Z9x Pro internal Samba Server problem

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by matien, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. matien

    matien New Member

    I connect my external HDDs to Z9x pro via a powered USB HUB, I turned on the smb server and try to visit those HDDs through a laptop running win10. I can see all the HDDs and internal storage though the HDD name are kind of strange. But when I enter those HDDs I can't see most of the files and directories except for one or two directories.
    DennisTheMenace and Bill-Z9X like this.
  2. fsuguy92

    fsuguy92 New Member

    Same issue for me. So frustrating
    DennisTheMenace and Bill-Z9X like this.
  3. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    I can confirm the problem, but I don't think it is the problem of Samba Server. I installed an IPTV app and wanted to restore the backup from the app, the app has this function. I did the backup on the UHD3000 and saved the backup file to different locations on the Z2000Pro, USB stick, local hard drive, download folder in the system. However, when selecting all the locations, only empty directories are displayed.
    Local data is only displayed in the Media Centre.
    Alan Bates likes this.
  4. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    Reply from Zidoo Support:

    "We are working on these issue, we will fix them via new firmware release, please wait for more days."
    Alan Bates, DennisTheMenace and xskip like this.
  5. techos

    techos Member

    Did they say how many days?!
  6. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    If they had said that, I would have posted that.
  7. techos

    techos Member

    Indeed, if you had the info at the time. I wondered if maybe they had updated since and maybe you did not have time to update the thread :)
  8. Bill-Z9X

    Bill-Z9X Active Member

    When I have answered you, I would also have the time to post the exact date here ;)
  9. Domenico310776

    Domenico310776 New Member

    hi all I also have problems with internal samba server, my hd connected to the usb 3 port is not seen in the samba share of the z9x pro
  10. domi80

    domi80 Member

    its not fix yet. when i put my usb stick in usb port of my zidoo z9x pro. and i visit the drive over the windows network with samba on. i can seen all those files on it when i click on the usb drive. but when i click on the map of the connected external hdd drive i cant seen the files inside it. when will this fixed? monday i have did the software update v1.0.52. but this update will not fixed the problem. wich software update will fixed this problem and when can i expect this update?
  11. GizmoGuy

    GizmoGuy New Member

    Same problem... Pro is not a media server without this functionality!!
    LoremIpsum likes this.
  12. Venmaster

    Venmaster Member

    Aye, I have this same issue on a new Z2000 Pro ...

    The internal Zidoo drive is fine, and I can see all the folders from my PC and Laptop but the Seagate 10TB drive I have inside the Z2000 Pro is limited on what folder I can view.

  13. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    It's a bug with drives formatted as NTFS and will be fixed with a firmware update.
  14. Venmaster

    Venmaster Member

    Yeah, I read that ... Hoping it comes soon.
    geebolt likes this.
  15. Favre

    Favre New Member

    Hello, I have two Zidoo Z20 Pros, I have a 10 TB internal disk and it is impossible to read the disk from Windows despite SMB being activated, the disk appears empty
  16. Favre

    Favre New Member

    it's been 2 months already !!!!!
    yo3ggx likes this.
  17. DennisTheMenace

    DennisTheMenace Active Member

    Hi I installed the Alpha firmware, yes I know you shouldn't do that, but I can say the problem with SMB has been solved for me. I can now see all files via SMB from Windows, and get full copy speeds of 80 MB/s to 100 MB/s.
    So it can't take too long until a working firmware appears. Of course, it depends on how many errors the Alpha firmware contains or how many bugs they want to fix besides the SMB.

    But I only tested this quickly with a 4 GB file. I don't have enough time today to test SMB copying in detail
    dr4go likes this.
  18. Favre

    Favre New Member


    Where can we find the Alpha version?
  19. dr4go

    dr4go Member

    You should ask @McBluna and his wonderful website (full-packed of resources and information about all Zidoo devices). Seriously unthinkable without it...
    McBluna likes this.
  20. DennisTheMenace

    DennisTheMenace Active Member

    Yes it is on @McBluna Website
    But I don't recommend installing it, because sometimes I have a error that my movies don't start to play, after installing this firmware. Then I have to reboot my player. This happens not often, but sometimes. Decide for yourself whether you want to install it or not

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