Occasional jerky/choppy playback

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    Having similar/same issues as described in this thread. For what seems to be no rhyme or reason, playback starts to stutter randomly and a quick pause and play fixes it. I can’t seem to find any pattern and it doesn’t happen with every movie I watch, I would say around 60% of the time, ish. Very frustrating when it does happen. I’m pretty sure this did not occur on the last firmware version. I have a Z2000 pro with firmware version 1.0.95. Can’t wait for a fix!
    altcoinfanatic likes this.
  2. Simbo

    Simbo New Member

    There won’t be a fix. New products are out so we won’t get any more updates. I’ve rolled back to 1.0.75 which is working perfectly.
    xskip likes this.
  3. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    I’ve thought about doing this as well however, I’ve read it’s a pain.
  4. Simbo

    Simbo New Member

    It was actually really straightforward. Worth it if the alternative is choppy playback.
  5. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    Hmm. Do you happen to have a link for how to do it?
  6. Simbo

    Simbo New Member

    There’s a link to instructions on the previous page.
  7. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    Yes of course. Thanks.
    Simbo likes this.
  8. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    Try swapping between the VS10 engine on/off as on some firmware versions I find that one is better than the other when it comes to choppy/reliable playback and it seems to be related.
  9. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    Interesting. I leave the VS10 engine (output HDR) turned on. I’ll try this. Thanks.
  10. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    I know this sounds odd, but try making sure your box is in a well ventilated area. After I made some changes I have not had a single stutter and have watched a lot of content.
    sandyj likes this.
  11. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    If you have a synology NAS you might want to read my write up on optimizing the NAS as I have pretty much fixed all the issues I had with this box regarding playback. I am currently using firmware 1.0.75 as my main concern is smooth playback I don't like to change things unless there is a real need. I do think that choppy playback etc is a complex problem and can come from a variety of different things and combinations.

    joey_corleone likes this.
  12. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    Thanks for this. Even though my z2000 has been working with no stutters on 1.0.95 since giving it more ventilation, I implemented these changes on my Synology because they generally make sense in my use case too. I will keep watching content and see what happens
    sandyj likes this.
  13. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    I have switched to mapping HDR 10 and so far, through 3 movies, no stuttering issues. Could be coincidence, small sample size, but good so far.
  14. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Well, I can see temporarily switching to Mapping HDR 10 as part of your testing, I assume that you do not intend to keep using that mode.. That uses the Realtek chip for processing/conversion... and is vastly inferior to VS10.
  15. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    You are 100% correct. I switched back to VS10 and the picture quality is so much better but alas, when I switched back to VS10, the stuttering came back.
    So, at least for me, the bug appears to be with VS10.
  16. Ml68

    Ml68 New Member

    Does anyone know if this issue is fixed on the new Z3000 pro/UHD 8000? Thinking of upgrading my Z2000 pro in the theater room and moving that into my living room.
    joey_corleone likes this.
  17. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    I usually switch between either VS10 or auto as this outputs HDR correctly seems to work for me on a given firmware once I make the change and its stable I leave it there. One other thing I do on a regular basics is fully switch off the unit for at least 1-2 minutes before powering it back up which also seems to help I do find this is a the same with any media player.
    I can't remember when I last had any choppy playback now of course this can also depend if the file rips/encoding are bad which is pretty rare.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  18. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    My general rule of thumb is not too expect too much as that product firmware is still relativity new in my experience the units get better as time goes on however a lot of issues have already been addressed this is the same process for all media player products it takes time to mature.
    I should add I do own a Z3000 but due to firmware issues reported I am going to wait a bit longer before putting it into my media room potentially it has some improvements that I could use e.g forced subs support.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025

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