Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619BPD Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes - behaviour depends on the display capabilities and the DV Profile of the file.
    Azrael likes this.
  2. jt5298

    jt5298 Member

    Great! Thanks.

    One thing I am confused about. This statement: "i just wish it would not touch SDR and convert only HDR material."
    Talking about the VS10 engine. If I play a 1080p Blu-ray file, the file should be untouched and sent to the display, maybe it's upconverted to 2160p. The VS10 engine shouldn't need to do anything to a 1080p file, correct?
    If the file is a 4k SDR movie it shouldn't have Dolby Vison anyway so why would the VS10 engine do anything. Dolby Vision should only be on HDR content, correct? I'm pretty sure I don't have any 4k SDR movies anyway, but this confuses me.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The previous generation had different VS10 options to this one so you could apply VS10 to SDR content only, or HDR content only, or DV content only or any combination thereof.

    Unfortunately Dolby stopped this in the latest SOC so we now have VS10 HDR and VS10 SDR options only (which to be fair, we didn't have before, although were possible with custom EDIDs...).

    But none of this affects setting to HDR auto and allowing the content to pass through natively.
  4. jt5298

    jt5298 Member

    I think I understand, but what happens to my 1080p bluray movie then?

    I see you have and older JVC projector. That projector doesn't have onboard tone mapping like mine, correct? I also see you love using LLDV with your projector. I don't completely understand how that works? Would I get any benefit with this on my JVC NP5?

    If I have a movie with DV and decide to use the VS10 engine to process this and send it to the projector, what does the tone mapping? I assume the Zidoo does the tone mapping? If so, do I need to disable the tone mapping in my projector? This is my first JVC and I still don't completely understand how all this stuff works.
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Is set as I said above - HDR on auto and auto res/frame rate - a 1080p bluray will output in 1080p SDR - no tone mapping is done by either device because it's SDR.

    My PJ uses a static gamma curve to tone map - I feed it an LLDV signal in BT.2020 which is essentially the same thing as HDR10 but with added Dolbyness.

    If you send a DV file in HDR Auto, it will be converted to HDR10 by VS10 and your PJ will still need to tone map it.
  6. jt5298

    jt5298 Member

    Thank you! I think I understand it a little better now. Can't wait to get mine to try it out!
  7. obrbobr

    obrbobr New Member

    I have a question:
    can ZIDOO be set to play only HDR images from rips that contain DV and HDR10? I don't like the DV picture - it's very dark. If I run these rips in the player, my TV always shows DV :(
  8. limitz

    limitz Member

    It can be set to output DV as HDR
  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes - two ways to do it - either set HDR to VS10 HDR in which case all content (including SDR) is output in HDR10 but processed by VS10.

    The other way, if you want all output native (ie using HDR Auto) is to use an HDR10 only EDID (see "BT.2020 HDR10" in the EDID thread). This fools the player into thinking it's connected to an HDR10 display.
  10. Mano9423

    Mano9423 New Member

    So I also have a question. Just purchased my Z9X Pro, having come from the Z9X. On the Z9X, I liked having the VS10 set to engage for all media, including SDR, just because I liked it, don't judge me! Haha

    On the Pro, when I set it that way, the TV automatically triggers into Dolby Vision, so all apps display in DV including YouTube etc. I don't understand why that happens, because it wasn't something that happened on the Z9X. I can set the VS10 to just activate for SDR content, the TV stays in the standard display mode, but then apps like YouTube don't recognize HDR content and trigger HDR on the TV. The only way for an app like YouTube to trigger HDR seems to be if the VS10 is set to Automatic. Why doesn't that setting just impact files utilizing the intenal player? Is there a way to alter the settings so that external apps like YouTube will still trigger HDR without having the VS10 set to Auto?
  11. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    You should literally go back up this page and read the prior posts and it may become clear as to what is happening....
    xskip likes this.
  12. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    HDR settings have changed for the pro range. If I was you I would not use any Zidoo for anything other than for its main purpose of playing locally stored media. They just don't work well with apps.
  13. Mano9423

    Mano9423 New Member

    Appreciate the suggestion, and I did try searching a few keywords, but to go back and read 16 pages of posts seemed a bit too labour intensive over just asking the question. Apologies if my question has been asked and answered before.
  14. Mano9423

    Mano9423 New Member

    I kind of disagree. I did buy the Zidoo for the purpose of my local media and that is it's primary purpose. I have had Shields in the past and currently have a 3rd Gen Fire Cube connected to the same TV that I was using for legit streaming and YouTube etc. I found the Z9X a bit laggy with apps like YouTube, but otherwise I really didn't have any issues. The Pro is not even remotely laggy and if I can sort this small issue, I could see it being a more complete option for me. I really don't mind swapping back and forth between the Zidoo and the Cube, but my wife is a little less keen for that, so the more I can do with the Zidoo the better! Haha

    If it isn't possible to do what I am asking, that would be disappointing since the Z9X was doing it just fine, but just seemed a bit laggy.
  15. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    No. go back up just this page and read ... at worst go back 2 pages on this thread.. that is all... it literally took you longer to respond than to just go back a few posts and understand that the VS10 options have changed on this 1619BPD box as compared to the 1619DR.
    xskip likes this.
  16. Mano9423

    Mano9423 New Member

    Oh, no, I apologize, I am very aware that the options have changed. I can see that with my own eyes when going through them. My question is why those settings now impact files that aren't being played through the Zidoo player when, on the previous model, that wasn't the case? And more importantly, is there any way to alter that so that apps like YouTube, which aren't using the Zidoo player, won't be impacted by those settings?
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I've updated the details about this on the front page so they're a bit clearer:


    VS10 options have changed from input dependency to output dependency:

    Dolby Vision VS10 Engine (Output DV)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as Dolby Vision (as long as EDID allows).

    Dolby Vision VS10 Engine (Output HDR)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as HDR10 (as long as EDID allows).

    Dolby Vision VS10 Engine (Output SDR)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as SDR.

    Dolby Vision Low Latency (LLDV, YUV422/444/RGB, 10/12-bit)
    Uses VS10 to output GUI and all content as LLDV (as long as EDID allows).
    Available colour sub-sampling levels and bit depth options for LLDV are dependent on EDID.
    KoolPal, dr4go and xskip like this.
  18. pakos

    pakos New Member

    Hi everyone. sorry for my english. I wanted to ask in the zidoo settings I can't find the words Display/Color Settings/HDMI Color Range: Auto ***. I have an LG G2 TV, should I do something?
  19. Mano9423

    Mano9423 New Member

    Thanks for that Mark! Appreciate it. So, to clarify, on my LG TV, when the VS10 would engage I would get the "Dolby Vision" flag from the TV on the upper right corner of the screen and the "VS10" flag in the upper left. When I set one of these settings and it engages Dolby Vision on the TV, but I don't get the VS10 flag, just the Dolby Vision the GUI is, at that point, going through the VS10?

    Sorry if this all seems stupid to you, but for some reason I find it important! lol
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No - it's automatic.

    Oddly they added it back into a recent internal firmware but then took it out again for the release.

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