New version v6.4.68 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000/NEOS /NEO Alpha/NEO X release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mirror, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    No problems with smarttube here. What's your ST config?
  2. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Sorry mate, what should I be looking for? Have had the default config for about 2 years and didn’t change anything (at least I don’t think I did)…
  3. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    No problems - before that, just to check, are on the latest beta? as they fixed a lot of issues (latest ver is 23.20).
  4. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Oh okay. Was on 22.95 and updated to latest beta last weekend, but the problem persisted. Maybe I should uninstall and install 23.20? Am away for a few days won’t get to it until Monday. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Might be worth a clean install, just incase a setting had screwed up on the previous update.
    DaveH1 likes this.
  6. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Will do: my wife uses this player for karaoke and prefers Vietnamese love songs to Chipmunk punk. Elvis sounds hilarious.
    Oldpainless likes this.
  7. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

  8. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    I updated my z9x a few days ago from 6.4.40 to this version and am watching a movie now. Every hour it displays the time going from xx:29 to xx:30 in the top right corner. Never had this before and can’t seem to find the setting to turn this off. Could anyone tell me? As it appeared since I updated the z9x I guess thats where it originates. Thanks!
  9. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Setting > other > display hourly time.
    Cerebro likes this.
  10. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    Thanks I missed that setting! Problem solved.

    I thought the bug with the subtitles being shown when it goes to screensaver mode was solved since 6.4.40, but I still see the subtitles from where I paused a movie on top of the screensaver pictures.
    Oldpainless likes this.
  11. SBarnes

    SBarnes New Member

    Fixed the issue, added final season to the title.
  12. Raymen

    Raymen New Member

    did somebody find the bug in the subtitles already

    because when i set my subs at the 140 position, and i pause for a moment, the subs go to zero
    then i have too put them back to 140
    so after a pauze they are down the screen
    has anybody experienced that
    Invader and Frogmort like this.
  13. Invader

    Invader New Member

    Yes, a couple of users and myself experienced this. It’s a very annoying regression bug in this firmware and I would really like to see this fixed. I thought I saw this in the thread for the PRO versions as well and sort of hope this also happens on the new 8K versions, as it will hopefully get some higher priority ;)
    Raymen likes this.
  14. Raymen

    Raymen New Member

    Yeah i hope there will be an update for this very annoying problem

    now i don’t want too pause a movie of this bug.
  15. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks to the Zidoo team for this FW
    dr4go and tc2007 like this.
  16. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Deleted out SmartTube 22.95 and then tried to update to the beta, but keep getting this message:
  17. leonkoum

    leonkoum Active Member Beta test group

    Welcome aboard ..again! ;)
  18. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  19. ofir

    ofir Member

    Congratulations on the new role of support you have taken on :p
    Unfortunately for me it is a too late
    I gave up on the bad apps and threw away my device
    zidoo z10 pro
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  20. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Thanks mate. The settings are in a slightly different place, but that worked. Not sure why this is an issue now?

    Also think my chipmunk issue was somehow related to me deleting a whole lot of SmartTube categories and only using the ones I needed. When I didn't enter a gmail account, it all worked fine. When I reloaded my backup config, it all went to pieces again...
    Oldpainless likes this.

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