Posterwall (HT4.0)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by OlivierQC, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I have the problem that when I prepare my data with TMM and scan a folder in HT4, some data or artwork is simply scrapped from the internet. Sometimes the cover of an actor is displayed.
    If I delete the database and set up and scan again, then everything is ok again after the 1st or 2nd run. This has only occurred since the latest firmware and has nothing to do with TMM.
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Have you set up in TMM all the scrapping options in TMM?
    Have you used in TMM to download the art ware?
    Download actors info?

    there are numerous options available including ratings from IMDB or images from all sources rather than just nominating one source.
    Update meta data, rewrite NFO etc.
  3. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    I think it was something to do with Ember?
    I disbanded a few collections to test an then had to re-match the individual titles. Once I did that, a bunch of movies automatically formed their appropriate collections. A few movies I had to add it.
    I do have several collections that I don't know how to add except via folder (there is no binder option). Like 'The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest' and the 2 subsequent movies. The seem to be called the 'Millenium Collection' online, but no option exists to call them that when trying to add to a collection, so there would seem to be no option but to add them as a folder?
    The other echo from Ember was that poster wall would display the same Director's name twice, if there was only one Director. Now it's great I can update metadata on the UHD8000 and get rid of that.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I believe the split for The Millenium collection is due to the original 3 movies were made in Denmark and the other 2 were the USA films. They are split that way on my Zidoo as well. The Girl Collection are the USA movies.
  5. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I tried everything of them without success.

    When I match that movie within HT and export the NFO file, then it is working correctly but after editing the file in TMM it is working incorrect in HT.
  6. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Okay, I don't seem to get either "The Millenium" or "The Girl Collection" as options? I wonder what I'm doing wrong? Sometimes going to bed and rebooting both device and operator helps.
  7. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Thinking out loud is seems to me the best workflow is if you can get the Zidoo to manage the Collection and if it can't manually add your own folder? Maybe that's the best way to pick up movies that can't be brought together.

    The Zidoo seems to be okay scraping where the title name and Collection name are reasonably close. Where say you have , The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons and Inferno in a Robert Langdon Collection, the scraper doesn't seem to offer it. Wondering if there's a way to rename the files to get a better match for the Zidoo?
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Basically HT or TMM etc will only match to the name that the scrapping source calls the movie or TV series. HT only uses TMDB or TVDB or TVMAZE. TMM has a selectable and wider choice.
  9. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Thanks netmask. I’m still a bit confused because the ‘Robert Langdon Collection’ for example, is in TMDB.

    Appreciate that some collections are unique to the individual user.

    Still not sure either why the same manually added Collection’s artwork is picked up correctly by the Z1000 Pro, but not the UHD 8000?

    Thanks Dave
  10. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Not surprised as "Robert Langdon Collection" is not the name of a movie and if you do a search you will find the 3 movies that comprise this collation listed. In the IMDB data base of movies and who worked on them you won't find this as a movie listing. It was a commercial package for selling purposes just as there are been countless Hitchcock "collections". All you can really do is make a category and manually add what you need.
  11. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I came back to this yesterday (which wasn't easy since the site was down) and want to thank Mark because it helped me AGAIN! Newly added files had stopped being added to the very useful "Recently added" row, so:
    1. I took photos of the Posterwall settings, did a Backup of the Posterwall data, then hit "Clear". And voila, newly added files now again show up on the "Recently added" row.

    I wonder if I should've also have done something else? Should I have deleted the .hometheater folders on my two HDDs internal to my UHD3000?

    Because I had to go though my 1000+ posters and fix that approx. 10% of them were set to the same poster for the same different video (that's not even on the drives anymore). It's weird, but at least it's the same one since I know which to look for.
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    There are many ways to skin a cat!!

    I can rest HT5 and have it back up and running as it was in about 4 minutes now ;)

    I just use NFOs and local art but you can also use the hybrid method I detailed here:
  13. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you very much for your Reply, Mark!

    I realize I didn't tell the whole story.

    First, the thing where many of my files incorrectly display the same different poster is a longstanding issue I'm resigned to dealing with manually.

    Also, I tried something else first. I did a Posterwall Data Backup, then a Clear, then a Posterwall Restore. Then I think I made a mistake by assuming that the issue I was trying to fix (that newly added files didn't appear on the "Recently added" Posterwall row) hadn't been resolved. So I did another Clear then I Rescanned the internal drives; then I tested and discovered that now newly added files do again appear on the "Recently added" Posterwall row.

    I guess I do practice "hybrid", because when Posterwall can't find something I download it manually. The Rescan seemed to find them because I didn't notice many missing.

    Wow I was panicked a couple days ago when I saw this precious forum was down!
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's always worth exporting posters and fanart once you have all the posters as you want them - they have a habit of changing online as time goes on.
  15. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    I have a film in 4 parts/files. Can Posterwall somehow handle playing them in order? (Of will they be versions A, B, C, D?)
  16. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Can you not just join them up into the complete movie and make a chapter point at the start of each part if the film naturally divides up at these previous parts points?
  17. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Hi Netmask, thanks for the good suggestion! I actually tried it before seeing your post, but it turned out that something was wrong with the original files in that they didn't play on my UHD3000. Which I only discovered after merging them with MKVToolNix and finding the merged file didn't play. (Er, I think I merged them, but MediaInfo said it was one file with 4 video tracks, each the length of the original files. Perhaps if the individual files that got merged played, my UDH3000 would've played the 4 tracks seamlessly.) So basically I gave up and settled for a theatrical version instead of an extended version.
  18. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    You need to carefully choose the correct option when concatenation. Away at the moment from my PC but from memory there are 4 options that come up. It sounds like you added so they appear as per MediaInfo. If you add then you add 4 video files and x number of soundtracks and subtitles.
    coyote2 likes this.
  19. coyote2

    coyote2 Member

    Thank you, Netmask! Next time I have some files that aren't bad and want to concatenate them I'll keep that in mind!
  20. KonstantinP

    KonstantinP New Member

    write in the zidoo network settings dns and everything will work

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