Feature requests for HT4.0

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Temearoo, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. I think you are the first person to respond to my post on this. Never saw anyone from the team say anything about it, nor have I seen it addressed in any patch notes for HT.

    Maybe one day, I guess.
  2. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    Usually, they don’t respond to the requests for new features, but I know that they read this thread and some of the requests have been added over time.

    A better handling of the SRT tags and, my priority, an option to manually refresh the datas from TMDb/TVDb for a TV Show or a movie could be useful for a large part of the users.
    thivame likes this.
  3. wassit

    wassit New Member

    This is a feature I would really like too.

    Ideally just have the ability to assign a source direct to a category which then updates as the source updates.

    That way you don't have to batch edit all the folders in the source. Just tell it everything in the source now, and when updated, belongs to that category.

    Even better would to be able to automatically create a Category from a source using the source/folder name so you don't have to type it in.

    So create a source, pick a folder, choose 'Create Category from Folder' , give the option to use teh folder name for new category name, and have a 'Watch/Sync folder' option to automatically update the Category when the Folder/Source is updated
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2022
  4. wassit

    wassit New Member

    Thats exactly what I do, however when you add new content to the folder this will not show up when you go into the category via the widget. If you rescan they get picked up and you can see them if you navigate the files via Sources but they don't appear in the Category via the widget. For that you have to repeat the step of going to Source and adding the content to the widget. It will then add in the new stuff, or rather re-add everything. What I would like is the rescan to update the category via the widget too.

    The extra nice thing would be if it could give you the option to use the Source name as the category name so you don't have to type this in via the remote but I would be very happy with getting the refresh to work - don't want to be greedy!
  5. wassit

    wassit New Member

    Ok I must be doing something wrong or different to you as mine don't refresh and I have to type in a name. I will have another look and see
  6. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    When are they going to be relesed, or where can they be downloaded ?
  7. Cineast

    Cineast New Member

    - i would like to have the option to "rematch" a film/video by ".nfo"-Info

    i´m only working with the prebuild nfo files to get the right info in place. If i´m changing anything at the nfo level i always have to delete the whole libary and rematch it to have an effect in the info shown in the collection. thats quiet a lot of work compared with the little info change of one movie....
    lawdawg likes this.
  8. TifKag

    TifKag Active Member

    Thank you very much for sharing :cool:
  9. Brainscan1979

    Brainscan1979 New Member

    can you please add an alphabet bar to the overview at HT4 // and the option that you can turn off the titles at the bottom.
    this can all be done in the poster view, but unfortunately not in this view

    Canaiya likes this.
  10. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I would have a few suggestions for improvement
    - Selection sorting filter for single folders is missing
    - Scraping multiple episodes of a TV show with one disc. If a TV show was released as disc, this function is necessary to scrape e.g. 3 episodes with disc 1.
    - DVDs are recognized as Blu-ray and DVD. Currently the only workaround is to uncheck Blu-ray in the web browser.
    - Movie collections are automatically sorted by year. It would be best to add an option so that you can select sorting by year or alphabetically.

    It would be great to see this implemented.
  11. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I have a Laurel & Hardy collection with 69 movies. In this case it would make more sense to sort it alphabetically. Otherwise it would be a lot of work to sort it manually.
  12. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    I have already a "Laurel & Hardy" category with a widget. Afterwards I put all movies in a collection. This way it looks clearer in the all movies category.
  13. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    But only manually?!?! To the devs, adding an option would be great.
  14. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    The option to refresh manually the informations of the scrape (and the background images for the TV shows) would be so useful… That’s a pain to correct the wrong or missing infos when they were not on TMDb the first time you scraped, especially for the TV Shows.
    AngryVirginian likes this.
  15. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Any chance of adding an option to delete a movie within HT4?
    3DBuff likes this.
  16. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Many asked for this before. Zidoo's opinion is that you could accidentally delete file from hard drive instead of HT database. I agree with @Oldpainless. We should have an option of deleting files after watching or just cleaning up database from HT app.
    Oldpainless likes this.
  17. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    The way other apps deal with this issue, like Kodi for instance, is by having a toggle in the main system settings to allow file deletion (and therefore delete from the database too). If the toggle is off, when in HT4, say a long press would not show the delete option, but when the toggle is set to on in the main system settings, then delete file option would show.

    Just a thought.
  18. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Quite difficult to control it for medium or low level user. I agree with Zidoo as you can do it in Media Centre.
  19. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    I'm not quite sure what you are saying. Are you suggesting that the "low to medium user" of a Zidoo would not understand a setting in the system menu which says "allow file deletion" on or off?
  20. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Quite likely. As someone who has provided PC and audio support for otherwise proficient users of Photoshop and DAW’s I was constantly surprised at the lack of understanding of system settings and a lack of willingness to actually ask for an explanation. Been around for too long not to make things “oops” proof for the average user.
    vddan likes this.

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