Beta version v6.4.65 for Z9X/Z10 Pro/Z1000 Pro/UHD3000, v6.7.85 for NEO S/NEO X/NEO Alpha release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    My Z9X is on latest v6.4.65 and subtitles work for me. I download yesterday using Zidoo player. Try different movies to make sure.
  2. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Could you please see if you can download Portuguese subtitles? You can try Brazil or Portugal, either way here it just shows: search for subtitles failed.

    I tried several movies, even movies that I already downloaded Portuguese subtitles in the past, and now it doesn’t work, but if I select English subtitles it is showing the subtitles to download, it seems a bug only for Portuguese language.

    Zidoo really broke subtitle download this time, it was one of my favorite features, downloading using PC is really annoying.
  3. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    I was under the impression that the majority of the recent issues with the subtitle downloading were due to an API change with the subtitle download internet location and not necessarily caused by Zidoo?? Or is there more to it than that?
    PhenixS1970 likes this.
  4. PhenixS1970

    PhenixS1970 New Member

    I have both Z9X & Z9X PRO and subtitle download broken is a bummer (I do not want to go through the process of 1) dl subtitles on my pc and 2) rename the files so they are recognized by my APTV).
    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  5. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Open subtitle changed their API, then to correct this problem zidoo changed the firmware from zidoo, but they fixed the API problem but introduced new problems like not showing any information of the subtitles that you are download or even worse, not downloading any Portuguese subtitle.
    kovacsgergely83 likes this.
  6. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Could you please see if you can download any Portuguese subtitle on the zidoo Z9X PRO? On my Z9X non pro I can’t download any Portuguese subtitle, it only shows English subtitles, I didn’t test other languages apart from English or Portuguese to see if there is other languages with the same “search for subtitles failed” problem
  7. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Check on the open subtitles webpage and there should be a drop down menu to select the language. Then select a popular movie and see what it finds. I don’t think the general search button is all that effective.
  8. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    I am talking about the zidoo, if I go on the open subtitles website I can see and download the Portuguese subtitles normally, but on zidoo if you try the same movie it says “search for subtitles failed”

    It is a zidoo bug, English subtitles work but not Portuguese
  9. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Have you officially reported the issue via email to Zidoo?
    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  10. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Yes I can confirm this, English subs work fine but Portuguese don't.

    Didn't try any other language.



    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  11. Vinny4K

    Vinny4K Active Member

    Dutch subtitles also not working anymore.

    Exact same "Become VIP member" problem as described here:

    Some call it lazy not to download the subs manually. But this function is just very convenient with only an internal sub which is not as nice as an external sub, which is set within 1 minute.
    Hopefully this can be fixed in the future.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
    Paulo Pedullo likes this.
  12. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

  13. Paulo Pedullo

    Paulo Pedullo Member

    Developers don’t look this forum? I need to send an email so they can take action on this problem?
  14. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    Devs look this forum but mostly they don't write. Don't worry as Markswift2003 takes care of bug reports!!
  15. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Yes, if you truly want to get it reported and get a personal response, you do. How is that any different than any other product that you purchase in which you have a problem? You either call or write to a support contact. The mistake many people make is simply complaining on a forum without actually following through with an official support request. The bigger the problem is and the more people report the problem via Zidoo support, the more likely it will be flagged as important and resources allocated to its resolution. Would it be nice if Zidoo monitored every singe post on these threads and acted accordingly? Sure.. is that really feasible? No.
  16. burton

    burton Member

    Remote control sometimes is unresponsive in this version, started happening two weeks after installation, anyone else experiencing the same problem?
  17. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Hey guys

    anyone having a problem playing AAC audio ? When I play anything with AAC I no longer get any sound through my amp
  18. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Turn up the volume control on the remote. Some aac audio only comes through the remote like trailer audio.
  19. Mariusz

    Mariusz Active Member

    I have no problem with AAC sound. It works through the Onkyo receiver.
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sound that's decoded to PCM in the player like AAC, FLAC, MP3 etc is affected by the volume control.

    Bitstream sound that's decoded externally like AC3, DTS, TrueHD etc obviously isn't.

    My advice is to switch Volume Direct Mode on in Audio Settings then you can't accidentally turn it down.
    Mariusz likes this.

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