What model are we talking about, and how did you downgrade to 6.3.92 As far as i know you can't downgrade a "RTD 1619DR" Chipset box through just installing an older FW. You should ask @Markswift2003, before you brick your unit.
You can downgrade 1619 models using the emergency restore method, but it should be a last resort because as you say, there is a possibility to brick the unit.
If he is determined to do it, we can't stop him. Here is a video that shows how I do it, in French with English subtitles
Suggestion for movie poster page: Change position of small icon at the right high corner of "Watched / Not Watched" for another one of same size and next to Play * Trailer * Favourite. Nobody pay attention to that high and far corner.
Is there any talk of adding aspect ratio info to the posterwall app? It would be helpful for those of us that use lens memory and matting systems.
This is a great tutorial and thread. I have my movies on a NAS device and it looks like that is where my meta data for the poster wall is being saved within a home theater folder. I have an unused 256gb SSD. If I install that in one of the drive bays of my UHD 3000, can I somehow store the meta data on there instead of the NAS for a quicker read? I’m assuming 256gb should be enough space for meta data for 1,000 files? Thanks
hi I have the Z1000 with the latest stable firmware 2.3.88. When I updated I stopped being able to see the IMDB ratings or even the new Rotten Tomatoes, only TMDB one appears in the movie info no matter what I choose in preferences. If I choose IMDB , a progress bar appears, takes it's time to reach 100% but nothing is shown in the movie info. I have the native HT that comes with the firmware above! Is there anyone with this problem? How can I overcome this? Thanks in advance kind regards
Does it support external audio like Kodi? I placed it in the same folder with the same name. Just different file extension (mkv for video and ac3 for audio). But I can't find the ac3 audio in the menu...
I have zidoo x9s. installed Posterwall v4.1.22 . Only serials were scanned. I can't add any movie manually. Plugin v4.2.32 is very slow, failed to complete the library scan. Definitely the plugin needs to be improved. Colleagues, which version of Posterwall works correctly?
I deleted some files from Poster Wall accidentally. How do I add them back? They are still on my disc but I guess deleting them from Poster Wall resulted in some exception and these mkv files are no longer treated as files that I want to have in my Poster Wall library which is not the case.
hello, without renaming it is still complicated... Once again it shows the usefulness of being able to do a manual refresh of the posterwall as it has been requested for a long time.
In HT4 you get the option to show IMDB or TMDB and Rotten tomatoes. Are these ratings pulled from NFO file which in my case was created by Media Companion or is it scraped from another source? Would it be possible to show more ratings? My NFOs have IMDB, TMDB, Tomatoes, Audience Score and Metacritics. Thanks
Hi Was wondering if I could get some guidance on naming convention. I ripped my entire collection of 4k Game of Thrones. 8 seasons. I can't seem to get the Zidoo to recognize it properly. It comes up as ABCDEFG etc. Therefore I can't tell what I'm watching. I have each season in it's own folder called Game of Thrones S01, Game of Thrones S02 etc. then in each folder I have Disc01, Disc02 etc. in the bluray structure. Each season has 4 discs except the last two which have 3 discs. Is there a naming convention I should follow for discs of TV shows? Thanks
Yes. If this ever doesn't work for TV shows, take a look at the databases they match to (IIRC TVDB and TVMaze). Incidentally, folders are AFAIK solely for one's own organizational convenience; Posterwall wouldn't care if you just dumped all the movies and TV files into one big folder. In fact I do that for movies. I do make separate folders for each TV series.
HT4.0 is becoming more and more unlivable with large collections........ Looking forward to a complete overhaul of the software!