No are you using kodi or zidoo theatre ? Have you checked all settings in android and kodi if using kodi
I've used both.. one one of the previous firmwares in zidoo's media player I had HD audio somewhat working. Nonetheless it was choppy at best. ZDMC doesn't work with it. And none of my Blu-ray files on my hard drive work with HD audio, only stereo
+1 I use +0.250 seconds for any stream (not local) in kodi in order to avoid being disturbed by lipsynk. Passthrough on.
Hi everybody, I recently buyed a X6 Pro with firmware 1.0.31. I really apreciated the "power key define" as it originally was, allowing me to set up the ordinary system shutdown in standby mode and using long press only to completely reboot system. After OTA updating to 1.0.33 "Power key define" does not work anymore (impossible to define working options in shutdown menu), video format in Kodi > general settings > video > reproduction does not produce any change in 4/3 format (no more 4/3 stretching to 16/9 or 14/9 as before). I really needed and apreciated both functions. Also dvbviewer client does not read TV registrations anymore. If I try to downgrade to 1.0.30 ( 1.0.31 in site download section ?!?) system refuses giving error. Is there any chance to have my X6 as it was before update?
Please could you tell me why the Media Center (In the middle of the UI) is pointing to the File Manager? (Explorer) Surely the "Media Center" should point to a Media Center, not the Explorer? (Currently the ZDMC is where the Explorer used to be?)
Here is the original (as advertised) screenshot: Here is the new one: Media Center is never an Explorer...
ah - okai - now i understand - this is only a wrong icon - or not? and the position of KODI/ZDMC changed a long time ago from the big middle to the small right area. in december i told this to zidoo and asked why - no answer until now - maybe you will have more luck
okai yes you are right - then only the name "media center" is wrong but you are right what you said - i could not see it, because i do never use the media center because the implementation of the free given folders in my netsystem is not running as android specifications should be - so not usable i would like to have the possbility to give the tiles in the main screen different apps - as we could to with the tiles at the bottom - this should be no big thing and some people asked for this
I actually agree here. The thing is... Zidoo only locks down the GUI, everything-else is OpenSource. So, I can not see this happening very soon, unless they re-write the front-end
Hi: the media center is the explorer, because some of the people did not know how to play the video with the nativeplayer, and the nativeplayer is a powerful player, so we change it to tell people, you can play the media with "media center", not only the kodi. why we change the two icon, because of the kodi team, you know.
Hi, I think what they mean is the name 'Media Center' is right but they want to change the icon to also be a 'media center' icon and not look like file explorer icon even if it is actually a file explorer.
I think spring means if you click on media that you see in the "file explorer" type menu, they will be played in zidoo's native media player. No need to load up the big bulky Kodi player everytime you want to play a video. The Native explorer/player It is actually quite good, and you can search for "windows" type SMB shares on your own local network and play media from them too (and local NFS too)
Hi, In kodi, all movies audio is out of sync. It does not matter - network stream of local file. Always audio is not synced - I need to set +0.250 audio delaay in audio settings. Pretty annoying, is it known issue?? I have latest firmware (1.0.33) installed