v1.1.42 Beta version for Z9X 8K/Z30 PRO/Z3000 PRO/UHD8000

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by mirror, Aug 16, 2024.

  1. jehangir kh

    jehangir kh Active Member

    I have got soundbar directly connected with z3000 pro . I have checked 7.1 and 5.1 atmos did not find any issues. Even atmos sourround effects got better.
    I hope they add the feature of custom zoom in in aspect ratio.
  2. darky_zidoo

    darky_zidoo Active Member

    I noticed that some DV blurays of old movies are way way less grainy than on my old Zidoo.

    I also noticed that when I resume a movie there are 2 or 3 "flashes" or "frame stuff" happening shortly after. Then movie continues. (Except when i try to record it)
    darkeyes909 and stedman like this.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ok, got your file - what am I looking for?

    I set as follows:

    Playback/Auto frame rate/Local playback: Match frame rate and resolution

    Display/Resolution: Auto switch to best resolution

    Display/Color Settings/8K: Priority YUV420 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/4K 50~60Hz: Priority YUV420 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/4K 23~30Hz: Priority YUV444 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/Non-4K: Priority YUV444 10BIT
    Display/Color Settings/HDMI Signal format: Enhanced format

    Display/HDR/UI Display Mode: SDR
    Display/HDR/HDR Output Mode: Auto

    My UI is 4Kp60 SDR and the file plays at 2K23 SDR as expected. Obviously there's an HDMI resync due to change in frame rate and resolution, but nothing unusual happens.
  4. theory

    theory Active Member

    Mark, thanks for taking a look. It looks like you've got everything set up like I do. What was happening is the video never shows up after playback starts. The progress indicator on the display will start, but on my Sony is just the TV background. I just tried a couple of more things and what seems to have made a difference is not loading the custom EDID file I was using. It's the same one you created for me for my Z20 Pro to trick it into thinking my display doesn't support DV. It's the same television in this case, but do you think I would need to get a new EDID exported from the Z3000 Pro (and customized again) if I wanted to bypass DV again?
  5. Laseriano

    Laseriano Member

    Hello, I use the zidoo with a Jvc Nz7 projector and I have a 2:35 format screen, could someone tell me where I can locate that configuration since the zidoo is in 16:9
    thank you
  6. JCW

    JCW New Member

    I just upgraded from Z9X Pro to Z9X 8K and I really like the performance and new GUI of the new box.

    Subtitle scaling and position are greatly improved, the same with options for handling the different image settings.

    But I cannot get the online trailers to load is this a common issue?
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    So does the picture eventually appear or does it just stay blank?

    I don't think it can be the EDID - it should be exactly the same, but if you want to export again and post it, I can remove DV again so we can eliminate it.
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not available at the moment I'm afraid - the AML SDK doesn't allow scaling below 80% so the devs were unable to add it - they have a ticket in with AML so hopefully it will be resolved.
  9. Laseriano

    Laseriano Member

    Because of the chip it is not because the R_Volution does have the 2:35 mode, that is a big mistake on Zidoo's part that will be returned then.
  10. theory

    theory Active Member

    It stays blank. I would attach a new EDID, but once again I'm running into the same issue I had the last time I did this. It keeps on exporting a completely blank file onto my flash drives. Last time I was able to resolve this by selecting one of the preset custom EDID and toggling off before trying to re-save. This time that's not working. I will keep troubleshooting here.

    Edit: Okay, I got it to work after rebooting

    Attached Files:

    • edid.bin
      File size:
      256 bytes
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Says who?
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Attached without DV - as I say, I don't think this will solve it, but I've been wrong before :)

    Attached Files:

    theory likes this.
  13. theory

    theory Active Member

    Thanks Mark, I'll give it a whirl!
  14. Choufleuri

    Choufleuri Member

    I know I'm a little be focus on this Zoom command. :)

    Do you think that the % incremental Zoom as on the R_volution 8k is impossible on the Zidoo 8k ?
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It should be possible as the SOC supports it - I've put it forward as a suggestion.
    Eki Shaw and Choufleuri like this.
  16. theory

    theory Active Member

    Yeah, so it didn't help like you expected. So strange. It must have something to do with frame rate matching as they work as soon as I disable that. I guess we will just let this one simmer. Maybe it will get fixed up as a side effect of some other related fix in the future. I could try hooking up my Z3000 Pro to my smaller setup upstairs, but I'm not sure what it'd tell us if those particular mkv's starting working (downstairs has newer Denon + Sony A90J, upstairs newer Marantz + Samsung OLED)
  17. Choufleuri

    Choufleuri Member

    May I suggest you to use the Masks on your JVC NZ7; I use this command to avoid the Grey bands. I use the masks for all the Aspect Ratios, from 4/3 to 2.76.

    In my case, I'd like to have the incremental % Zoom for 4/3 movies, because the JVC masks are not enough large, it stay a little gap that I could compensate with a slight zoom.
    Possible in ZDMC or in the R_volution 8k.
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yeah - bit flummoxed over this one. The TV, amp etc doesn't care what the video codec is, as far as they're concerned it's just a video stream once the Zidoo spits it out, so VC-1 or not is irrelevant to them.

    Things like this are a process of elimination to see which bit of kit doesn't like which bit of kit.
  19. darkeyes909

    darkeyes909 Active Member

    My dune8k allows the hard drives to be kept available in stand by. Be great if Zidoo did this.
    vddan likes this.
  20. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    @Markswift2003 @mirror

    I have Z9X 8K - it has firmware v1.1.42_G ????

    It seems that the seller installed version v1.1.42_G on my Zidoo without my knowledge...

    Reading this:


    I thought that the new Zidoo would come to me with firmware v1.1.38

    Is this normal? Should this be the version in a completely new box?
    I thought there would be a lower version and I would have to choose whether I wanted the G version or not

    Please explain - because I'm completely stupid and I don't know if it's ok or not.....

    Additionally - I use Polish and Zidoo but File Manager is in English - no Polish translation...

    In general, there are a lot of untranslated issues in the menu - much more than in its older brother...

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2024

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