Beta version v1.0.52 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    10 messages up...
  2. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    @Markswift2003 is there rumblings of when the next firmware will be out, I could really do with black bar issue in HDR sorted and the auto mode not selecting VS10 for output when in HDR mode!
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sorry, not a clue. All quiet at the moment although I'm told there is one on the way "soon".
    hdmkv, FrostByte and xskip like this.
  4. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    Thanks Mark, its just that I'm still in my return period and if the issues don't get sorted out I will return it as there are no guarantees the issues will be fixed.
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Up to you - the issues will no doubt be sorted, it's just a case of when. Maybe return it and decide whether to buy again later when fixed?
  6. mattmarsden

    mattmarsden Active Member

    Also setting 'Mapping HDR10' doesnt stick after a system restart, it goes back to auto
  7. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    While I don't doubt that indeed there is an issue with Zidoo in this regard, I can totally see that it would be critical that your display be fully powered on before the Zidoo is powered on to prevent any possible EDID handshake errors and thus the Zidoo is forced to change your video output preferences....
  8. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    Gotta love that word from devs :D.
    Bill-Z9X likes this.
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Very true indeed - if there's no valid EDID when the box powers up, it doesn't know what the capabilities of the display (and amp/soundbar etc) are.

    Personally I always have an HDFury connected so the EDID is permanent but it's equally as useful to load your EDID into a custom slot on the Zidoo even if you don't modify it.
    vddan and Deano86 like this.
  10. Jim N

    Jim N New Member

    Any idea when the next beta is out......would love the 3D playback issue to be sorted. Thx
    hdmkv likes this.
  11. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    About 1 month ago I asked the developers if I can expect a solution for SMB problem soon, or return the player. They told me - give it back. So I did and I feel much better, I don't have to deal with problems and wait forever for the next FW.
    Return the player and wait a couple of months, hopefully by Christmas the system related problems, like the one with viewing files via SMB will be solved.
  12. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    there is already a new alpha floating around for the z20 pro...guess it can't be that long...for sure before x-mass :p
  13. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    I once pre-ordered Z9X 3 years ago, I know what I'm talking about ;) but I keep my fingers crossed for you :D
  14. clueluzz

    clueluzz Member

    I personally see a significant difference between the previous gen player to the newer player. As for is there a noticeable difference between Z9X Pro and UHD5000, it’s there but it’s only more noticeable when watching in my home theater (185”)
  15. tc2007

    tc2007 Active Member

    Anyone able to use external USB HDDs / drives on Kodi or other apps on the new devices? At least on UHD3000, I am able to access the HDDs on Kodi but not on the Z9X Pro. Looks like the Android TV version doesn't allow it. Yes I have changed the file permissions etc. No avail.
  16. Genadi

    Genadi Member

    you must set it manually during playback
  17. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    There is an issue with the current firmware and the new machines where NTFS formatted drives can't be read over SMB. Formatting EXFAT cures that but won't allow file transfers from PC to Zidoo larger than 17gb or so. Firmware will fix the issue soon I hope.
    Venmaster likes this.
  18. DennisTheMenace

    DennisTheMenace Active Member

    I was able to access my usb drives when I installed this version of zdmc
    dr4go and tc2007 like this.
  19. nutzer

    nutzer Member

    Experiencing picture stuttering with DTS track (downmix output via SPD/IF)
  20. Venmaster

    Venmaster Member

    Does anyone else find that after adding large amounts of data to the poster wall the player hangs (i.e. black screen when trying to play a video) and the only way to fix it is to do a system reboot?

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