PlexToZidoo : An external player for plex using native Zidoo player

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by gogo789, Nov 4, 2022.

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  1. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    That issue with the Plex Dashboard not showing the video is something else. I think I have a handle on that one and I'm in the process of trying to fix it.

    As far as trying to change the hard coded hub list I don't remember what issues I had but I do know it caused subtle problems. I had always planned on trying to look at it again but I think it will require some major rework so we may be stuck with it.
    Jauschua Stout likes this.
  2. Jauschua Stout

    Jauschua Stout New Member

    That's unfortunate, but is what it is. Your plugin is still the best overall solution for the Zidoo. I appreciate all your work on this app/plugin and the help you have given me in getting everything setup for the best experience.
  3. karmu

    karmu Member

    That sounds good because it could solve the problem I described at DM.
  4. karmu

    karmu Member

    With the beta,
    a small issue, the GUI is a bit :eek:
  5. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Sorry, can you explain what the problem is?
  6. karmu

    karmu Member

    The tiles, usually a consistent background.
  7. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    No it's always been that way.
  8. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    New version of ZidooPlexMod(version 0.2.2)
    • Merged upstream changes from version 0.6.2-1
    • Fixed some Plex dashboard issues

    I also setup a Kodi repository for ZidooPlexMod. There's a bunch of tutorials on the internet on how to add a repo to kodi but these are the basic steps:
    1. Go into the Settings->File Manager and add this as a source:
    2. Go into Addons->Install from zip and select the bowlingbeeg.kodi source you just added
    3. Install the latest zip file in that source(0.1.0 as of this post)
    4. Now that the repo is installed you can go into Addons->Install from repo->bowlingbeeg.kodi->Video add-ons and install the latest ZidooPlexMod(0.2.2 as of this post)
    5. It will uninstall the old manual version of ZidooPlexMod and install the new version from the repo.
    6. Now that you've installed the one from the repo it should get auto updated when I push new versions
    As always let me know if you have any issues.
    karmu likes this.
  9. karmu

    karmu Member

    Sorry, my mistake.
    I confused something there.
  10. karmu

    karmu Member

    Great! This makes updates much easier and faster.

    A note about the file name:
    It would be good to put repository at the beginning, as many other developers do:
    e.g. ""
    This makes it clear to everyone what it is about.
  11. Jauschua Stout

    Jauschua Stout New Member

    I've been using the 0.2.2 beta for the past few days, and it's worked flawlessly across multiple Zidoo devices and about 30 hours of playback. Incredible work!
    bowlingbeeg likes this.
  12. awayowlet

    awayowlet New Member

    Does this support ripped extras features organized in plex library?
  13. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

  14. lightsout

    lightsout Member

    Thanks for this I finally checked it out. I think I have it running with the standard plex client. I have a couple questions.
    1. Where should I see if the path is correct? I have debug enabled, when I hit "info" I see a bunch of data scrolling, such as "device" and "drm". But no mention if the SMB path is correct.
    2. Do I understand correctly that not that I have things working I can update to the latest version of Plex? is there any need for this at this time?
  15. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    1. You need to have debug enabled in the PlexToZidoo app. When that's enabled then a screen will pop up(it has a purple "play" button) after you've selected your movie. On that screen you will see a "Path Substitution" line, that will be your direct smb path that is passed to the zidoo player. If it's an https:// address then your substitution settings aren't correct in PlexToZidoo.

    2. You should be able to update to the latest version of Plex and have the external player stick. Although if it's working I would suggest you leave it until there is something you really need. There's no real guarantee that Plex won't make some change that breaks the external player support.
  16. lightsout

    lightsout Member

    Thanks that is very clear, I think I did something wrong. Initially I missed the step of selecting "external player" in plex before changing to TV mode. I cleared the app data for Plex and thought that would be enough. I then set up plex again, this time doing the setup correctly. But when I select play on a movie I get the usual popup to select which external player. I never saw any debug or purple play button, it just took me straight to the zidoo internal player. It sounds like plex2zidoo is not being utilized at all. I think I will start over.

    I agree on updating Plex. I'll leave it until something breaks.
  17. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    When you got the android dialog to select the external player you needed to select PlexToZidoo. If you picked the zidoo player that won't work and you may need to clear out the defaults in the android settings if you selected "always".
  18. lightsout

    lightsout Member

    I think you're correct but where is the default? I looked under Plex in Android settings. Even cleared all data from Plex. It's still stuck on the zidoo player.

    ##Edit I even uninstalled Plex and still can't get the pop up to choose the video player.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
  19. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    I think it might be in the zidoo player app ... which if I remember correctly is called gallery. I'm not next to my zidoo so I'm just going off of memory.

    Edit: Now that I think about it some more I think it's in the PlexToZidoo app. And if I remember correctly there is a "clear defaults" button
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
  20. lightsout

    lightsout Member

    I was in the incorrect place. There was a defaults section in advanced settings that I believe got it.

    Thank you. Things are working great now. My resume points are functioning properly. This is excellent. Much appreciated.
    bowlingbeeg likes this.
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