New beta version v1.0.95 for Z9X PRO/Z20 PRO/Z2000 PRO/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by mirror, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Fix avi files them using mpeg4modfier. Search thread about it at this forum.
  2. Dave Kelsen

    Dave Kelsen New Member

    Thanks to you both; I have found the software, and will give fixing these files soon. I appreciate the responses.

    Dave Kelsen
    "As if you could kill time without injuring eternity." -- Henry David Thoreau
  3. srflaherty

    srflaherty New Member

    Started having a very odd issue on my z2600 with this beta version v1.0.95, I am at random and very constantly being crashed out of HT5 during scans and simple scrolling through my library. Usually it just blacks out and returns to main menu but now all the sudden out of nowhere it will scale down the picture to a very small box on the top upper left corner on my 4K tv and only way to correct this is a hard restart of the box. I have had nothing but constant issues with this beta software between choppy playback at random, crashes to black screens and now this constant minimize of the UI to a small box on the screen and starting to wonder if its either an issue with my player itself or the software.

    Did a roll back to 1.0.75 helped to stop those issues so leaning more heavily towards this just being a huge problem with this latest beta but now stuck on HT4 and the lag with my library of 3K+ movies makes using HT4 pretty unusable.

    Are any of these issues being addressed with possible patches or a more stable move to a v2 on these 4K boxes? Or would it just be better to ditch HT all together and switch to ZDMC full time to address the issues? I am just at a loss at this point as much as I paid for this product to have had nothing but issue after issue since day one and my only reason to flow with betas was due to the last stable version couldn't handle my library being so large due to lag and some minor playback issues occasionally. Not here knocking anyone either, I done software development myself a lot of years and get the time things take to iron out but this last beta dropped in JULY of last year so got me a little concerned if this is the last one for this model lately.
    Tryner likes this.
  4. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    Oh another people have issue… @Markswift2003 when the next update ? When you respect you consumers ?
    Simon Belmont likes this.
  5. josep23

    josep23 New Member

    I bought Zidoo for the first time, and probably the last.
    Simon Belmont and Tryner like this.
  6. Simon Belmont

    Simon Belmont Member

    Yeah is there a new update coming?
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yeah that's the perfect way to get me to answer a question. Well done.
    Retro-Markus and joey_corleone like this.
  8. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    Yeah that's the perfect way that disgusted the consumer. Well done.
    KJC likes this.
  9. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    Well I certainly do not know the financial relationship between Mark and Zidoo but I don’t believe he is an employee and as such it appears we are lucky to have his expertise in being an administrator here and answering questions about Zidoo products.

    Am I 100% satisfied with my Zidoo UHD5000, far from it but IMHO it is one of the best media players available. I am still on 1.0.75 and will not change till there is proof there is a relative trouble free version made available.

    I have been following media players ever since the Roku Labs HD1000 (here) was introduced. I don’t believe a wart free model of any brand has ever been made.
    Retro-Markus, royibo and sandyj like this.
  10. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    Oh, what exemplary transparency on their part: releasing a new product while discreetly burying the development of the UHD 5000 at €1,100 after just one year, without ever delivering a stable version. Bravo! The latest update, for good measure, manages to break the player – a true technical feat. And let’s not forget version 0.75, which drastically reduces the NAS function’s throughput. If this isn’t engineering in the service of mediocrity, I don’t know what is. What do we call this again? Oh yes, dishonesty.
  11. devilsown

    devilsown New Member

    To be honest i‘ve never seen such a bad support for any tech product i own, just ending support less than a year after release because they launched the successor…
    I don‘t expect any new features, but they should at least deliver a final decent firmware update and not leave us with unfinished business of a product that never worked really well…
    josep23 likes this.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Correct - I'm not an employee and there's no financial relationship between me and Zidoo whatsoever.

    They just let me rip with their forum - which rather entertainingly means dealing with the occasional muppetry.

    Yeah, I was perfectly satisfied with my Z9X Pro before the AML boxes came out and to be fair, I've temporarily replaced my AML box in the cinema with the Pro again until the wrinkles are ironed out and it's doing a sterling job.

    And like you I've been working with media players since the early 2000's and with media PCs before that and I agree 100% with your statement.
    sandyj, WRBreland and royibo like this.
  13. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

    I am on v1.0.95 (I need it for the dutch and an8 subtitles fix so I cannot go back to 1.0.75)
    I only need the choppy play fix and then I would be happy if they would abandon these lines and might even consider the 8k line. But as long the choppy playback is not fixed, I am not buying any products from them.

    p.s. With my old Dune 4k none of the files are choppy.
    joey_corleone likes this.
  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    This is a bit odd - I have been using a ZZ9X Pro in my cinema for many months now and as anyone who knows me knows, if I get so much as a single dropped frame in there, whatever caused it gets ripped out immediately. It took me a while to put the Pro in there replacing the previously bomb proof Z9X.

    That's why I'm not using an 8K box at the moment until the wrinkles get ironed out.

    The last time I experienced choppy playback on the Z9X Pro was October 2023 so I'm not sure why you still see it.
    Tryner and alex6583 like this.
  15. altcoinfanatic

    altcoinfanatic Active Member

    It is not only me. There are more people having this issue than not having this issue. I am happy for you that you do not experience this issue, but it does not make it true for lots of others (see the choppy thread).
    If you want to know unbiased on how much people have this issue, make a poll. You would be surprised how much people have this issue. I do not want to engage in who is right or wrong, I just want this issue to be solved.
    Can you tell us if this issue is being looked on by the devs? When can we expect a new firmware? Or is 1.0.95 the last firmware?
    Magicmiffy likes this.
  16. devilsown

    devilsown New Member

    Having the same issue, especially with 4K Files including TrueHD Audio. Pausing and Resuming fixes it for me, still an annoying bug.
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No idea on all three counts.
  18. Laseriano

    Laseriano Member

    Hello, it is correct in version 1.95 the image is choppy that is why I have returned to version 1.75, but forget that they solve it, what they want is for you to buy one of the new 8k which on the other hand also has errors in the playback of movies. The incredible thing is that this also happens in a player that was supposedly polished.
    altcoinfanatic likes this.
  19. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Looks like both sides are not taking the others seriously.
    Looks like some think that choppy playback is fixed and now just keep denying... On the other hand those who still experience the choppy playback are not sharing any useful and basic information (current firmware version, video and audio bitrates, codecs, the source of the affected files: network/local) of choppy files... and are just ranting. It would be possible to narrow down the root cause if the appropriate level of info would be shared. Add to this the deteriorated networking (almost halved) and you get the picture.
    And to be honest... if @Markswift2003 will not understand and replicate the problem then noone will ever be noticed by Zidoo devs to help the problem (if confirmed).
    And it's a pity that Zidoo is listening only to @Markswift2003 not even replying to end users support tickets.

    95% of effort is to narrow down the real root cause... then the solution is the other 5% of work.
    joey_corleone and altcoinfanatic like this.
  20. sandyj

    sandyj Active Member

    I have some ideas on this will post in Choppy playback forum topic when I get a chance but I have very stable playback on my unit. I have already posted there recently but have some additional info to add just doing some testing will add additional post and update my findings there soon.
    altcoinfanatic likes this.

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