Occasional jerky/choppy playback

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. misichavichus

    misichavichus Active Member

    On the contrary, switching from VS10 to automatic HDR helped me get rid of the problem.
  2. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    Interesting are you on the latest version of the firmware I am wondering if its firmware dependent ?
  3. 2q31

    2q31 New Member

    I'm getting this stuttering issue quite frequently. Latest firmware, Z9X Pro. It's a shame: I really love this box otherwise. Just playing back UHD rips (last night I tried Kingsman - The Golden Circle and got it).

    I don't get stutter on any other devices: Dune HD Homatics Box R 4K Plus and Infuse on Apple TV both work fine. Using ethernet. I understand it's tough for the devs to debug and diagnose when they can't reliably reproduce, but it seems like this is frequent enough that it warrants more attention. Until there's a fix my Z9X Pro will have to go into the closet.
    darqman likes this.
  4. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    go back to v1.0.75 or wait for new fw due this month.
  5. marcos1406

    marcos1406 New Member

    i believe this issue still persist ? i'm having the issue with my z9x, suddenly from nowhere it would start stuttering/juddering until i press pause/play it would play normal, but then after 30 minute or so it does it again, i have just updated my firmware to the latest (V6.4.65) hoping that it would help solve the issue but it actually got it even worse.
  6. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Wrong thread - this is for 1619BPD range of players
  7. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

    Sometimes when it is choppy it looks like it is dropping a frame and sometimes it looks like slow frame rate.
    Pausing and unpausing fixes this instantly.
    joey_corleone likes this.
  8. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    This is still happening sometimes on 1.0.95. Happened to me this week playing a 4k UHD remux of Wolf of Wall Street (mkv). Pause/Play fixed it immediately

    What happens is you just start to notice it isn’t right, like it’s almost a bit slow or frames being dropped.

    This was a 4k UHD rip so h.265 and it also has DV if that matters

    Is there any effort going on to debug and fix this? This has been going on for a looooooooong time on every version I have used since getting my z2000

    It sucks when you have people over for a movie and you have to pause/unpause which in my case also turns the lights up then down, super distracting
    Pete B and altcoinfanatic like this.
  9. cyphers72

    cyphers72 New Member

    Can confirm still seeing this just this weekend. Just a single Pause does not resolve it for me. At this point I start movies on Zidoo by placing the UHD BD of the same movie into the other player because the chances I will need to hot-swap in the first few minutes are around 100%. My next move is to stop playing via SMB 10GB Ethernet NAS on the same switch as the Zidoo and just copy files to a USB3 disc if I want to use the Zidoo. Hoping that this is transfer related rather than global to all video playback. FWIW I also see this on the newest betas for the Z9X in a different room. For a long time I thought this was Z9X Pro-only, but now I get video halting (sometimes) and frame skipping (almost all the time) on both randomly, but often. I just purchased a super-fast USB-C drive yesterday that clocks 600MB/s copying from the NAS directly via USB. Unfortunately, it seems the Zidoo Z9X Pro doesn't have enough power for it, and I see the new Zidoo models this year still don't have USB-C so I assume they also won't have enough power for fast disks. So I'll need to use a relatively slow USB disc to test whether that path is a workaround to this multi-year bug at this point.
    joey_corleone likes this.
  10. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    The new Zidoo Z9X 8K got USB3 x3 and USB2 x2. You may connect your USB-C to any USB3 port with a simple plug converter. The speed will remain almost the same.
  11. cyphers72

    cyphers72 New Member

    The problem I had was not with speed per se, but I assume it was power. This drive works on MacOS and also on the QNAP NAS, it was very fast. But Zidoo Z9X Pro did not recognize it at all even via the USB3 port in back. I can't post the Amazon link but the product title is:
    SanDisk Professional 1TB PRO-G40 SSD - Up to 3000MB/s, Thunderbolt 3 (40Gbps), USB-C (10Gbps), IP68 dust/Water Resistance, External Solid State Drive - SDPS31H-001T-GBC1D [exFAT Version]
  12. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    I'm using a SanDisk 2TB SSD via USB3 port without issue and running really as fast as other powered SATA.
    Did you try another USB disk in same port?
  13. cyphers72

    cyphers72 New Member

    Sure, I have lots of normal USB disks that work. I just wanted that 600MB/s disk to work because the limiter in switching to USB is transferring the file to the USB disk. The SMB transfers to internal HD on Zidoo are interminable, so a fast USB disk seems like the best option, but so far I've only found mediocre disks that work (the one I'm using is only 133MB/s and it works fine but might as well use the network at that point). A major improvement here would be adding 2.5gbps Ethernet to the Zidoo, or more obviously just fixing the SMB choppy video by caching more of the file ahead locally on the Zidoo.
  14. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    It depends on RAM and SoC and this is why I've got a new Z9X 8K (6MB RAM and AML) which handles USB - NAS files much better than previous Z9XPro.
  15. Does the new model also offer better picture quality or is it te sane?
  16. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Yes, the new Z9X 8K offers much better video configuration and picture quality improvements (except in green color according some testing). This is my own experience from Z9X and Z9XPro.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
    NewGuyWithQuestions likes this.
  17. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    My question is does the z3000 pro still have these long running issues? Specifically

    1) Topic of this thread, choppy/lag intermittent. To be clear, there has been a lot of talk here about this happening with vc1 encodes, and I certainly have seen that, but I also have seen this with h264 and h265, so it is not unique to vc1

    2) Intermittent audio sync issues fixed by pause/stop then play

    Kind of sad, but if it did I would probably just buy one. I’m losing hope this is ever being fixed
  18. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    I can't tell you about Z3000 pro as mine is Z9X 8K but same AML SoC (Z3000 pro got 8GB RAM). Such issues almost disappear in fw 1.0.60.
    joey_corleone likes this.
  19. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    Got the choppy playback again last night on a 4k remux after pause/play. Stop/Resume fixed

    Is this being worked on?
    altcoinfanatic likes this.
  20. srflaherty

    srflaherty New Member

    z2600 owner here and since I updated to beta version v1.0.95 I as well have been getting a lot of choppy/stutter playback in mostly 4k remuxes which comes direct from my own disc collection. This happens off and an pretty constant, usually mid to end of film and like others found pausing and resuming stops the issue.

    On a side note, I decided to oddly turn on my fan from AUTO mode to HIGH, and for some reason I haven't seen one stutter since in a few days of movie watching over the weekend a lot.

    Not sure if that may help users with fans to control on their devices but kind of wonder if something is running behind the code too aggressive on these last few updates and the unit needs more cooling to compensate. Could be just I haven't happened to run movies that have tendencies to stutter with the firmware but wanted to toss that out there in case others want to try it out and see if it helps them with this issue.

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