PlexToZidoo : An external player for plex using native Zidoo player

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by gogo789, Nov 4, 2022.

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  1. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    It’s getting a bit confusing in this thread as it seems to be morphing into the Kodi exclusive thread. Does plextozidoo work with the z9x pro at this point? I didn’t think it did, but saw a post earlier saying the newer version was for the pro variants?
  2. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    In order for it to work on the Z9x Pro model you have to install Kodi, then plex2zidoo & plex2kodi addon. That's the way I have it running and it's working just fine.

    Just to elaborate a bit further, once you get all that installed, go into the plex2zidoo app and fill in the substitutions they look like the below example: (taken from bowling's github page)

    Go into PlexToZidoo settings and fill out the following required settings
    • Part of the path to replace
      • ex: /media
    • Replace with
      • ex: smb://192.168.x.x/media
    This will ensure that your subs work. I tested this with multiple Anime shows. All my files are .mkvs with subs in them.
  3. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    Right but just to confirm what you are saying, at that point you are using Kodi as the client on the Zidoo correct? Meaning you’re stuck with the kodi UI and are NOT using the actual Plex app which has the Plex UI? I have a non-pro model and use the Plex client on my current Zidoo with the plextozidoo app which allows it to use the external player and connect to the Plex server.
  4. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    It looks like a plex client to me, and I am using the zidoo as my external player and not using kodi's player. I hope that answers your question.
    fnhanks likes this.
  5. fnhanks

    fnhanks Member

    Interesting. Can you share a screenshot of what it looks like? I’ve always hated Kodi’s UX, so if this is skinned to look like the normal Plex app, then I’d be ok to use it instead and would then upgrade to the pro.
  6. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Here you go I hope that helps.

    Attached Files:

    fnhanks likes this.
  7. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Does anyone autostart plex in kodi? Just curious, as I was asked in another forum and wasn't sure if this was possible.
  8. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    it's possible, when Plex opens, go to your username and settings, you'll find the autostart option.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  9. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Nice I'll try that right now. But just to be sure there is no way to start zidoo and have kodi open up into plex by default correct? I just want to give this guy a detailed answer.
  10. karmu

    karmu Member

    That is also possible.
    Go to Kodi in the apps and press the menu button.
    You will find it there.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  11. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Ok I just went checked the auto sign in with plex and that actually auto signs in the user. I was curious if I could set Kodi up to when I click the Kodi icon that the plex program auto starts. Also, I can't find apps in Kodi. I'm using 20.2.

    Thanks for your help btw .
  12. karmu

    karmu Member

    Apps in Zidoo
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  13. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    he means the Plex addon inside Kodi, it's not possible to launch it without launching Kodi, but launching Kodi will launch Plex addon, best you can do.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  14. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    I guess I should explain what I am trying to accomplish better. I am trying to turn on zidoo and have it load up kodi automatically, and have kodi automatically load plex. The first part can be done by going into apps and going to kodi and hitting launch on startup. What about the second part?
  15. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    yes you can if you see my first answer when you're inside Plex.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  16. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    I did see your first answer and couldn't find the apps. Unless you meant the actual program zidooplexmod, in which case when I click on menu it doesn't give me an option to autostart.

    Edit - I also did go into settings inside plex Main - Automatically Sign In, checked that box, and all it did was sign me into the user without a pin only after I clicked on the plexmod. It didn't auto start once Kodi started.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2023
  17. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    the PlexMod is the Plex app, when you're in inside the app you should see your Plex username to the top right, press it and you see settings.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  18. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Just to make sure is this what you're talking about?

    Attached Files:

  19. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    check under advanced.
    gyrene2083 likes this.
  20. gyrene2083

    gyrene2083 Member

    Damn, I could kick myself I looked in Advanced and didn't see it. LOL, Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate your patience.

    I just powered everything down and powered it up and it came up as I expected.
    Gilgamesh likes this.
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