Firmware : Z9X v6.0.30_G Z9X v 6.0.22_G Beta Z9X v 6.0.19 Beta!1645&authkey=AJHy49oIMXyyK_4
For those on v6.0.17_G, to activate Google Play Store: 1. Open Play Store, then close it - this generates the GSF ID 2. Goto Settings/Other/About and take a note of the GSF ID 3. In a web browser, goto, log in and enter GSF ID and hit <Register> 4. Restart Z9X
Don't want to cross post with AVS too much, but... There are a lot of bugs to iron out as you might expect at this stage, but one thing I will say is that the Dolby VS10 engine has massive potential. With the right EDID, the conversion of HDR10(+) to SDR, DV to SDR, HDR10(+) to DV, and SDR to DV is the best I've seen. I'm not including expensive tone mapping VPs in that comparison, but once the firmware has settled down a bit the potential for projector owners with HDFury devices is very exciting...
Usually something unexpected happens to a new thing. At first, we wanted to produce 1619dd products. If we did, we would start selling them in 2019. But when we saw the effect of VS10, we changed our decision. The SDK with Dolby vision is much more complicated than before.There are many EDID possibilities that need to be addressed. When you receive the product, you may encounter some problems, but don't worry, It is just the beginning. We are developing Dolby vision support on OMX decode(about stream dolby vision), And the new MKV container standard(about profile4,5,8,9 dolby vision on MKVs), which you will see in the near future.
We was expecting bugs on these new Z series as they can do a lot more than before and adding VS10 etc we will wait patiently until there ironed out .
Amazing news! Thank you - can't wait for the DV in mkv to work. Does the 1619DR have dual stream decoders so it can do DV FEL as well as MEL?
In fact, It should only single layer(Profile MEL). You know Dolby has abandoned FEL standard on streaming. I know a lot of people are working on it, including implementing FEL through exoplayer on Shield TV.But no one is sure if shield TV lost the EL layer.It just lights up Dolby vision, It is so easy. Don't forget Dolby vision VS10 is a huge bonus
So chances are the Z9X will only be able to decode the MEL. If a mkv file has the full FEL, will the Z9X still be able to use the dynamic HDR metadata form it?
Maybe can do BL + RPU and enable dolby vision(missing EL layer). But I'm not sure the color will have an impact. Judging from the feedback from the users of shield TV, the situation is more optimistic.
That review says that the "VS10 engine will only read the HDR information of your file, and not the Dolby Vision one, even if existing" Does that mean with VS10 enabled it doesn't convert DV metadata to HDR, it will only use the static HDR metadata?
Zidoo has confirmed that they are working on the SDK, and developing Dolby Vision support for MKV containers regarding profiles 4,5,8&9. Good stuff! Based on these, the profile created with makemkv can't handle mkv-> ts file 6?