New firmware v1.0.33 for ZIDOO X6 release

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by mirror, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. cobra78

    cobra78 Member

    Yes, it's a known Android problem.
    I don't think it will get fixed soon as Kodi's Android maintainer resigned and there is now no one doing Android work at the moment.
  2. cyber7

    cyber7 Active Member Beta test group

    In the screen where you set the "advance" to get in sync, scroll to the bottom and set for all devices. Done :)
  3. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    Not really. It's not any fix. Rather workaround. Also note that you will override other settings, not only audio delay.

    Possible it's not Kodi issue and rather Zidoo's firmware problem. There is no sync problem with Kodi and other hardware. There is SPMC Kodi fork, actively maintained now. However, they really hate Rockchip, so I would not count they care. They are focused on Nvidia Shield only.
  4. Pegasus-sg

    Pegasus-sg New Member

    1.033 Version is this rooted or isnt' ?

    I need unrooted version!
  5. Pegasus-sg

    Pegasus-sg New Member

    Currently my system is rooted by default
  6. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Pegasus-sg, read the FAQ... not perfect, but with a lot of info.
  7. Pegasus-sg

    Pegasus-sg New Member

    I need to unroot urgently faq does not speak much 1.33 firmware
  8. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Inside SuperSU there is a section dedicated to root removal.
    I hope is enough for the app that don't like root......
  9. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    App list is unsorted. This is most stupid thing I have ever seen. Please add alphabetical sorting or I will be forced to use another launcher.

    I have 50 apps installed and each time I need to scroll all list to find any specific one that I want to run. Wtf?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    romasiux and grummel2005 like this.
  10. grummel2005

    grummel2005 Well-Known Member

    long time reported (i think december)
    accnoledged by zidoo
    until now not realized :(
    i can understand you - i do not have such an amount of apps but this is boring to look for

  11. romasiux

    romasiux New Member

    Each time, when opennig apps they are on another place.
    Not good!!!!!
    grummel2005 likes this.
  12. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    :D it looks like they applied RANDOM function each time you open app drawer. Wouldn't it be simpler to replace RANDOM with SORT? All apps are walking on the list.
  13. grummel2005

    grummel2005 Well-Known Member

    with this way you will find some apps which you did not have used some times :)
    Anton Bernd likes this.
  14. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    I've used SuperSU Pro to hide root from apps on some of my other Android devices and that feature has always worked without the need for a full unroot.

    To answer Pegasus-sg,'s question. My X6 Pro arrived from the vendor rooted with .27 firmware installed. I performed a local upgrade using Zidoo .30 firmware that removed root access. .32 and 33 updates have left my box unrooted.
  15. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    I've been using the Nova launcher with a wireless USB Logitech wheel mouse/keyboard combination on both my X6 and X9. I've also disabled several Zidoo and other apps that caused the system to lag. It's much less frustrating for me to run my box that way.
  16. kampoc

    kampoc New Member

    Ever since "kodi" changed to "zdmc" in the last update, I am getting constant crashes and freezes with add-ons within kodi....I have to restart kodi several times a day. I am also having a lipsync issue with non-local streams (which has been addressed here). Anyone else having freezing issues with kodi? Maybe how I had it configured was broken during the update. If I uninstall zidoo's "zdmc" and reinstall kodi from the play store, does anyone know if there will be issues with this firmware? Have they modified it (kodi), besides just branding it?
  17. AlMu

    AlMu New Member

    whit this firmware i can't install kodi modded version (with file librtmp updated), only zdmc works, and for this reason i can't watch a lot of channels that i watched before. I'm very dissatisfied.
  18. kampoc

    kampoc New Member

    I had a major crash this morning that I spent hours trying to repair within db. So, I ended up reinstalling kodi. It appears to be working far.
  19. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    Which apps have you disabled? Nova Launcher is good, but not very suitable to tv screen
  20. Solo_7777777

    Solo_7777777 New Member

    NovaLauncher perfekt for tv.

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