Pls Help Test Z9X with Oppo 203

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by B0RN, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Honestly I really can't listen to these people drivel on.... I've tried, but I just zone out.
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    And yes, I'm aware of the irony :D:D
  3. matien

    matien New Member

    I connect my external HDDs to Z9x pro via a powered USB HUB, I turned on the smb server and try to reach those HDDs through a laptop running win10. I can see all the HDDs and internal storage though the HDDs names are kind of strange. But when I click into those HDDs I can't see most of the files and directories except for one or two directories. Yet the internal storage is just fine. I posted a thread but no one has replied yet.

    Maybe you can help check with the development team and solve my problem. Thanks a lot.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Probably because you posted in the wrong section. I'll move the post.
  5. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Fair enough. I included screen captures below so that you don't have to listen to the actual videos :)

    In the below example of a monitor review:


    at the 17:50 mark, you see the two graphs? One is labeled EOTF and one says Luminance. What tone curve is the graph on the right using?

    My confusion is that if you watch the below HDTVTest video:


    On the same monitor, at 8:38, the 1000 nits graph looks identical to the right graph in the first video i posted above from monitors unboxed.

    So when reviewers show luminance EOTF tracking, do they normally use a 1000 nit tone curve to demonstrate this?
  6. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    I am still trying to wrap my head around this but from a source and this pretty much answers the initial "why" about No Time To Die UHD and few others. Basically, Cinema mode is the only accurate DV mode on LG tvs. While Cinema Home (which is what I use) over tracks the EOTF and zidoo can't handle it properly because its not doing tv-led correctly like an Oppo would.

    So my issue is two fold - using Cinema Home and Zidoo not liking it. Cannot tell you the "how" yet so please don't ask. But if I used Cinema, Z9X may be fine the way it is and thus not noticeable by others that don't have an LG which uses something called IQ to do more dynamic tone mapping behind the scenes that other tv manufactures don't do.

    This vid talks about it here:
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  7. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Wow. Good find! How in the world did you find this? Lol. I have a few comments/questions.

    1. So this confirms that cinema home mode is innacurate, eh? :p

    2. He calls the Zidoo one of the "fake" TV-Led players. Why is it fake? Because of what we discussed before regarding Zidoo doing the composer or whatever? @Markswift2003 was "fake" misleading here? Makes it sound like the Zidoo can't do TV-Led properly. Just wondering if perhaps that's not the best term.

    3. So there is little to no difference between an oppo/zidoo/c9 internal player when using the normal cinema mode? Have you tested this to confirm?
  8. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    1. Yes, it is inaccurate but will continue to use it because I do not have the luxury of watching in a pitch black room. Cinema is very dim in comparison and hard to watch in a room with even some light. May be better on newer LGs with more nits to boot.
    2. Couldn't tell you.
    3. No, there's still a diff. where C9 internal player trumps the Zidoo/Oppo even in Cinema mode - I would think that's due to it using CMv4.0 and upconverting.
  9. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    For #3, didn't @Markswift2003 already say that it doesn't work that way? You won't get any benefit unless the content itself was mastered with CMv4.0

    Also this doesn't explain anything then. If it's happening in cinema mode then there is something else going in here...
  10. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Up-conversion happens even for 2.9 data. Up to you to take it how you want it, I am certain that is what is indeed happening.
  11. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    I cannot say for sure. I'm not knowledgeable enough. I just go off what @Markswift2003 says. I thought he said that wouldn't cause this. Sorry to ping you so much Mark!
  12. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Its the only factor that's different between the 3 devices. And its not by much in many cases but its there.
  13. Reset_9999

    Reset_9999 Member

    ''up convert'' is probably the wrong word. The difference is in the DV engine itself. On Cmv2.9 devices there are a couple of bugs that were fixed on CM v4.0 devices. So regardless of the content, there will be a difference between a cmv2.9 and cmv4.0 device for sure.

    1- the lldv bug
    2- chroma upsampling is done in rec709 on cmv2.9 devices
    Jimbo Randy and B0RN like this.
  14. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    What was the LLDV bug? Would you avoid that if you set the Zidoo to TV-Led? Or will it still happen due to how the Zidoo does TV-Led DV (aka "Fake" TV LED as per that video)
  15. Reset_9999

    Reset_9999 Member

    On the zidoo, there will be no difference between player-led and tv-led(at least for the RPU). In both case it's the player processing the dynamic metadata.

    The lldv bug is the L2 trim chroma weight not working. I made this test file that show it clearly:
  16. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Excuse my basic questions. I'm still learning about this.

    So are you saying there is no visual PQ difference between LLDV and TV-Led dolby vision?

    So I can't avoid that LLDV bug, even if I do TV-Led?

    Again, sorry for any basic questions or anything you've already answered. This is a bit confusing and i am trying to wrap my head around it.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  17. Reset_9999

    Reset_9999 Member

    yes, it is exactly what it means. Check the file I posted on your zidoo and TV internal player, you will understand.

    You can also check this file. I captured the LLDV signal of the Shield (cmv4.0) and Sony x700/Chromecast with an HDMI lossless capture card.
    this file is HDR, so watch it in HDR10 for a better representation of the difference. That particular scene is around the 1 min mark
  18. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Thanks. Yea, that is concerning then. It means TV-Led DV is essentially broken on the Zidoo.....not good.
  19. Reset_9999

    Reset_9999 Member

    Well, it's not really a big issue IMO. L2 trim chroma weight is almost never used in movies.
  20. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Oh, sorry. I must have misunderstood. Gotchya. Hmmmm so then I'm trying to see what is likely driving this brightness PQ difference between Oppo/C9 internal/Zidoo/etc.....

    Do you really think the chroma upsampling would have that much of a visual impact? What is your best guess on what is going on here?

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