Pls Help Test Z9X with Oppo 203

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by B0RN, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Gotcha, I see what you are saying now.

    PS, wish I had the 007 movie on the stream in DV so I could take the Oppo and Z9X out of the equation and see where it landed.
  2. Nzbcave you can download the iso
  3. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    I have the movie but need it to be on stream so I can play without oppo. Or can I use my LG alone?
  4. Download the mkv and try if your lg can play it
    B0RN likes this.
  5. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Not sure why I didnt think of that before! Hopefully it plays in DV and everything and we will see if Oppo is right or wrong in comparison to Z9X.
  6. The oppo is right my panasonic ub9000 is the same like the oppo only the oppo is a bit sharper
    B0RN likes this.
  7. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Easy test! Will find out tonight.

    Side note, please use commas and periods in your sentences lol otherwise its confusing to understand run-on sentences. No disrespect, just goes a long way in understanding.
  8. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Just giving my opinion real quick. I have a LG C1 65" TV. I have watched a bunch of Dolby Vision movies and I think they look great. I'm not seeing any sort of "dull" or "life-less" picture. I am using TV-Led Dolby Vision btw.

    The only thing I have compared it to is the Nvidia Shield. The Zidoo absolutely looks better than the Shield with TV Led DV. The shield has this sort of reddish/orange tint to DV content. The Zidoo doens't have this.
  9. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    That's interesting. Have you watched the Mad Max Fury Road blu ray? It's been a while since I saw it but I imagine there are probably a lot of clipping issues, right? If maxcll is reaching 10,000 nits, but the tone curve is 4,000 nits, that means that it will be clipping everything above 4000, right? I'll have to go back and watch that blu ray now! I bet it's mostly just the crazy bright fire effects that will be clipped. I think those are the effects that reach 10,000 ha.
  10. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Pretty sure Mad Max Fury Road is only HDR10 UHD.
  11. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Funny story, last year when I first got the z9x, I complained and complained that zidoo looked absolute trash compared to oppo and shield. Like a massive difference across the board. Almost returned the unit 4 days after cuz nobody knew what I was referring to either. They didn't know any better lol
    And then soon after, purely coincidently, they pushed an update fixing the clipped blacks and viola, Z9X was much much better in PQ and in line with Oppo/Shield. Of course the issue we are seeing here is a unique example, a small sample with big noticeable difference so its not a huge deal to everyone but it has me hanging onto my Oppo for now.

    Point being, if you havent seen the difference yourself, its hard to know what you are missing.
    Frank Kasteren likes this.
  12. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    It is only HDR10, yes.
  13. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Sorry I need to clarify with you again. Is it only a sub-set of movies that is showing differences between Zidoo and Oppo? If so, which movies? Apologies as I'm sure you've repeated this a bunch of times, ha.

    Just curious, is the Oppo also HDMI 2.0? Just tryna rule out all possible variables here. Also, which picture mode are you using on your C9 for dolby vision? You made sure you have all the AI crap turned off I am assuming? And you are sure that your "black level" is set to 16-235 (or whatever it is) on your Zidoo, right? You're not using 0-255? And you made sure you have the Zidoo set to output 10 bit 4:4:4 ycbcr?
  14. The zidoo wil not output 10bit 4:4:4 in dolby vision tv led 8bit RGB
    B0RN likes this.
  15. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Yea you're right, sorry. I was thinking of HDR10. I want to confirm that you guys have the correct black level set on the Zidoo though. You should NOT be using 0-255 (rgb full).
    B0RN likes this.
  16. Wen a app on my tv is 90% the same as my z1000 pro I think something is really wrong
  17. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    I don't really see how this is a problem? The main benefit of the Zidoo Z9x (in my opinion) is not only its ability to have good PQ, but also its ability to pass through Lossless Audio and also the ability to direct play a bunch of different audio/video formats. The Zidoo z9x also cost me $230 USD.

    Also the largest benefit is that I do not have to use Plex. God I HATE Plex. I hate it so much...

    Edit: Also the Zidoo has a gigabyte ethernet port of course.
  18. Nova player can do the same for no money
  19. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Nova player is just an Android app, correct? An app cannot give you lossless audio pass-through unless the device its on supports that as well....same with a gigabyte ethernet port.

    The Zidoo isn't the ONLY device that does these things of course. This space does have some competition. I'm just saying that the PQ of Zidoo wasnt my only motivation for buying it.
  20. My tv can passthrough lossless I testing it today and it works atmos dts x it all works
    B0RN likes this.

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