New beta version v1.0.95 for Z9X PRO/Z20 PRO/Z2000 PRO/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by mirror, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Different issue by definition.
  2. darqman

    darqman Member

    A few hundred? I wish I was that lucky. Try over a grand for the uhd5000.

    And, the latest .95 firmware is a disaster for me. I can't play any VC-1 encoded movies and the network transfer speed is laughable. It's like in on dial up with a 9600 baud modem. I had to revert to .75 to get the box usable again. I really thought they would make an attempt to fix issues but I just keep seeing firmware updates for the 8k boxes.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
    devilsown likes this.
  3. jettthasan

    jettthasan New Member

    Hello, when I was using zidoo z9xpro with the software when I first bought it; When I selected hdd, other media players came in the playback options. After 1.0.95 software; Even if both zdmc and kodi see hdd, if I select a film from it, the player zido comes with its own player, it does not show different media players (such as vlc) is this a software problem? Is there anything I need to do? Thank you
    Translated with (free version)
  4. dr4go

    dr4go Member

    I just write this post in case anybody is trying / tried to do the same. If, by any means, you've upgraded to v4.3.16 of the Poster / Home Theater and would like to revert - using the Uninstall Updates + backup / restore function of the player... this fails with a force closing Home Theater afterwards unless you upgrade it again to v4.3.16. To circumvent this problems, you need to downgrade the db file of the db backup from version 45 and 39 and remove a couple of columns. So in case anybody needs help with that, just ask...
    If you're wondering why I've downgraded... it's because of the default subtitles not working by default and it really bugs me to have to turn them on every single time I watch something... otherwise I didn't have any problems with v4.3.16.
  5. Moyt

    Moyt Member

    Well, the Zidoo Z9X 8K has arrived in the post now, so I guess it’s time to move away from here.

    But I’ll drop my take moving on, on how I'll approach products with Zidoo and others alike in the future.
    I’m going to have to think of it as yearly subscription, except I’ll be buying their cheapest models of their newest range each time.

    For me it makes sense for the following:
    - I’m building a NAS so I’ll never need a model with an internal HDD bay
    - The cheapest future models are more than likely to have better chipsets/hardware than the super-duper special edition $1000+ current boxes; make absolutely no sense for me to even consider buying these other higher priced current models. If money is in plenty of abundance, then go for it.
    - As soon as Zidoo or its competitors announce another model in the very near future, I’ll sell my current model off and reduce my losses even further by putting that money towards those future models. I can easily wait between long delays.

    Of course, I shouldn’t have to go through the above lengths if a company respects the longevity of its products and customers, but that’s just how I see it right now.
    For those still holding onto their current models, seriously hope you get updates at some point even though it’s looking very unlikely.
  6. mija1789

    mija1789 New Member

    My Z20 Pro (.95 firmware) reads VC-1 movies (i.e. "Charly Wonka and the chocolate factory") without any issues but this is with the internal HDD (no network).
  7. joey_corleone

    joey_corleone Active Member

    My whole collection is DVD/BD/4k remuxes in MKV containers. I play VC-1 encoded rips all the time on my z2000 pro running .95 f/w. All content is on my NAS. There are still times when playback is choppy and pause/resume or stop/resume fixes it, but that seems to actually be across all movies regardless of video or audio codecs from my experience.
  8. darqman

    darqman Member

    For me, on .95 firmware, once I pause and resume a VC-1 encoded movie the playback is choppy and nothing will fix it. Pausing and resuming again and it's still choppy. I had to roll back to .75 to get the problem to go away.
  9. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    maybe to high total bitrate?
  10. josep23

    josep23 New Member

    when new firmware Zidoo Z9X Pro ?
    Paulo Pedullo, altcoinfanatic and KJC like this.
  11. mija1789

    mija1789 New Member

    That's also what I suspect
  12. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    May be never!
    Unclejoshc likes this.
  13. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

    While I ever remain hopeful of a new firmware fixing some of the ongoing issues, I am doubtful it will be forthcoming. I suspect the developers have abandoned this line for the most part and are focusing on the new or more expensive audio lines.

    Kinda pissed I spend so much on a box that never was able to play the files that was the main reason I bought it in the first place. (MCH SACD or DSF/DSD Audio) but at least the new line does play them. My Z2000 Pro is now in my bedroom being used as an SMB source with the internal hard drive of my audio files I play on my Z9X 8K player in my living room.
  14. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Oh... Zidoo have received the good lesson from you. Keep buying all the next models so they will learn the same lesson again...
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2024
  15. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Active Member

    I see no need to upgrade further unless there is a magic jump in tech. My only issue with the new model is no lyrics for the music player. SMB speed could be improved but it isn't a deal breaker as I use attached storage for all 4k material. I havent encountered many of the other video or sync issues that some have and I don't use Plex or ZDMC or Emby or anything like that.

    My only issue with the Z2000 is the MCH audio. If it worked I would never have bought the Z9x 8K. No need for my usage. If they get it working i will be moving it back to the living room and putting the Z9x 8K in the bedroom or maybe even sell it.
  16. Tryner

    Tryner New Member

    I dosent buy another zidoo beforce a update of my uhd 5000
  17. dr4go

    dr4go Member

    I didn't buy the new models, because...
    1) not being able to downgrade sucks bad ass - generally speaking this is a big no it they keep pushing that... not with me at least...
    2) no x266 (vvc/h.266) support -> and this is going to be a big deal breaker for all the boxes in the future. I know somebody will scream AV1 now - who knows... but still there will be some x266 material out there - independent on which codec is going to win.
    3) no Android TV certification
  18. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    4) and no root available EVEN for not Android TV certified device.
    KJC and dr4go like this.
  19. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    There are very few useable SOCs with hardware VVC support other than some Mediatek Pentonic TV chipsets which arent really useful in this type of product.
    Those chips are in some current TVs and while they have hardware VVC and AVS3 decoding in the silicon there is generally no software support as of yet, probably due to demand for the codec being almost entirely zero.

    AV1 is barely used as it stands today other than some media nerds encoding content into it themselves. I've got some AV1 encodes that I've made with ultra slow CPU encoding for the best results and I'm very happy with it as a codec, but at higher bitrates it isn't much better than HEVC, AV1s strength is when you push deep into the heavy compression it looks better than HEVC but that's too far for me and would be too far for most people buying this type of player, were purists and videophiles. HDD space is cheap and keeping the source HEVC 10bit files ripped from the UHD disks is easier.

    I'd like to see a root option, even if it's a separate firmware file and a voided warranty. but you don't need it to do things like run third party launchers or sideload apps so it's only for the very few deeper tinkerers.
  20. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    I was able to play multichannel DSD without artifacting or issues in ZDMC, but sometimes it plays in stereo and you have to hit play again for it to kick into surround (doesnt happen on Nvidia Shield Kodi at all, so I use that as the music player most of the time)

    I've recently decoded all of my multichannel DSD to FLAC anyway and they play fine, mostly 24/88.2 since that's roughly the 1:1 equivalent data rate of DSD64 for an effectively lossless conversion.
    Unclejoshc likes this.

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