PlexToZidoo : An external player for plex using native Zidoo player

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by gogo789, Nov 4, 2022.

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  1. karmu

    karmu Member

    I've checked the tags in the MKV and all is correct. Also, in Kodi/ZDMC/HT4 the forced subs appear.

    I've just tested the 'Zidoo Plex' app from this thread.
    That works, too.
    Any ideas?
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  2. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    On the debug screen what does it say for the subtitle index? Maybe PlexToZidoo isn't able to find the subtitle files from your plex server for some reason. If you can take a screen shot of the Plex xml file that would also be helpful(
  3. karmu

    karmu Member

    Do you mean the XML from the movie?
    Here we go:
  4. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Yes that and I asked for the subtitle index listed on the debug page of PlexToZidoo. Based on the XML of the file I see the forced subtitle stream but the subtitle index on the PlexToZidoo debug screen will show me if it was selected or not. Also when you look at the movie in Plex does it list that subtitle as selected? If you can get a screen shot of the plex app on the zidoo that might help as well.
  5. karmu

    karmu Member

    OK, here it is.

  6. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Well I can tell you that your path substitution isn't working correct so PlexToZidoo is just passing the HTTPS stream through to the Zidoo player and maybe the player doesn't support subtitles through a stream like that, I don't know. But I can tell you if you get your path substitution to work correctly then the subtitles should work.
  7. karmu

    karmu Member

    I got it, simply changing '//' to '\\' did the job.

    Thanks a lot.
    bowlingbeeg likes this.
  8. karmu

    karmu Member

    Another little problem:
    Plex offers a lot of good old stuff for free (films, shows...)

    But whenI try to play them, PTZ shows 'That didn't work', no debug screen.
    Is it possible to redirect these streams to the internal Plex player,
    or to remove the path substitution?

    Live TV works with the internal player.
  9. lufc001

    lufc001 New Member

    Just installed this on my Z9X and have to say it’s amazing. Thanks for the hard work in putting it together.

    I do have one issue though is that the Plex App is stuck in mobile mode and no matter how many times i change it to TV mode it reverts back once you login and keeps prompting me to change to TV mode.

    Also nitpicking and may already been covered but is there a way for the screen that appears after you click play in Plex not to be displayed?
  10. karmu

    karmu Member

    Install an old version... read here
    lufc001 likes this.
  11. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    As @karmu mentioned you need to install an older version of plex because the newer versions of plex have a bug that doesn't allow you to switch to TV mode. But once you've done the setup you can then install the newer versions of plex and the TV mode will stick.

    To get rid of the debug screen you just need to switch it off in the settings and then it will jump right into the movie. I have that enabled by default to help during setup but once it's working feel free to turn it off.
    lufc001 likes this.
  12. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Because Plex is setup to use an external player the PlexToZidoo only gets control after Plex sends me the message. So I can't redirect the video stream back to the internal player. The only thing I can do is send the remote stream to the zidoo player and hope it works. I haven't looked at the free Plex Live TV, TV shows, and movies stuff so I'll do that and see if I can get it to work.
  13. Dezed13

    Dezed13 New Member

    FYI it’s safe to update to the latest zidoo firmware with respect to Plextozidoo, haven’t noticed anything broken as a result. I dunno why I took the risk but will let y’all know if I see any issues on my end.
    bowlingbeeg likes this.
  14. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    no issues here either with latest FW.
    bowlingbeeg likes this.
  15. lufc001

    lufc001 New Member

    Thanks all, installed the latest version once i installed the old one and all seems great now. Even got rid of the debug screen. There is in an issue now where the Plex themes seem to not be working. Anyone noticed that? The backgrounds on all the menus are black.
  16. Dezed13

    Dezed13 New Member

    yea plex broke the backgrounds a few months ago. I stick to version 9.11 something, the backgrounds work on that one, they properly blend with the media
    lufc001 likes this.
  17. lufc001

    lufc001 New Member

    Ah ok, right I’ll go install this version.
  18. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I just updated PlexToZidoo to version 1.4 which includes:
    • Add import/export capabilities - requested by @Rob W
    • Sanitize data on debug screen
    • Attempt to play Plex free streams - requested by @karmu
    • Improve error handling and show error message on debug page
    Gilgamesh likes this.
  19. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    @Rob W the new import/export settings is pretty simplistic but should hopefully be good enough. It imports/exports from the file PlexToZidooSettings.txt in the download directory. I had wanted to allow the user to select a file to import/export but couldn't get that working on the zidoo. It was working on my phone so I must have been using something that only newer android systems were capable of. So in the end I just hardcoded the file name and directory. The file itself is in json format so it should be easy enough to manipulate. The other catch is I do not save off the password because I didn't want that saved off in plain text in the download directory. Hope this works for you.
  20. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I tried to get the Plex free streams to work but I couldn't get them to work. I did make changes to pass the stream onto the zidoo player but the zidoo player didn't seem to work with them. At least the ones I tried. Let me know if you have better luck. But really the zidoo is meant for local content so it doesn't surpise me that it doesn't handle these odd web streaming files.
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