It would be great to get NAS-kit also working for X8, X9S and X10. I know these boxes have OpenWrt which is more versatile and powerful, but it also has an entirely different non-Android user interface. I do experience NAS-Kit as very suitable for the casual/simple NAS user (covering most customers) and OpenWrt for advanced/demanding users. Using different Server names and Port numbers both may be active concurrently as far as I can judge easily.
yes id like to see this app work on x9s and x10. is there an android store app that does the same that will work for now until zidoo make this nas kit work with x9s x10?
that's from a app on the old x9, you probably have a x9s with openwrt , and you are posting on the wrong forum.
hi, I got a problem with zidoo x9s and nas kit version 1.0.7 apk ... after download file apk and installing it on my box there is a windows appair who say " reboot your system"... well I did but nothing change ! every time always the same message... looks like didn't installing anything.. so what can I do for having this gas kit ?? thank you for help me zidoo x9s firmware v.1.4.12 android version 6.0.1 alberto
This NAS Kit is for X9 not X9S. Nas in X9S is already part ot X9S system, uninstal NAS Kit and go in android setting of your X9S under Other you will find OpenWRT. Use OpenWRT.