v1.1.70 Beta version for Z9X 8K/Z30 PRO/Z3000 PRO/UHD8000

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by Markswift2003, Nov 14, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not sure what you mean by "official", but yes, the vast majority of people update as soon as the latest beta is available.

    As I say, it's just the nature of these devices that they are constantly updated and maybe "beta" is a bit of a misnomer.
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    To be fair - have a look at the changelog - if you don't feel you need to update and there is nothing in the changelog that interests you then by all means stick where you are.

    I'm definitely a firm believer that if it ain't broke don't try and fix it, but generally a public beta will contain a significant number of fixes and improvements.
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  3. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    As far as the new AML boxes receive the firmware via OTA, I support your suggestion to delete the "beta" label :rolleyes:
    darkeyes909 likes this.
  4. Ktman

    Ktman New Member

    Hi yes I too think the word beta should be removed and called latest improved firmware update just look how fast they have come out with these updates and it keeps getting better and better keep up the good work zidoo technicians.
  5. Ktman

    Ktman New Member

    I have the 8000 zidoo and love it and is my main player it’s outstanding and my zappiti signature is demoted to 3D duties only.
  6. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    Had it 2 x last night on an sdr tv epi using VS10
  7. jehangir kh

    jehangir kh Active Member

    Hi Mark
    Just to let you know, I have to load the EDID every second or third time I switch on the Zidoo. I always use a custom EDID, but it still gives me trouble every now and then. There must be something seriously wrong with it. Every second or third time I power it on, I get bad colors and an overly sharp image, and then I have to load the EDID again. Does it relate to my hardware?
  8. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    More likely you havent set the actual edid ,i know i turned the custom edid thing on and assumed it was ,but you have to save it to a spot ...i use /storage /downloads
    then hit the custom edid on and show location you saved the file in
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Quite honestly I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what it is you're doing wrong.
  10. Moyt

    Moyt Member

    For some reason I can only update the Z9X 8K to v1.1.60? I have quadrouple made sure the 'receive the beta version' is checked... strange.

    Edit. Nevermind, just read on earlier posts that the latest beta will eventually appear
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2024
  11. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Also whatever happened to the difs to update from 1.1.70 to 1.1.70_G??

    I've suggested before that Zidoo should scrap having two versions. Just have one that includes the Google play store. You don't have to use it!
  12. jehangir kh

    jehangir kh Active Member

    I have been using the TV LED passthrough (Auto) setting, and every time I turn on my Zidoo, I experience color and playback problems. I wasn’t sure what was causing it until now.

    Today, I performed a factory reset on my Zidoo and selected the TV LED passthrough (CMv 4.0) option. I turned the device off and on more than five times, and I didn’t notice any picture issues. However, I did observe that when I use HDMI 2 for audio only, it slightly affects the picture quality.

    It seems the problem is related to firmware bugs.
  13. natra

    natra Member

    An update guys I have been trying literally everything to get this to work. The only thing that seems to work is if I don't skip forwards or backwards, then the movie will play fine but if I do it only one time then all of movies will lag and skip. I hope to Zidoo software engineers can take note of this Zidoo used to be the absolute best player when it comes to skipping forwards or backwards nobody can beat them. It was as fast as playing a movie on your computer. Hope we get to see it again.
    rockmeloman likes this.
  14. natra

    natra Member

    The one thing I also think is the problem is that the Zidoo player is too sensitive when you rip movies then you will have something that is called overlapping frames. I will show a screenshot. The other players has managed this that you don't notice at all, but the Zidoo is too sensitive to precise so it picks this up and hence the lag.

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:03:23.160 with duration of 0.819ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.486ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:03:32.878 with duration of 0.013ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.5ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:03:32.880 with duration of 0.833ms : 1 frame(s) dropped to reduce audio skew to +0.666ms

    DEBUG: Code 6488164 at +H3,(y25nN .yVmk:29404326

    DEBUG: Code 56 at +H3,(y25nN .yVmk:121269662

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:59:31.983 with duration of 0.833ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.483ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:59:31.985 with duration of 0.833ms : 1 frame(s) dropped to reduce audio skew to +0.65ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 1:16:29.333 with duration of 0.816ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.483ms

    DEBUG: Code 6881387 at +H3,(y25nN .yVmk:29404326

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 1:24:29.229 with duration of 0.852ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.5ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 1:24:29.230 with duration of 0.833ms : 1 frame(s) dropped to reduce audio skew to +0.666ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 1:30:34.677 with duration of 0.816ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.483ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 1:43:09.683 with duration of 0.013ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +1.5ms

    AV sync issue in stream 1 at 1:45:56.140 with duration of 0.819ms : encountered overlapping frame, audio skew is +2.319ms
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You'll have to explain a bit more.

    What do you mean by "lag"?

    This looks like a poorly encoded video - To me frame overlap is to do with telecine - ie converting 24p film t0 25p/29.97, so again, you'll have to explain a bit more.

    Maybe provide a sample video?
  16. Frostb!te

    Frostb!te Member

    Yes I do. And I even tried a full fresh server instance and got the same issue with super simple settings: use the root user. Use just 1 library (movies only, no tv series, no custom collections, no music etc.). I granted that user all rights. Mapped the path. Used the server version "10.9.6" you mentioned in some post. No luck at all.

    I forgot to mention the playback DOES work. I can also search for each movie. They also appear in the other secions like "recently added". The indivdiual movie pages (with summary text, play button etc.) also show up.

    It's "just" the library views like "movies" which are not working at all. Which makes the app unuseable.
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not really sure what to suggest - I even updated my server a few days ago to 10.10.3 because I installed a client on a Firestick and it whinged about the server being too old - and that didn't affect anything either.
  18. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    My set up is like this...

    Zidoo Z3000 Pro----->Denon x3800H---->Philips Hue 8K SyncBox----->LG G4 TV HDMI 2

    Everytime I run my Harmony activity to turn everything off - everything turns off and then the APTV4K box comes back on....and then this also triggers the Zidoo Z3000 Pro to turn back on. I have all CEC related settings off on all my devices. This did not happen on my outgoing Z1000 Pro.
    I know the APTV4K doesnt respect the CEC off commands, I had this issue on all previous Apple Tv models, and I have just ordered one of these CEC less dongles - for the APTV4K.

    However seems like a CEC issue on the Z3000 pro as well - but how can that be if CEC is switched off in the Z3000Pro - Seems like the CEC implementation on the current firmware on the Z3000 Pro doesnt also respect the CEC off Command in the menu. Anyone else experianced CEC related issue on this firmware even when CEC is switched off?
  19. Visconti12

    Visconti12 Active Member

    I'm afraid that if you don’t like any issue with HDMI-CEC, add a blocker connector.
  20. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    Yes I have one coming today for my Apple TV, I'll try it on the Zidoo as well - seems both devices dont respect CEC off commands, I thought it was only the Apple TV, but looks like Zidoo is a culprit too.

    @Markswift2003 How do I raise a bug report for this please?

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