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PlexToZidoo : An external player for plex using native Zidoo player

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by gogo789, Nov 4, 2022.

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  1. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    bowlingbeeg, I found one more small issue that could be worth fixing. When I open a library, the unwatched indicator (orange marker in top right corner of the movie poster) does not appear on any of the movies. However, if I open the info page for a movie and then return to the library, the indicator will now appear for that movie. It only appears for the specific movies that I open and then return to the library page. It never automatically applies the rest of them to the library view.
  2. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Hmm ... That was working for me, but I'm out of town for the weekend so I can't check
  3. chrisdc039327

    chrisdc039327 New Member

    Yes, I figured that out eventually :) It was a bit confusing at first, but I get it now :) Thank you!
  4. Przemyslaw

    Przemyslaw Member

    I have been using ZDMC (20.2) with ZidooPlexMod and PlexToZidoo with no issues in the last couple of weeks.

    Today, out of the sudden, I am not able to laund ZidooPlexMod in ZDMC as I am getting ZidooPlexMod error (red cross at the top right side of the screen). When I check the log file, I cannot determine what might be wrong.

    I installed Plex from repository just as a test and strangely, I am not able to launch it either.

    Reinstalled the add-on, reinstalled ZDMC but nothing is helping?

    Do you have any idea on what might have happened over night? I was watching a movie yesterday evening - there were no issues at all

    Kodi log is attached - not sure if it helps.

    Attached Files:

    RDS - Z9X Pro likes this.
  5. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    I'm having the same issue suddenly today. I think I have identified the source of the problem, but I'm not a programmer and can't trace the issue any further myself. It looks like three add-ons updated automatically yesterday (urllib3, six, and future). In my Kodi log, I can see that an exception is now occurring in calls to urllib3. I've attached a screenshot of the add-ons where you can see the three that updated, and my log where searching urllib3 near the end of the file will show the errors occurring.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  6. Jauschua Stout

    Jauschua Stout New Member

    I am also having the same issue.
  7. VeryRandomDude

    VeryRandomDude New Member

    Correct, I reverted urlib3 to 1.26.16 and Plex worked again.

    You need to get the old zip from kodi mirror and block it from auto updating

    for some reason it won’t let post the link (see pic)

    Attached Files:

    bowlingbeeg and RDS - Z9X Pro like this.
  8. Jauschua Stout

    Jauschua Stout New Member

    Thank you for figuring this out!
  9. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    Thank you, that worked! I tried installing it by adding the web path to the mirror as a file source, but it didn't seem to actually install the Zip even though I could see it in Kodi. I had to download the file on my computer and install the Zip manually.

    I only found one mention of this issue online so far. A post today on the Kodi forum: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=375246
  10. VeryRandomDude

    VeryRandomDude New Member

    It should do, I did it that way. Plex needs to be installed first so the dependency is there then downgrade urlib3. But as long as you’ve figured it out it’s fine.
  11. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Are you still having this issue? I'm not able to reproduce on my setup. The unwatched indicators are correct in the library view. If you can maybe you can turn on the debug logging and then capture the kodi.log file. If you do please DM me directly and I will give you a spot to upload the file.
  12. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    VeryRandomDude and RDS - Z9X Pro like this.
  13. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    There is now one issue posted at least in the original and fork, so it's possible to track:

    Edit: Update just now from Pannal: "Fixed with 0.6.5+rev5"
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
  14. Przemyslaw

    Przemyslaw Member

    Thanks @RDS - Z9X Pro

    Do I understand correctly that this is fixed for Plex and the fix will be implemented next in ZidooPlexMod?
  15. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I have to wait until they are committed into the upstream GitHub repo so that I can incorporate them into ZidooPlexMod. As of right now that hasn't happened.
    Przemyslaw likes this.
  16. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    In the meantime, I've noticed another consistent issue on movie pages. With internet review ratings enabled, they overlap the video/codec details on the right side of the page. I've attached an example screenshot. Is this something you have control over, or something that has to come from upstream? A possible fix could be to push the video/codec text (starting at '4K' in this example) to a second line and just have the first line stop at the content rating (in my case the MPAA rating of 'R').

    Attached Files:

  17. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I'm not able to reproduce that. This is what mine looks like. Is your display set to something other than 1080p or 4k?
  18. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    Wow, I wonder why it's scaled differently. Mine is set to 4k (2160p). It's also set the same on the display page in Kodi and in the Zidoo system display settings. I opened the ZidooPlexMod settings page from within the Kodi add-ons menu and don't see anything there that would seem to affect the issue. I attached a screenshot of the Plex about page with resolution and versions shown.

    Attached Files:

  19. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Do you have a different skin/theme in use? I don't think that should affect the ZidooPlexMod script but you never know.
  20. RDS - Z9X Pro

    RDS - Z9X Pro New Member

    My Kodi skin is Arctic Zephyr Reloaded v2.0.5.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
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