit. The Eversolo only gets me to 24 bit.
    It's the same PC. nothing has changed only the Marantz was replaced by the Z6.


    I am open for ideas :)

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